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  1. S


    I must admit, that I have secretly followed this thread, after I proclaimed my departure... (Who doesn’t) :) And I must tell Totmacher and Ichida, my appreciation for there understanding. And yes I know that my OP didn't land well, and there are several reasons for that - I'm not sure what...
  2. S


    allrigt sir. You need to chill, before you get a heart attack... If this is the way you are greeting new people welcome to your world, then im sure glad im not a part of it... I think this will be my last post here, since it clearly aint going to get better from here - have a nice day PS...
  3. S


    Who said anything about negative attention? Right now I dont even have 1 page written down - all I have is an idea and a concept... I dont have the sufficiant knowledge nor skill to write this yet - not by a mile... So therefor (I keep repeating myself) I need help with some true stories and...
  4. S


    I am not even close to saying that... All im saying is that I want to make a "true" story and not just one made op from my own twisted mind... - I really don't know what you are refering to by "who I am"... I am a young aspiring film director from denmark, I dont work for anyone. What info do...
  5. S


    sigh.... First off - you are taken that out of context... I dont necesarrily want to make a movie about the sick and dispicable... I wrote that to prove a point. Second - All I asked was if anyone knew any real stories about feederism taken too far?
  6. S


    No I have not... This is my first try... Why is this the wrong forum, if I may ask?
  7. S


    If that is what it takes to get some trust in here fine: As I said im an independent film director, I work for noone, but wishes to get the shortfilm financed by something called DFI (danish film institute) I have previously made the movie "FAR" (DAD in danish) Which revovles around...
  8. S


    Allright listen... The only thing that I have said is that I wanna tell a story about a person who is in deep trouble - noone has said anything about it being destructive or diminishing towards feederism... You know - sometimes you need to be burnt in order to rise from the ashes... I...
  9. S


    And im not out to make one...
  10. S


    Look - As I stated a couple of times - I have no insight into this world - BUT I would really like to have though... The movie is an independent shortfilm, so I not on a mission to destroy your beliefs and way of life... I'm on this forum to get some knowledge and research - so I dont make...
  11. S


    Erhmmm allright... That sounds... Interesting.... But then I really call out for anyone who is capable of linking me to any story, that aint full of "shoes" :)
  12. S


    Allright :) I have obviously not the read the right ones... Can you possibly link me to some of the more "out there" "crazy" ones?
  13. S


    I tried that... But I found it very hard to navigate through them, and those that I read was to "light" compared to what I have in mind... As I stated in my first post - Im really not here to offend anyone or argue, I just hope for some open insight and tells, that would get me a little...
  14. S


    No, I am not! I am looking for some insight... One thing that I do know is that if you travel in a certain group, you will know things that other people don't... So I am looking for some knowledge about some real stories etc.
  15. S


    And I really find that movie any good - for a number of reasons... I didn't like how it depicted the entire view on this world. I didn't like the way the main character was portrayed and in generel I just didn't like the story...
  16. S


    You know... I really thought I was using common sense, comming on this board and asking people about this subject - instead of writing a piece that would be far away from the truth and constructed... I really hope someone in here will look beyond that, and give me a lending hand, this will be an...
  17. S


    You know - That is a question that I have fought with alot. It's a question that I have fought with, in almost every single movie I have made... But to be honest - the good life is never as interesting as the evil and corrupted soul that thinks in a way that is too despicable to even imagen -...
  18. S


    Hi everybody... Ermmmhh I really don't know how to go on about this... I'm just going to be honest, and say that I know absolutely nothing about your world - and that is what I find so darn fascinating about it! Like I said I’m going to be honest - and I REALLY hope I don't offend anyone...