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  1. T

    famous BHM gushing: Greg Grunberg and John Flansburgh

    OMG. Greg Grunberg was the love of my seventh grade life. I haven't seen anything he was in since Alias, but there's always a place in my heart for him haha.
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    FFA's: could You See Yourself Dating a Skinny Man?

    I don't think I've ever done "skinny", but last year I dated a really athletic jock-type guy. He was easily the 'best' guy I've had in terms of personality and knowing how to treat a girl, but his body did less than nothing for me, which really sucked. There was a brief period where his coach...
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    Attached or looking?

    For once, single in the actual sense. I've been trying to get away from the new boy every week pattern I've been in for the past year and a half, and so far, it's been working out nicely. More time just for me, friends, school, etc. Yay!!!
  4. T

    cutesy names for your big guy

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way. But terms of endearment in general kinda creep me out...not such a fan of calling someone or being called "baby" or "sweetheart" or anything, regardless of the size thing...I'd rather just call everyone their name.
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    short but cute? pics

    I think you're cute too!
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    Attached or looking?

    Does shameless floosie work?
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    Back wearing a slim-fit shirt!

    awwww I like!
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    Raging FFA Moment

    This happens to me allll the time! It takes extraordinary amounts of willpower for me to not jump on a hot fat guy. However, I don't think I've ever been to busy to chat a hot fat guy up, so at least they know I think they're hot, even if they haven't been pushed to the wall or anything haha.
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    Shorter BHMs

    I think short guys are really hot. Even though I date a lot of tall guys, I always prefer shorter ones. But I"m pretty short, only like maybe sort of 5'4. So I like guys I can see eye to eye with. It gets awkward with tall guyys, even though I wouldn't hold being tall against someone. Sorry if...
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    My belly in all its Glory...

    Haha, this picture made me involuntarily scream 'HOT!' pretty loudly. Very nice :).
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    Noob with Moobs

    Really cute! :)
  12. T

    FFAs! Your hottest (and best) BHM encounters

    p.s. I always squeeze the lovehandles, lol. If they think I'm weird, that's ok. They'd probably end up thinking that anyway.
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    FFAs! Your hottest (and best) BHM encounters

    I really don't post that much, but I suppose I'm on a posting roll today. Woot. Let's see, one of my guy friends was hosting a prospective student at our school a couple months back who was a very cute BHM. He brought him to a party, and I practically tackled the kid in the hallway so I...
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    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    dear so and so, thanks for putting up with all my bullsh*t. lord knows you get enough of it. for example: sorry i messed around with your best friend. in front of you. sorry for making you feel guilty when you called me out on it. sorry for always leaving before you wake up, even when...
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    FA poll - Are you bi-sizual?

    The thing keeps popping up saying I need to participate more, so I suppose I can humor it and tell you all why I clicked what I did. I chose the first option because even though I've been interested in people who were skinny or muscular, it's been for reasons that aren't physical at all. And...
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    Just kind of confused...

    It's possible that's how he feels, but I don't know if that's something I could find out easily. Also, my general issue is just with having a boyfriend, not with this boy in particular, and he knows that, so I'm not sure. (This is in response to the last post btw) But it is something to think...
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    Just kind of confused...

    Thank you all so much for your responses! I agree that since this whole thing is based on physical attraction, there isn't much point in keeping things going on if the attraction isn't there anymore. And Edx, since we're both pretty close on a friendship level, it shouldn't be any problem at all...
  18. T

    Just kind of confused...

    I feel kind of weird starting a whole new thread for my personal issues, and I hope this isn't a rambling waste of time, but I have a question that hopefully you lovely folks can answer. I suppose what I'm asking is if it's horribly shallow of me to be significantly less attracted to a guy who's...