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  1. jewels_mystery

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Tacos. I was feeling lazy today. :blush:
  2. jewels_mystery

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Pork chops, yellow rice and black beans.
  3. jewels_mystery

    What are you currently listening to??

    Death Singing-Patti Smith
  4. jewels_mystery

    What are you currently listening to??

    I'd rather go blind-Dana Fuchs. I just love her:wubu:
  5. jewels_mystery

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Korean beef, white rice and beans. yummy
  6. jewels_mystery

    So Frustrated!

    I understand what you are saying. It is getting worse with the amount of liars on the dating sites. I found a wonderful article on another dating site on how to check the ip address from emails. I find the emails source code and check it out on http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup It...
  7. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    wow. What an asshole.
  8. jewels_mystery

    The Adipositivity Project

    It is a nice surpise to see the daily pixs on my fb page. I heart the valentine series.
  9. jewels_mystery

    the image theif is at it again!

    Sad to say, sites like this has made me paronoid about giving/posting my pixs.
  10. jewels_mystery

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    I have the worst craving for some baklava or Rugelach. But I can not find it in my town. waaaaaaaaaa
  11. jewels_mystery

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Maybe the game changed. So far I haven't had to download anything.
  12. jewels_mystery

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Thank you for suggesting this game. It has become my latest obsession. :blush:
  13. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC I can not wait until the spring. I am dying to go fishing. I have not gone in years but for some reason I am missing it like crazy.
  14. jewels_mystery

    What is/are your signature perfume(s)?

    I love Alfred Sung scents-Sung, Chi and Jewel Bvlgari Rose Essentielle
  15. jewels_mystery

    Fur.... lend me your ear (ha.)

    I say go for it. I bought a vintage fur as a present for my sister several years ago from a thrift store. She loves the coat and it was in great condition. Before buying make sure you check out the inner lining. A lot of work goes into maintaining them.
  16. jewels_mystery

    Five pounds of shrimp, and no idea what to do HELP!!!

    I would make cajun shrimp alfredo. I made the following recipe and it was so good. :eat1: http://www.food.com/recipe/cajun-shrimp-alfredo-179468
  17. jewels_mystery

    Dealing with self esteem issues.

    Bravo and congrats. :bow:
  18. jewels_mystery

    Salt Cod

    I am west indian and grew up eating salted cod fish cakes, rice and salad. yummm.
  19. jewels_mystery

    An American in Germany dreams of...

    I second this. The cheapest I found it here is 89 a box on sale.
  20. jewels_mystery

    Can Someone Help Me?

    Run as fast as you can. You will only end up being a substitute until he finds what he is looking for.