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  1. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Older Big Women

    54 year old LOVING this thread! LOL!
  2. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Charlotte Meet Up Official Planning Thread/Roll Call

    Yeppers! The 23rd would be just fine with me!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, Kara
  3. Theatrmuse/Kara

    What do you like about the previous poster?

    He's intelligent, witty, handsome and knows more about llittle electric boxes/receivers ???? and stuff than anyone I know! PLUS, I am oh so happy to call him a dear friend!
  4. Theatrmuse/Kara

    BBW in Academia Show Yourself

    I have had my MFA since 1996.........teaching (adjunct faculty) at local colleges for the last 13 years. However, right now I am not even teaching at all....tis the sign of the times.
  5. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Charlotte Meet Up Official Planning Thread/Roll Call

    I DON"T believe it..............May 16th is another charity concert with WOmansong..............for Nami and Mental Health..........so you KNOW I have to participate. Could we choose another day, if no one else minds? I LOVE the Cornerstone!!!!!!
  6. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Who's Coming Thread - Are you coming? Let us know!

    Ann Marie............How do we delete our names (David and Kara) from the list. As sad as this makes me.....I wrote Heather and Carla already and told them that finances are dismal for my family right now and I must stay home.:mad:
  7. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Charlotte Meet Up Official Planning Thread/Roll Call

    We could go ahead and plan another Asheville meetup in addition to a Charlotte one...........I am game! Speaking of game, anyone interested in going bowling????:)
  8. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Big on Batik

    Yeppers...............love 'em!:D
  9. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Shoshie's Journey

    Darling, I am so sorry to read about your hospital adventure..........yucky! I am hoping that you will be feeling a bit better soon and at least able to get some much needed sleep eventually. I LOVE your new posted pics....you just adorable! Just adorable! Thinking of you today and...
  10. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Happy birthday, Goofy Girl!!

    Happy Birthday, Goofy!!!!!!!!!! Hope your day was marvelous! Hugs, Kara
  11. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Have you ever seen a ghost?? If not then show me a convincing web one!!

    Oh Lawd, you speak the truth!!!!!! And in person, oh geez.........he had quite an affect on me!!!!!:p Barry told me......"Oh yes, I used to watch Most Haunted.........and then I grew up!" LOL!
  12. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Open Marriages?whats Your Thoughts...

    "Because while you may want to marry because he/she is the one you want to grow old with and come home to every night - he/she may not be the only person you love and want to have sex with. Sex and love are 2 seperate things at least for me. Whenever anyone asks why I got married? I say...
  13. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Have you ever seen a ghost?? If not then show me a convincing web one!!

    Nope, haven't seen her or talked to anyone who has seen her. We did get some interesting orbs just outside her room and by the balcony that she supposedly was thrown or jumped from. ;-)
  14. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Have you ever seen a ghost?? If not then show me a convincing web one!!

    I am a member of the Asheville Paranormal Society and have experienced many different types of paranormal activity since the age of 12. That's 43 years of taking notice of things that are strange for most folks. I have seen 5 full apparations, seen a shadow person once, collected EVPs, orbs...
  15. Theatrmuse/Kara

    For All You FB Lovers...

    LOL! I thought you meant FaceBook! LOL!:doh:
  16. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Etsy dresses - to size 34

    Some really cute sundresses! I am saving link with hopes of ordering at least one for the summer! Thanks for sharing, Kara
  17. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Singing and Health

    Hey all! I TOTALLY agree with this idea that singing is healthy for one mentally and physically. I also believe that music has a most healing effect on people of all ages. I KNOW it does on me!
  18. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Speedy Recovery & Well Wishes for Jay

    "Vicodin and Netflix, so I should be plenty occupied between the two." LOL! What a winning combination, Jay! So glad you went to the hospital before it got any worse. You are very lucky! Now take care and get all that rest! Your job can miss you for two weeks............ Sending light...
  19. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Surgery Update on Missaf

    THREE of the little nasties?????????? Well, it shows that it took multiple tumors just to get her down! LOLOL! Sending TONs and TONS of healing light and prayers, Jess. You will back up on your feet in no time and home to your wonderful son! Hugs, Kara:wubu:
  20. Theatrmuse/Kara

    Missaf's Surgery

    Thanks so much for the update. I have been thinking of her all day long today and sending prayers flying!