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  1. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Of course they do! Especially from you, I might add. :smitten: The world needs more lovin'. :D Next time I'm around Mass, I'll make sure to apply. ;)
  2. M

    More Dirty Tricks

    And the non-crook upstanding citizens would have marked Ds, not doubt? ;)
  3. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Oh I wish, that way I could be a BBW! :wubu: But alas, I am of male orientation. :(
  4. M

    More Dirty Tricks

    Have any more recent support than 2008, other than the Soros propoganda piece?
  5. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    She wouldn't have minded if I was combating pondscum. It runs in the gene pool, remember? :rolleyes:
  6. M

    More Dirty Tricks

    Why would a simply photo ID requirement be regressive? Couldn't the all-efficient gov't make the acquisition process seamless? They do a pretty great job already: this would only fortify the system should another Florida 2000 take place. We want the recounts to be impartial, right?
  7. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    All's well that ends well. While the loss has been hard on me, I know God needed her home early.
  8. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Diana's death being entertaining? No, of course not. Just that it was the most memorable thing I can remember (but again, I'm on the young side) about her life. Leading up to AmazingAmy's childish antics (which I had to catch up to top), I was entirely sincere and forthcoming about my opinion of...
  9. M

    More Dirty Tricks

    Since when did it become the default to block progressive reform on a real voter fraud epidemic in the country? Who are the statists now? Conservatives are first and foremost for upholding the rule of law, and the current system (tainted by years of neglect) plagues our democratic system. Once...
  10. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Well aren't you Amazing then? Can't wait to read your usual drivel. :eat1:
  11. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    My mom died three years ago.
  12. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Please doctor, where might I find the other twelve steps? I have a long journey ahead of me yet! :eek:
  13. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Au Contraire, mon frère...entirely consentual and devoid of financial transaction. ;)
  14. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    And now you've supposedly curved out. Not all of us are blessed with genes of your calibur...glad to see you've evolved beyond the need to argue [removed] since then.
  15. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    It's only a matter of finances before I procreate. Sucks to be Amazing. :eat1: :p :happy:
  16. M

    More Dirty Tricks

    Only in pussyfooting America would our lax voter ID laws be considered remotely disenfranchising. Why do we force people to register properly in order to drive responsibly, yet to vote responsibly you don't need to register properly? Only in Alternet America is setting a reasonable standard a crime.
  17. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    I suppose you know from experience? Well then.
  18. M

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Realize is spelled with a 'z' in real English, a.k.a. American now. You misread me when I actually gave a damn enough to be awake at 5 A.m. for the wedding, understanding its importance to The Crown and all. But you had to boogerface on my honest opinion of the overhyping coverage, not their...
  19. M

    Silly Birthers

    Okay, Whoopi Goldberg. Paint everybody that seeks to uphold the rule of law from a slippery Chicago politician a racist contingent. Wouldn't giving someone a pass because of their race be another benign racism worthy of the card? If we were to judge not on the color of skin, but the conduct of...
  20. M

    Ants in the The Afterbirth

    No. The crux of the Birther movement have met their objective. Things will start to get all-too-serious with the Debt Ceiling vote. But you should be asking why Obama fails to remotely address the litany of problems just spouted off.