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  1. zacherley

    About The Erotica Thread?

    Let's all opt in! Or at least I would like to.
  2. zacherley

    Molecular gastronomy

    How did your trip to WD-50 go? I've been twice and adored it, though I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of (deconstructed pomelo foam) tea.
  3. zacherley

    Chiller Theater Returns Tonight!

    Man I can't believe I of all people missed this...
  4. zacherley

    Can anyone recommend some good reads?

    Doesn't one of the books have a sequence about Brown's girlfriend worrying she's fat? It might be in one of his other books. Dude has like five comics about his ex-girlfriends by now.
  5. zacherley

    Scan your face...

    Though the title of the thread suggests 'face' (and that would be in the keeping with the spirit of the thread), the letter of the thread does allow for "or other body part". Is there anything in the bylaws forbidding multiple scans? Or is that too much exposure to 'rays'?
  6. zacherley

    reading list

    Huxley's a better essayist than fiction writer, really. BNW has some interesting ideas, but I totally see why people can't get into it. This seems to be a real problem with a lot of "science fiction/literature" types... I wish Neal Stephenson would do more non-fiction. And Douglas Rushkoff...
  7. zacherley

    What're you Craving today?

    anything with sesame oil involved sweaterweather
  8. zacherley

    Happy Birthday Troubaduors

    Happy birthday! I am sorry to see the eagle crying though.
  9. zacherley

    Attention New Yorkers: Saturday, June 14? (Some of us on June 13th to 15th - Join Us)

    Man, I must seem like a total flake, but I just got called into work tonight. Stupid kids needing help with their stupid finals! Hope everyone enjoys their swords of meat, and that this is not too short a notice not to mess over Heather's CC. I can Paypal some money or something if I did...
  10. zacherley

    Attention New Yorkers: Saturday, June 14? (Some of us on June 13th to 15th - Join Us)

    I am pretty much a lurker until NY restaurants come up, but I'm been meaning to check out Plataforma for ages. If there's a spare spot, this seems like a great chance to try it. If there's room, I'd be down.
  11. zacherley

    New York/New Jersey -- Where can I find a great burger?

    I just saw a Burgers & Cupcakes this weekend over near the Javits, I forget where exactly. 33rd and 9th maybe? It was very much open.
  12. zacherley

    spice girl

    Perhaps not exactly what you're looking for, but there are a couple of really neat little books called the Field Guide to Produce and the Field Guide to Meat, that in addition to providing a lot of other concise info about different cuts of meat, types of fruits and vegetables, etc. give a lot...
  13. zacherley

    Veggie Recipes?

    Seconding this (roasted anything [carrots, broccoli, asparagus, squash] is good, but roasted cauliflower is a revelation). Also, I don't know if this is an endorsement or not, but I just discovered last week that the guy that does Dilbert has his own line of vegan burritos and my mind is...
  14. zacherley

    NYMag:Rachel Ray:Dunkz' Coffee S*cks!

    Well, presumably Sylvester Stallone was not building up his image as a friendly neighborhood food expert and filming commercials extolling the virtue of greasy Kentucky Fried Chicken while simultaneously throwing it out the window. Hating [insert brand here] is totally acceptable behavior for...
  15. zacherley

    superqueer superhero!

    1. His 'real name' was Roy G. Bivolio. 2. He was supposed to be colorblind which makes the rainbow thing a lot of work for nothing in his book. 3. He was not the Flash villain they decided to have reform and come out of the closet in the 1980s, even though it was handed to them on a rainbow...
  16. zacherley

    When is spicy TOO spicy??

    When it's just some sort of competition to see how spicy you can "handle", I don't see why you couldn't just forgo the vestigial "food" aspects of it and start doing shots of pepper spray. That said, i do like spicy things, so long as there's underlying flavors besides "ridiculously hot"...
  17. zacherley

    White Castle

    White Castle has recently re-invaded Manhattan; I know there's one right up the street from the New Yorker hotel, one up in Spanish Harlem, and a number of them dotting Brooklyn. There's also a place called DASH Dogs down on Rivington that does what are essentially fancypants (but still...
  18. zacherley

    scouting report: I can't stop thinking about this place

    The Two Little Red Hens actually broke up, with One Little Red Hen retaining the name and opening up all the other branches and trying to franchise etc. The other Little Red Hen (apparently the cakemaker of the operation) retained the original location and all of the deliciousness but is now...
  19. zacherley

    White Castle

    Maybe there's some sort of situational thing going on here, I grew up mostly in the midwest and never ate at White Castle for the first quarter century of my life. When I finally did a few years back, I wasn't impressed at all, though to be fair I never really liked McDonald's/Burger...
  20. zacherley

    strange food combinations

    One of my relatives apparently cribbed this from a fancypants restaurant they once ate at -- box macaroni & cheese (Annie's white cheddar preferably), then after you make it you mix in broiled lobster and white truffle oil. I'm not really a big lobster fan, but the mac & cheese + truffle oil...