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  1. M

    When your BBW/BHM partner doesn't get your "fat fetish"?

    I am an FA with a sweet spot for soft bellies :-) My first girl friend was not happy with her size and did not want me touching her belly. This also affected me as an FA, because I would feel guilty for liking her size when she didn't. I was conscious about not being too enthousiastic with...
  2. M

    Perfection Frustration

    You know, I am a big fan of big, soft hanging bellies but none of the women I had a relationship with, had one. That was kind of frustrating to me as well, because I had met these wonderful, big women that I was totally crazy about, but they didn't meet that one "criterion" of my physical needs...
  3. M

    FA Myths Thread #14

    If that were true, every maaried woman with children would be fat. Alas, that's not the case, definitely not in the country where I live. I have noticed that the women who gain most weight during marriage/pregnancy - perhaps not surprisingly - often already had a little bit of chubbyness when...
  4. M

    FA isnt it about time we changed it

    I am also not very fond of the term "Fat Admirer" because it contains too much objectification for my liking. It reduces me to "admiring fat" and our partners to "fat that is being admired". I prefer to use "BBW lover", because it better describes what it is about: loving a person who is a BBW.
  5. M

    FA Guilt

    I feel guilt as an FA too. I feel guilt that I love the body that my partners hate. I feel guilt that no matter how much I care about someone, and no matter how much a I love a partner for the person she is, that body size also is important for me. I feel guilt because I was reliefed that...
  6. M

    Favorite BBW/BHM/SSBBW/SSBHM Film Moments

    Sorry to ruin your dreams, but she didn't gain weight, she wore a fat suit...
  7. M

    The inherent FA predicament

    If my partner wanted to loose some weight for health reasons, or even to feel better, I would gently support her. I definitely prefer that she tries to loose a moderate amount of weight on her own (with my support) than that she would turn to more drastic measures, such as WLS which is very...
  8. M

    Being shy about liking big women

    Why do you have to tell your friends that you are a FA? You can also just date big girls whitout having to explain that you are specifically attracted to them. If they ask you why you are dating a big girl, or if they just ask you what type of girl you like, you can still answer something...
  9. M

    How genetic do you think fat admiration is?

    I am the only FA in my family. I don't think it is genetic, but I do think it is somehow imprinted during very early childhood.
  10. M

    Not big enough?

    I agree with what is being said above. BBWs come in all sizes and shapes, and so come the preferences as FAs.
  11. M

    You know you are an Fa when.......?

    You know you're an FA when you stare at bellies more often than at boobies
  12. M

    You know you are an Fa when.......?

    Me too. I speak several languages and one of the first words I look up when I buy a dictionary, is "fat" and its synonyms.
  13. M

    FA Myths Thread #12

    I am an FA and I am not into gaining. I don't have a "minimum weight", but rather a "minimum shape" (if that makes sense), and once that is met it doesn't matter much whether a woman gains weight, loses or stays the same. Having said that, I find women gaining weight by their own choice...
  14. M

    Favorite BBW/BHM/SSBBW/SSBHM Film Moments

    And of course the cult film Bagdad Café with Marianne Sägebrecht. Not very well known in the US, although everyone will recognize the title song "Calling you". Music with some screenshots from the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdvbgW3YOVM
  15. M

    Favorite BBW/BHM/SSBBW/SSBHM Film Moments

    I also loved the shower scene in Porky's. But the film moment I remember the most, is a scene with some half naked BBW ladies in the David Lynch movie "Wild at heart". I can't find the original footage on youtube, but here is a re-edit that some students made...
  16. M

    FA Myths Thread #11

    Judging by the reactions and comments I often see from some fellow FAs (not necessarily on these boards) I doubt this... :rolleyes: To add to what has been discussed in the recent replies: I am an engineer and I think I may have some autistic traits, so I seem to be fitting the stereotype ;)
  17. M

    FA Myths Thread #10

    Maybe one day this will be a great topic for someone's psychology thesis.
  18. M

    FA Myths Thread #10

    If it is not innate, I'm sure there must be some Freudian explanation for it. In any case, like Conrad, I remember already being attracked to fat when I was still a child.
  19. M

    FA Middle Class

    When I was a late teenager/early 20's, this was certainly true for me. I was a shy, very nerdy guy. However, now that's no longer the case. I have matured and became more confident. Sure, I am still a bit nerdy from time to time, but I don't think they would single me out as the FA.
  20. M

    After "coming out" to partner

    I fully agree with what PeanutButterfly has written already. I would like to add that another reason for telling my partner is also that you can enjoy sex and intimacy more, especially if your partner is not very comfortable in her skin. My partner knows and appreciates that physically, it...