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    how do you heal a twice broken heart?

    So, 15 years ago my first great relationship broke up. When I asked her why, she never gave me an answer. She always avoided it, to give me any reason. That made it nearly impossible for me, to accept the end of my relationship, because it came so sudden and I never got a reason for this. So...
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    Fear of the Impossible

    Hello LaylaDiamond, now we have the year 2015 and it is a while, that you wrote your opening post. I don't know, if you still are reading here, but I hope, that things have come out for the better for you now. I randomly just found your post and I send you unconditional love. You can take it...
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    Whats the reason...

    ... that in Germany no forum like Dimensions exists? And even when we had some bigger forums, they all were pretty short-lived compared to Dimensions. So the question is: why is this? Is there a reason, that within the german-speaking countries it appears to be very difficult to discuss these...
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    Woran es liegt...

    ...daß in Deutschland kein vergleichbares Forum zu Dimensions exisitert? Und wenn es mal welche gab (Molligmaus oder MAM), dann lebten sie sehr viel kürzer, als Dimensions das tut. Und nun die Frage an all diejenigen, die hier Deutsch lesen und schreiben: Warum ist der deutschsprachige Raum...
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    why do fat women make society so uncomfortable?

    Good question. For me it is just not a matter of attractiveness. It goes far deeper. If a man has a lot of different sex partners, he is cool, maybe a macho. If a woman does the same, she will be called a slut or worse. And then... whores are inferior and not loved, neither by man or woman...
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    I am SICK AND TIRED of the world saying fat people are disgusting.

    Well, each true spiritual mind would tell you: "You get, what you put your attention on. And the more attention you give to something, the more of the same you will get." In fact, this is the truth. You will pull people and situations in your life, that show you, what you do not want in...
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    Na, ein paar Deutsche haben wir ja hier doch. Ich komme aus Landsberg am Lech. Das ist in Bayern und gehört daher definitv nicht zu Deutschland. Leider weiß das Frau Merkel noch nicht und regiert uns mit, zusammen mit dem Knallfrosch Seehofer. Aber... eigentlich gehört (zumindest...
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    Has anyone of you ever been on a silent retreat?

    Thank you for your answers. So I think I will simply be happy that she is back and do what I always try to do: being interested in her and showing her my love. Thank you, Markus
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    Has anyone of you ever been on a silent retreat?

    Hello to all, my wife is currently in her first ever 10 day silent retreat. Now I´m a little worried about, how she might come back? Angry? Happy? Relaxed? Wiser? Harder? So, what should I expect, when she returns back to home? Should I be carefull? Should I be silent? Should I be just...
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    An open letter to my fellow admirers

    Dear eazyridinmojo, in life there always is the same choice: try to live your life in a way, that others will appreciate or live YOUR life in the way, that feels right for you. In each and every decision you have to make, you should ask yourself: What do I want, what do others think is...
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    SSBBWs on scooters

    In fact, people in need use wheelchairs here. These wheelchairs are their own, sometimes paid by the health insurance, but not for people with too much weight. These people have to buy their own wheelchairs. But what I understand from the discussion is, that in the USA these scooters are...
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    SSBBWs on scooters

    Hello, my name is Markus, I´m from Germany, married with a SSBBLWSW (= SuperSizedBigBeautifullLovelyWonderfullSexyWoman:)). And I find this discussion very interesting. To be honest.... I somehow now feel a bit like an alien here... because here in Germany scooters are absolutely unknown...
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    Size acceptance photographic show opening in Milan

    Her name is **personal info removed** Best wishes from Germany Markus
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    Some clarification would be nice, because most Germans don`t really accept fat people

    Hello, I`m from Germany and I`m sometimes a little irritated, when I read postings in German forums or speak to people in real life. In Europe, but especially in Germany there seems not really to be a fat acceptance movement. There doesn`t even exist German SSBBW`s on the net. It would simply...
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    REALLY depressing meta-study re obesity

    ...that yesterday our local radiostation brought up this study. Well, here in Germany these kind of news are only published, if nothing else interesting happens. On such boring days with no news, they bring up such "old news". My wife listened it at the radio, as she was driving with the...
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    The show your face/introduction thread

    Ok, after some years of reading, I thought it would be time to become a member. I`ve always been an FA and happy with it. My weight is about 275lbs and slowly growing. Not by purpose, but by fun at eating (before someone asks). Some other stats: Name: Markus Age: 35 Location...