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  1. Sugar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I still don't entirely understand effected vs. affected and I feel like a moron when I know I need to pick one and I'm not sure which. :doh:
  2. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    I agree that people should back down on the judgment. I personally make no judgments on posters that confirm they enjoy this kind of talk. I know that there were a couple of posters that said some absurd things claiming a lack of self esteem for enjoying this talk...and that is rubbish. OTOH...
  3. Sugar


    Jayne, I'm sorry to hear about unruly teens being dbags to you. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and the doctor has yet to get it under control so twice in the past year I've been taken off work and I've not left the house for a couple months at a time. Right now is one of those times. I'm...
  4. Sugar

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    Ever dip the toasted coconut marshmallows in chocolate fondue? I hope to have that served as a main course at every important function from now on in my life.
  5. Sugar

    As a woman, do you like natural fibers or synthetic ones for your clothes?

    I'm so happy for small things in this pic taken today.
  6. Sugar

    Is this fat bigotry, or not?

    LOL Donni you crack me up. I mean...to me it's six of one, half a dozen of another. It's not right, but people do it...I do it. If the site only showed fat people in horrible getups then I'd say we've got a problem. As it stands...it is pointing out the absurd shit that shows up at...
  7. Sugar

    !! Happy Birthday Daddyoh70 !!

    Happy birthday!! :)
  8. Sugar

    Is this fat bigotry, or not?

    WTH...after two hours on two different nights of debating Ginny on this how did I miss this thread?!?! :p I haven't read all of the replies yet, but I will say what I said to begin with. Making fun is making fun. It's simply not OK to make fun of some guy who has gold paint all over his...
  9. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    My bad. Typically when someone quotes you...and doesn't say this is not about you...it's about you... :|
  10. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    I don't think anyone has voiced the opinion that those who enjoy that kind of talk are brainwashed. I know I haven't in any post. Again...my point to Mack who was being very rude and his posts have been removed was that this was about how to handle something like that. Once again we all...
  11. Sugar

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Pork chops, cooked apples and bean salad.
  12. Sugar

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    You ladies look awesome. Oh, and Nancypants...don't think for a second that your "angel" costume is actually going to hide your little devil horns! :):)
  13. Sugar

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I am about to go postal. I have never been so bored, so sad, so lonely or so unsatisfied. :(:mad::(:mad:
  14. Sugar

    Continental Airlines is on my list...

    This sounds like a very good start. I really admire you taking this on as well as appreciate it. I know this is for your satisfaction, but it could very well make a difference to all fat passengers.
  15. Sugar

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Comedian - 7/10 - I liked seeing Seinfeld being himself and not some sitcom character but the other guy the followed...what a therapist's wet dream. Yuck. Transformers 2 - 3/10 - I actually turned it off about 25 minutes in...it was terrible. Shia Labeouf was good enough...I've liked him for...
  16. Sugar

    Continental Airlines is on my list...

    I would be totally frustrated. I'm sorry you have to spend your time on this. OTOH...what should be the correct response? I'm not sure anything would make me feel better about flying with them again...even a free flight.
  17. Sugar

    Facebook Friends and Statuses About Fat

    Did you really just come on to a fat acceptance board and confirm that fat, clutter and debt are the same thing? For reals? :doh::confused:
  18. Sugar

    Happy Birthday SmartFatChick/SweetTooth

    Happy birthday!!! :)
  19. Sugar

    Close Account

    Stop copying me...it's giving me a complex... :p