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Raging FFA Moment

Dimensions Magazine

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Disco Bear
Feb 22, 2008
I just wanted to share an experience I had today and please forgive me if it sounds at all offensive to anyone:

A very tall and handsome BHM stepped onto the elevator today at work around lunchtime. He was wearing glasses, a stylish white polo shirt and jeans. His closely cropped haircut made him look rather hipsterish and I'd venture to say he was around my age. The shirt which was a bit tight around the middle showed off his rather full and luscious and meaty love handles which rested atop a rather full and thick bottom. I was so turned on, it was all I could do to resist the sudden and powerful urge to reach out and squeeze his precious love handles, only to then throw him down on the floor and make passionate vanilla love to him. These kinds of urges don't happen to me often with anybody and the strength of it just surprised me. There were four other people in that elevator and in that moment I just didn't care. I wanted him - bad.

Ladies, have any of you ever had such urges as these?

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