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  1. eightyseven

    Yet another weight loss commercial...

    Has anyone seen this one for NutriSystem? It's for men who want to lose weight though still want to be manly men and eat hearty meals. Apparently you buy their food (how do they get it to you... I always wondered that?) that's apparently is healthy because they "separate the good carbs from...
  2. eightyseven

    Another FA Rant.

    MySpace is, in practice, the worst idea ever. By having a MySpace, you pretty much ask for attention from creeps and jerks. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that the comments from these people are crude and offensive... but it's inevitable. We see it all over the internet. MySpace is a...
  3. eightyseven

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Beef and broccoli, lo mein, and a veggie egg roll. Not the best quality... but it's cold outside so warm Chinese food always does the trick.
  4. eightyseven

    What makes someone undateable to you?

    I know for a fact that this photo is from an Australian charity function wher hundreds of people did their worst hairstyle and somehow raised money for... something. I swear I looked it up. I would have never put a photo of someone who wasn't trying to look silly, or that would have been...
  5. eightyseven

    What makes someone undateable to you?

    How's this...
  6. eightyseven

    What makes someone undateable to you?

    1) Excessive drama 2) Overly demanding 3) Lack of ambition 4) Poor communicator 5) Outward aggression 6) Poor teeth/general hygeine 7) Terribly innapropriate/wack hairstyle
  7. eightyseven

    going back to college!

    Congratulations and good luck! I don't think I'd have the will power to go back to school if I had to stop suddenly. Honestly. That's why I'm here. If I could travel and make some money full well knowing I could come right back and finish up with no issues, I just might do it. Mad, mad props.
  8. eightyseven

    What Do You Drive?

    I drive Bridget, my *very clean* 2001 forest green Honda Accord. It's a sedan with a V-6 so it's a bit of a rush to gun it on the highway... though sometimes I don't actually realize how fast I'm going. It MIGHT have gotten me into trouble once. No really, it was just once. Haha. Damn DC...
  9. eightyseven

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    Me too. AnnMarie tends to take the words right out of my mouth, so I figured I would just quote her than repeat.
  10. eightyseven

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    Hahahaha. Fat free cheese tastes SO terrible. For a good combination of health and taste, I generally go for the 2% cheese. Much better. I'm still more interested in the single women... but cheese is pretty damn excellent :D
  11. eightyseven

    Are You Fat In Your Dreams?

    I've actually never been one to make note of the size I am in my dreams. Lately I've been dreaming myself into interesting situations... and I remember many of them upon waking up, though they fade out as the day goes on. The one I remember most was from a few nights ago... I was younger than...
  12. eightyseven

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    For me, being with someone over a long distance depends upon the existing relationship. I had a much better time dealing with dating someone over a long distance who I had already been dating for 5 months previously and hadn't lived but 20 minutes away from. When I had that kind of background...
  13. eightyseven

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    I'm surprised there are so many of us single kiddos around here. Rock on! I won't lie and say I don't miss having someone... but since it's been a while (over a year since my last legitimate relationship) I'm not bent out of shape about it whatsoever. What comes along will come along :)
  14. eightyseven

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    Single. Yep.
  15. eightyseven

    Calling all Youngsters!

    And this is why you're a fantastic individual. The Stuart Scott quote. A woman after my own heart.
  16. eightyseven

    Movie: To Be Fat Like Me

    I too saw a preview for this film when watching an old Frasier episode this morning. You're not shallow... I think you bring up a fantastic point. I feel like the general public makes assumptions about several things... the first being that fat people, especially women in general, don't...
  17. eightyseven

    Calling all Youngsters!

    I'm 19... turning 20 later in the year. I'm definitely an FA, probably a BHM, and pretty sure I can't stand classifications. Nice to see all you other people here from the same age bracket... drop me a PM if you're up for a chat. I'm usually around when I'm not doing papers or studying for...
  18. eightyseven

    What does your bumper sticker say?

    I've yet to put bumper stickers on my car, but I have two ready for when I do. The first one is maize and blue (surprised?) and says "I'd rather be in Ann Arbor." The second one (see photo) is quite possibly my favorite thing ever and the only thing I'd want to get a tattoo of if I could or...
  19. eightyseven

    Weight and longevity

    I'd rather live my life the way that's most comfortable for me and die when I'm supposed to than spend my time worrying about how I'm going to elongate my life and thus inhibiting my true happiness. Quality over quantity. I don't need a statistic. I'm not a statistic and I don't plan to live...
  20. eightyseven

    Anybody watching College Basketball?

    Oden is a man-beast. I want to see his birth certificate as well as how many sedatives he's on. Unbelievable how much energy he exerts dunking yet he never expresses any real outward emotion... nor does it show on his face. Florida... that's just impressive. Kudos. I still hate OSU :D