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  1. G


    If you do a self-exam and find something unusual, then get a mammagram that is "normal", don't leave it at that. Not all breast cancers can be picked up on a mammagram. An MRI will pick up much smaller cancers, but it costs a lot more so that is not standard procedure. So if you detect a...
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    Ladies' Choice (~BHM, ~BBW, ~~WG, eating)

    Very nicely done. I read it twice just to be able to savor the details. I liked the way you developed the characters of Valerie, Jo-Anne and Jay. Louise was not as well developed, but she's not as central to the story either.
  3. G

    need advice about pain in my knees

    For foot pain, shoes can certainly help a lot. I find that rolling a tennis ball around on the soles of my foot also helps somewhat, particularly in the morning. I also got a bandage to wrap around the sole of my foot when I sleep, which seems to help.
  4. G

    need advice about pain in my knees

    The specific supplement that was recommended to me was Triple Flex: http://www.tripleflex.com/faq.asp The triple strength version contains glucosamine hydrocholoride (1500 mg), chondroitin sulfate (50 mg), salicin from white willow bark (240 mg) and hyaluronic acid (10 mg). The above link...
  5. G

    Weight Loss May Not Be Effective in Preventing Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis

    I have OA, and also am fat. There is a causal relationship... my OA made it difficult for me to exercise (used to run 30+ miles a week), so I gained weight. After I gained, doctors would tell me that I needed to lose weight to address the OA -- but how could that be true if I first got OA...
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    Colon Cancer Symptoms

    The best approach is to get regular screening. I had polyps removed 5 years ago, so just went back from another colonoscopy, and had (smaller) polyps removed this time as well. So at this point, I'm going to need regular followup colonoscopies.
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    need advice about pain in my knees

    I also have "clicking" in my left knee, due to OA. My doctor told me that I developed OA as a result of doing long-distance running for 10 years, 30+ miles a week. I was very lean at the time (140 pounds), so my OA wasn't weight-related. The doctor advised me to take supplements that can...
  8. G

    One Good Man by Ashblonde (~FFA ~BHM, Romance)

    I really enjoyed the emotional journey of this story.... the heroine's ups and downs made the "delishy yumminess" all the more satisfying, and her (and his) ability to straighten things out after a less than auspicious beginning makes me feel hopeful for their future together.
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    Ashblonde's Thread

    As a long time reader and admirer of your work, I wanted to say "Thank you." Your stories are deeply satisfying, combining romance and passion with an FFA sensibility and a wonderful sophistication. They are also incredibly sexy ;) Ashley's search for love as an FFA mirrors our own...
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    Does Chemistry Ever Come Later?

    For me, a large part of attraction is about body scent. This won't make me fall head over heals for someone by itself.... but if other things work and the scent is right... I find that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things work. When I first dated someone whose scent I was...
  11. G

    The healthy-eating thread. No fad diet talk!

    A few years ago, I went to a nutritionist who analyzed my diet, and recommended that I increase the amount of (healthy) fat. This included eating more fish (e.g. salmon), almonds and avocados. At first this was hard to get used to -- how could putting more fat in my diet possibly be healthy...
  12. G


    Docs told me it is set off by inflamation, which can have many causes. I had had the flu just before; my left knee has less cartiledge; I didn't stretch after spinning, allowing tight muscles to pull on the knee; my blood INR was high, allowing blood to pass across the capillaries, increasing...
  13. G


    Did a spinning class two weeks ago Sunday, then woke up on Monday with my knee swollen. Diagnosis is bursitis. Have been hobbling around on a cane, and treating the knee with Cold, Compression and Elevation, using an inflatable cold compession sleeve. Anyone else had this? How long did it...
  14. G

    7 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

    Here is one reason *not* to drink Green Tea: blood clots. Green Tea contains Vitamin K, which enhances clotting, lowering INR. Those of us who are susceptible to clotting need to be careful about consuming Green Tea products.
  15. G

    Hip & Back Pain = No sleep for me : (

    A few years back I have had severe lower back pain that generated shooting pains down my legs, and as well as occasional numbness. This made it difficult for me to walk, and as a result I put on a lot of weight (75+ pounds). The doctor blamed the condition on my weight (even though I...
  16. G

    Glucosamine and chondroitin

    I have little cartiledge left in my knees or ankles. A few years back, my doctor advised me to use a supplement known as Tripple Flex, which includes MSM, Glucosamine and Chondrotin. This has considerably improved my ankle pain, but has done little for my knees. The other thing I noticed...
  17. G

    I guess I'm not meant to be fat

    Well, I've had some of the same experiences. Once my weight gets over 200 or so, my glucose levels and tryglicerides start to go up, and I get back and knee problems. At one point I got up to 275, but it was quite painful to be at that weight. On the other hand, gaining muscle prevents...
  18. G

    an FFA's confession

    Often doctors blame weight for problems without fully understanding their cause. There may be things your boyfriend can do improve his mobility and lower the pain he is experiencing relatively quickly. This in turn may allow him to increase his activity level. A few years ago, I had...
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    Favorite Poem?

    Asphodel that Greeny Flower, by William Carlos Williams: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15541 Captain Carpenter, by John Crowe Ransom: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/captain-carpenter/ The Dreamsongs, by John Berryman: http://www.poemhunter.com/john-berryman/ From Dream...
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    Favorite Poem?

    Hugh Selwyn Mauberly, by Ezra Pound. Written about WW I, but as timely today: IV. These fought, in any case, and some believing, pro domo, in any case .. Some quick to arm, some for adventure, some from fear of weakness, some from fear of censure, some for love of slaughter, in...