Live and let die!!!
I have battled self esteem issues off and on all my life. Be it thru grade school teasing, kids always asking me if I was a teacher or a student. Or boys and now men taking advantage of my insecurities (funny how they learn that even in their teens) My sister always telling me shes the pretty one and shes the smart one. My ex husband and his attraction for super skinny blonds with giant fake breasts, lol And when I would try to show him fat porn he would say eewoo thats gross. And i'm like??? then why are you with me? I have had a string of men that want to secretly bed me but God forbid date me. I have always been the heaviest amongst my friends even my bbw friends, LOL But I still love them just the same
Ok I hate long winded posts so lets just say I have issues lol.
I noticed here when I had a outburst of low self esteem the woman here came right to my rescue, with kindness and warmth and helpful solutions. I know I am not the only woman that has battled these issues and keeping them locked in is not going to help change the way we view ourselves. I was hoping we could start a thread where woman can come and get or give helpful tips on building self esteem, Helping each other find our inner and our OUTER beauty.
One thing that comes to mind is to take your least favorite feature, knowing all you hate about it, look in a mirror study it, think about it, and find what it is you do like about it, maybe how it actually makes you unique. Mine would be my nose, I feel its huge and now a lil crooked, and the profile view is the worst. I have yet to try this exercise, but have thought about why I should love my nose, so far the only thing I have come up with is its my fathers nose, He passed away in 1999 so its comforting to see a little piece of him in the mirror each morning. My father was a very handsome man growing up and this nose looked good on him lol why not me.
So what are some tools you use to find confidence and self esteem?
I noticed here when I had a outburst of low self esteem the woman here came right to my rescue, with kindness and warmth and helpful solutions. I know I am not the only woman that has battled these issues and keeping them locked in is not going to help change the way we view ourselves. I was hoping we could start a thread where woman can come and get or give helpful tips on building self esteem, Helping each other find our inner and our OUTER beauty.
One thing that comes to mind is to take your least favorite feature, knowing all you hate about it, look in a mirror study it, think about it, and find what it is you do like about it, maybe how it actually makes you unique. Mine would be my nose, I feel its huge and now a lil crooked, and the profile view is the worst. I have yet to try this exercise, but have thought about why I should love my nose, so far the only thing I have come up with is its my fathers nose, He passed away in 1999 so its comforting to see a little piece of him in the mirror each morning. My father was a very handsome man growing up and this nose looked good on him lol why not me.
So what are some tools you use to find confidence and self esteem?