I just read a status report from one of my facebook friends that has made me so, so angry.
This is what she wrote: "fat, clutter and debt are all pretty much the same thing - a painful sign of no discipline and no planning."

She definitely has her own body-image issues, and is also one of those super focused/driven types that feels like everything is possible for everyone if they just have enough discipline (she herself is trying to succeed as an actress, working super hard, and getting tiny jobs here and there). We lived together in college for a year (10 years ago), and she was way less intense about all of this then; she actually was even really supportive since that was the time I was struggling the most with my own fat body hatred and learning to love my body. But we're not really in touch anymore, and so I can't decide if it's worth saying something to her or not, and whether I should just keep her hidden from my newsfeed (which she already is, I just had to get another piece of information off her page and saw that status), or whether I should delete her as a friend.
Anybody have thoughts or face a similar kind of situation?
I also have a second facebook friend, who I actually do see face-to-face on a regular basis since we're in the same grad school program, who also frequently makes status updates about her awesome weight loss, how much she dislikes fat pictures of herself, etc. Ironically, she'll also always leave positive comments on all of my fat-positive links and status updates. People are complex, I know.
I realize probably TONS of people post status updates about weight loss and teh evil fatz and all of that all the time -- but oddly, out of the 400+ friends I have, hardly any of mine do; so I haven't had to really deal with it.
So I'm wondering if most of you, when you see this stuff on facebook, choose to make an issue of it and contact the person, or just forget about it and save the energy? And how do you make that decision? like, closeness of relationship or what?
This is what she wrote: "fat, clutter and debt are all pretty much the same thing - a painful sign of no discipline and no planning."
She definitely has her own body-image issues, and is also one of those super focused/driven types that feels like everything is possible for everyone if they just have enough discipline (she herself is trying to succeed as an actress, working super hard, and getting tiny jobs here and there). We lived together in college for a year (10 years ago), and she was way less intense about all of this then; she actually was even really supportive since that was the time I was struggling the most with my own fat body hatred and learning to love my body. But we're not really in touch anymore, and so I can't decide if it's worth saying something to her or not, and whether I should just keep her hidden from my newsfeed (which she already is, I just had to get another piece of information off her page and saw that status), or whether I should delete her as a friend.
Anybody have thoughts or face a similar kind of situation?
I also have a second facebook friend, who I actually do see face-to-face on a regular basis since we're in the same grad school program, who also frequently makes status updates about her awesome weight loss, how much she dislikes fat pictures of herself, etc. Ironically, she'll also always leave positive comments on all of my fat-positive links and status updates. People are complex, I know.
I realize probably TONS of people post status updates about weight loss and teh evil fatz and all of that all the time -- but oddly, out of the 400+ friends I have, hardly any of mine do; so I haven't had to really deal with it.
So I'm wondering if most of you, when you see this stuff on facebook, choose to make an issue of it and contact the person, or just forget about it and save the energy? And how do you make that decision? like, closeness of relationship or what?