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  1. Scorsese86

    "Use the Force, Mickey!"

    David Lynch was offered to do Return of the Jedi. I wish he would do a Star Wars movie... it would be, erm, weird.
  2. Scorsese86

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    This year's Halloween costume: in honor of my pick for the next President of the United States of America, I dressed up as a Mormon.
  3. Scorsese86

    Term limits

    In general, I do favor the system as it is today, but I still find it a bit problematic that senators like Strom Thurmond, Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy spent a lifetime in the Senate. Thurmond was 94(!) when he ran for the Senate the last time, (and won).
  4. Scorsese86

    Dims Crushes

    It's that whole Hussein vs Willard-thing going on:p
  5. Scorsese86

    2012 Singles Thread

    Let's meet soon :)
  6. Scorsese86

    Term limits

    Last year, back when Rick Perry (oh my) was a candidate, and Herman Cain (oh my :doh:) were candidates running for the GOP ticket... ...Term limits was something most of us on the GOP side were debating. What's your opinion on this? Should there be limits, like in the 25th for a...
  7. Scorsese86

    Colin Powell's former chief of staff -- "my party is full of racists"

    It's so nice to know there are no Democrats who are racists :blink:
  8. Scorsese86

    Dims Crushes

    See there. A perfect and friendly insult:)
  9. Scorsese86

    2012 US Election: Predictions

    Me? Obsessed? :shocked:
  10. Scorsese86

    2012 US Election: Predictions

    Did you know I'm a Norwegian? I live further away from the US than you, actually.
  11. Scorsese86

    2012 US Election: Predictions

    You gotta be kidding me! Harry Reid is the Senate Majority Leader, (and a Democrat).
  12. Scorsese86

    2012 US Election: Predictions

    What's going on in this thread? Lib: All who votes for Romney are evil and stupid! Con: All who votes for Obama are evil and stupid! Lib: You hate America! Con: You hate America! Lib: How can you trust Mittens? Con: How can you trust Barry? And so the story goes... What happened to real...
  13. Scorsese86

    2012 US Election: Predictions

    :doh: Do you find it disturbing that Harry Reid is a Mormon?
  14. Scorsese86

    Dims Crushes

    Hell, even I have (man)crush on you, Dromond. You liberal jackass:p
  15. Scorsese86

    2012 Singles Thread

    Suddenly I felt really jealous... what a truly lucky guy.
  16. Scorsese86

    2012 US Election: Predictions

    Someone will win... But I refuse to answer this question right now. It's still open. I hope Mitt will win, but Barack might be re-elected. Right now, it's 50-50.
  17. Scorsese86

    BBW Presidential Debate Moderator

    In other news: a black man and a Mormon are running for the presidency. Now that's something to talk about! And the third debate will be moderated by a man who survived bladder cancer. Will this also be a topic?
  18. Scorsese86

    2012 Singles Thread

    Listening to some Dire Straits now. There's a line in "Romeo & Juliet" that reminds me about my ex. "You promised me everything You primised me thick and thin, yeah Now you just say - oh, Romeo, yeah You know I used to have a scene with him" Anyone else who's still friends on FB with...
  19. Scorsese86

    The Presidential Debate

    It's coming home, It's coming home, It's coming... Republican's coming home Everyone seems to know the score They've seen it all before They just know They're so sure That the GOP's gonna throw it away Gonna blow it away But know they can play 'Cause I remember Elephant on a...
  20. Scorsese86

    The Presidential Debate

    John - I think you know what I think about you. I think you are one of the few honest and thoughtful people at Hyde Park: you don't post cartoons, and you don't yell. Hell, I even respect you, and I think you respect me too. The world economy? Did you see who won the Nobel Peace Prize this...