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  1. D

    Fat-Forums.com gone?

    Dimensions and Fat-Forums to me are the two oldest places on the internet I visit semi-regularly. Though been a couple of months since I was last online here though, and seems like Fat-forums has just vanished? Anyone know what happened? I can't seem to find any references to anyone talking...
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    BBW Inevitable (BBW, Weight Gain, Freshman 15, Stuffing)

    Great story, love the relationship building between Evelyn and Hope. Would love to see the story continue with them in their 2nd year and exploring their relationship. Maybe it could be from Hope's perspective this time as she explores the dynamics of feederism and her own gains.
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    Plus sized centric episodes or story elements in television or films.

    The new Circle Brazil on Netflix has a pretty phenomenal contestant, Marina. Her Instagram is here: MARINA GREGORY (@marinavgregory) • Instagram photos and videos
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    feeding room? feeding house?

    @voluptuouslover that's a pretty hot story/fantasy. Any updates?
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    When/how did you notice, "Wow, I got fat?!"

    It's possible to buy an extender too if you don't want to ask the airline for one. They even come with a little card that says it's yours.
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    Selene from Topheavy.com?

    Does nobody know? I was just thinking about this too. Have seen reposts of some images of her on tumblr lately.
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    Is there not a way for mods to lock threads?
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    The Investigation - translated by Jim Kerry PI (~BBW, ~SWG, Feeding, ~SWG)

    Really great story, didn't want it to end. Thanks for translating it, think you'll pick up where it left off?
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    Your worst moments with the opposite sex

    My Ex-Ex-GF cheated on me twice with her cousin, and I still took her back...both times... :doh:
  10. D

    Healthy Habits That Aren't

    Saw this in the morning, thought it might be of interest: http://health.msn.com/health-topics/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=100163331&imageindex=3
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    On Weight Gain, Limitations, And Love...

    If one of you is ever "controlling" the other in terms of the relationship (and not a one-night fantasy), then in my experience, it'll never last. Each of you has to be yourself. If you make your partner do something for you, even if they like to make you happy, and it makes them happy to make...
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    Jae on Tyra

    I also can't find anything, and it doesn't look like the cable channels air repeats at night. Also, watch out for that fake tryabshow website with the zango malware.
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    Before and After

    It's amazing how much went to your boobs!
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    Arcade Game, telling kids to gain weight?

    I remember playing that game too. That was before I knew about my preferences though, precursor?
  15. D

    My gain so far.....*PICTURES*

    Keep us posted!
  16. D

    Pleasantly Plump, Gorgeously Fat - by Robbie G. (~BBW, Essay, Imagery. ~MWG)

    Talking about her expanding bossom and overflowing bra would be good too.