Well-Known Member
I'm still (relatively) new to this board, so perhaps I'm missing something. I honestly don't understand why feeding, weight gain, and the like, is accepted here. Not only is it accepted, it's encouraged: there's a completely separate forum specifically for weight gain, and the vast majority of the stories posted here are either about weight gain, feeding, or both.
Why is that?
Feeding and weight gain are relatively new to me and I personally find them unappealing. This of course doesn't mean that I condemn or look down on anyone who practices it; it simply isn't for me. I'm just curious as to why it's accepted here. Perhaps it's because of this quote that I found while researching the topic:
"Being a feeder or feedee is not really a CHOICE, any more than one's sexual orientation is a choice."
If that's the case, that would make a world of difference in how I see this aspect of FA. My sexual orientation is definitely the way I am as opposed to being a choice, so I would certainly understand that. I just assumed it was a fetish like any other, but it struck me as demeaning because it's associated with weight.
I am well aware that this is a controversial topic and I'm not attempting to offend, only to understand. I'd appreciate any input!