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  1. NFA

    skinny girls in highschool...

    Not only is the notion that her body is a choice just because she was once thin a very misplaced idea, the suggestion that she's "thrown away" her life because she is fat is even more flawed and deeply hostile.
  2. NFA

    Telling others I'm an FA

    To be honest, I don't think your being an FA requires an announcement to your parents. Just don't be shy about being involved with SSBBWs and be prepared to stand up for them if your parents make a fuss. There is no need to create drama where none exists. Being an FA isn't like being gay...
  3. NFA

    You tube--Fat girls and feeder (parts 2 to 5)

    Any feeder using the moniker of "FA" is desperately abusing the term. Feederism is a complete and total pervision of being an FA. Feeders who try to steal the term are just doing so to make what they do seem more acceptable. The fact that the know they cannot go off their own terminology is...
  4. NFA

    Coming "Out".

    If you were curious, I can assure you that "coming out" as a straight man has very few consequences in our society. Sure, you're differently straight, but there is no chopping block which men who are attracted to women are subjected to. There is ZERO cause for an FA to be in the closet and it...
  5. NFA

    You only date fat chicks because you can't do no better

    Actually, I do date fat chicks because I can do no better. I just mean that in a very different way.
  6. NFA

    Give Me Rep Points...pretty please?

    Geez, you only had 28 posts. Having 2 rep points is nothing to be worried about enough to go begging for more.
  7. NFA

    Why should society accept you ?

    When your first attempt at discussion is to ask that people justify themselves to you, you are acting like a troll. Especially when you preface that demand by insisting that you aren't a troll. Why shouldn't society accept fat people? Oh, right. You think we aren't healthy. Why? Because...
  8. NFA

    Fat girls you knew in high school

    I don't really think longingly about any of them. Occassionally curious, but no moreso than anyone else from high school. I actually dated fat girls while I was in high school and was very open about being an FA, so I don't really have a sense of missed opportunities. For whatever its worth...
  9. NFA

    Ideas on the origin of fat discrimination?

    Granted, but right NOW it is fat and right now there is a level of media saturation unheard of in the history of civilization. This allows the dominant appearance based discriminations to take much deeper roots and penetrate our culture unlike ever before. Further, the birth of corporate...
  10. NFA

    Ideas on the origin of fat discrimination?

    There is a difference between the origin of fat discrimination and the current basis for fat discrimination. The former would be impossibly difficult to quantify. A lot of theories can be offered, but none will ever be completely sufficient. How our culture morphed from one that was...
  11. NFA

    Why is feeding accepted?

    Its here because the people running the site want it to be here. I would not associate that with acceptance. Indeed, I don't think it is remotely appropriate to associate feederism with FA's at all. They are two fundamentally different, and I would say opposing interests. Some feederists...
  12. NFA

    fear of gaining.

    Really wanting to lose weight has NEVER been shown to be effective at losing weight. The only thing trying to lose weight has been shown to be effective at over the long term is gaining weight. Whether you accept your body or not, the chances of being able to alter it towards a lower weight...
  13. NFA

    Very Cute Gal Seen today!

    Perhaps the gentlemen need a field guide so they can develope a programmatic classification system.
  14. NFA

    Dating someone because of or despite their size

    Its perfectly reasonable, and I'd certainly say ideal, to seek out someone who is attracted to all that you are. Dating someone because of their body will result in a relationship without depth, but I don't believe dating someone "in spite of" their body is any better. Both treat the partner...
  15. NFA

    average is the new fat... my rant...

    I didn't bring it up. Traci did for the purpose of attacking someone unfairly in service of her opposition to size acceptance. That demands a response and I don't feel the least bit sorry for responding. Even if this forum prefers a false civility where a privlaged few are allowed to trample...
  16. NFA

    average is the new fat... my rant...

    You lied. I pointed out that you lied. Seems like my position against liars has been quite consistant. You may want to wash away the company you kept, but those were your choices, not mine.
  17. NFA

    average is the new fat... my rant...

    You said you couldn't see the harm in subjectivity. I explained how some would see the harm. You don't have to agree, but this is how I feel. But disagreeing with me doesn't give you the right to lie and misrepresent me as a means of refuting me. I cannot respond to a post which did not...
  18. NFA

    average is the new fat... my rant...

    The harm comes from affirming what is a disfunctional system. When we consent to the latest expansion of fat hatred, its only going to advance further. There is nothing wrong with being fat, nor is there anything wrong with being of average size, but they are different. No one should be...
  19. NFA

    average is the new fat... my rant...

    Weight hatred affects a very wide section of our society. Its not as if these average size women are choosing the identity. For most of them, its been thrust upon them. As BBW became a more widely used term, there was a counter-effect with some who very bitterly hate fat who adopted the term...
  20. NFA

    fear of gaining.

    Its not just about "eating better". What it sounds like is that there are lot of comingling issues with food and fatness that are the core problem. Any "treatment" of your eating is going to ignore the real problems and won't be effective. I'm not saying there is a magic answer, but its...