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  1. eightyseven

    2007 Singles Thread... with a twist!

    You know I've got your back, darlin :)
  2. eightyseven

    2007 Singles Thread... with a twist!

    All you need to know about the city of Richmond is that the most popular sport is NASCAR :doh:
  3. eightyseven

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    Ahhh I just noticed that... though I still hold that it was clever and cute. That's one lucky pug!
  4. eightyseven

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    That was probably the most clever (and quite cute) way of keeping the photo within the Dims nipple guidelines! Love it, Heather :D
  5. eightyseven

    What Are You EATING right now?

    A quesadilla and nachos from up the street... because clearly I wouldn't be eating anything else at 2:01am.
  6. eightyseven

    7 Layer Crunchwrap Supreme

    TACO BELL... so good. Crunchwrap Supreme (of any variety) is a staple, for sure. Now I know what I'm doing for lunch tomorrow!
  7. eightyseven

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    Well first I'm so jealous that you were in Monterey... I love the Bay Area and hope to be out West after I graduate. Second, an to echo everyone, you look absolutely fantastic... the view is very befitting! :)
  8. eightyseven

    SSBBW DuckGoddess Art from '81!

    Yeah... well... I have some words... for you: We. Are. Good. At. Football. And. Our. Stadium. Is. Dank. Something like that? I don't know. It should be a fun game with clashing styles of play. Regardless... I've got my ticket reserved in the estudiantes section. I'll be sure...
  9. eightyseven

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    That is one mighty fine shirt you've got there, Miss Tinkerbell!
  10. eightyseven

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    So here's one from dinner tonight when I was out with some friends... my friend is really into B&W photography so this looks much more artsy than it actually was... though I'm always a fan of my attempt at the "Blue Steel" pose. Hahaha.
  11. eightyseven

    SSBBW DuckGoddess Art from '81!

    You know I love ya, Jay... but I believe my WOLVERINES will be devouring some roast DUCK come, say, September during football season? I don't believe the Oregon boys have ever seen something as intimidating as The Big House. Muahaha!
  12. eightyseven

    What song is STUCK in your head?

    "Mystery Dance" - Elvis Costello (Declan McManus... that's for Carrie)
  13. eightyseven

    Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day Today (Tue., Apr 17)

    We had a line that spanned three blocks in the city waiting for their free cone. Gotta love college students. It made the Detroit local news later that day. Why would anyone wait 2 hours for an ICE CREAM CONE? Beats me.
  14. eightyseven

    2007 Singles Thread... with a twist!

    Just to add another more introspective element to the discussion of "singleness"... I remember last semester in my Sociology of Marriage and Family course that we talked about being Single as a state of being and the different approaches people take to being single. It's 1:50am and I've been...
  15. eightyseven

    What are you thankful for?

    I'm thankful that I have such close friends and family that I would pretty much lay down in front of a train for... and that I have the ability to love and care about people that much to do the same for them. I'm thankful for my overall good health and the time and opportunities I have over...
  16. eightyseven

    Least favourite word for fat.

    The worst thing is when people out of nowhere that I don't even know call me "Big Guy." It pisses me off to no end because while I'm a BHM... I don't see myself as that big. I'm around 5'9''... which is funny because people who refer to me as "Big Guy" are, for the most part, taller than I am...
  17. eightyseven

    If You Had 1 Question To Ask Your God/Buddah/Pope/Higher Power/Etc.

    That's very close to my question, which would be "If my brother wanted to say something to me, what would it be?" He's autistic and not necessarily non-verbal, but very prompt-dependent. He only knows how to say a small set of words and phrases and doesn't understand social situations enough...
  18. eightyseven

    The Answer Game

    Remind me... what made you want to participate in ritual lamb slaughter? Check mate.
  19. eightyseven

    The Answer Game

    What did you wind up eating a whole bag of last night? Psh, we were creating musical fusion.
  20. eightyseven

    Questions on Stealth Feeding

    I'm not into feederism whatsoever so I'm probably a terrible person to comment on this... but I do recall a specific episode of "Malcom in the Middle," I show I enjoyed early in my high school years. The mother of the main character was pregnant and the father began to realize that he liked his...