Ned Sonntag
Outermost Hoodoo Doctor
On the NedBlog
To accompany last week's old SCREW cover this is the other really good one from the period, maybe '81, Somehow this corresponded to a traditional Korean duck-goddess, such that all the Korean news dealers in NYC put a bundle of these, art side up in their doorways to bring good luck. Al Goldstein was pleased by a spike in sales that week! This presaged my cover art for DIMENSIONS Magazine that began in '85, and depicts my wife Katy; we'd just moved in together. My Ice Age Mythology/Archaic Revival theories about the Paleolithic worship of Willendorfian Venuses were striking a chord of recognition with folks of a far-flung culture...
To accompany last week's old SCREW cover this is the other really good one from the period, maybe '81, Somehow this corresponded to a traditional Korean duck-goddess, such that all the Korean news dealers in NYC put a bundle of these, art side up in their doorways to bring good luck. Al Goldstein was pleased by a spike in sales that week! This presaged my cover art for DIMENSIONS Magazine that began in '85, and depicts my wife Katy; we'd just moved in together. My Ice Age Mythology/Archaic Revival theories about the Paleolithic worship of Willendorfian Venuses were striking a chord of recognition with folks of a far-flung culture...