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BOTH A Lovely Bride ch 1-6 by Subtlefeeder (SSBBW/SSBHM(Multiple), Eating, Romance, ~SWG )

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
SSBBW (Multiple)/SSBHM, Eating, Romance, ~MWG - a one time date develops into a large and lovely lifetime for more than two

A Lovely Bride
by Subtlefeeder

Chapter 1

Amanda and I began dating in 1990. She was a twenty-seven year old, 5' 10'' brunette with long, thick legs, wide hips, a plump round ass, and small breasts. All meat and no potatoes as my so-called friends would say.
My preference leaned towards bigger women, but peer pressure made me real uncomfortable with these desires. I settled for Amanda - a decision that I would not regret.

I soon found out that Amanda weighed 176 pounds and that she measured 38-35-43 with 25'' thighs. A peek at her jeans tag revealed that she wore a size 14.

Our first dinner date showed me that she enjoyed eating. That evening she downed a huge appetizer, a monster steak and loads of side dishes. Amanda apologized for eating so much in front of me, saying that I must think she was a pig. I told her that it was quite all right, that I enjoyed a woman that didn't mind eating what she wanted. She said that she didn't know why she did it, but she was awful hungry. Amanda said that she had to really watch what she ate, or else she'd ''get as big as she used to be''.

"Wow, " I thought, "have I stumbled on to my dream girl?"

''May I ask how big that was?'' I stammered.

''Oh, I weighed over 250 pounds about 5 years ago'' she replied, lightly touching her still able hips. ''I was huge - fat and ugly. You would not want to have seen me then''.

I didn't know what to say. She had no idea of how much I would love to see her at that weight. Finally I said ''nonsense, I'm sure you were every bit as attractive then.'.

She blushed. ''Well, thank you for saying that, but you can't really mean it, after all, I was fat, and men just don't want to be seen with a fat girl''.

''Nonsense, I wouldn't care how fat you were, I'd still love you''. Oh no, did I really say that to her? That word. Not on our first date. What kind of nutcase did she think I was?

She put a healthy piece of rich chocolate cheesecake into her mouth and seemed to savor it. Then she smiled shyly and said ''that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you so much, and thank you for such a wonderful evening."

All I could do at that point was smile and stupidly ask her if she had gotten enough to eat.

''Well, quite honestly, I could eat a bite or two of your dessert if you're going to let it go to waste'' she said with a grin.

I looked at my plate and realized that I hadn't touched my hot fudge brownie delight.

''Well, by all means, please help yourself'' I said as I pushed it towards her.

Amanda pushed it away from her, than quietly said ''would you mind feeding me a bite or two''.

I felt like I was about to explode with excitement. Here was a beautiful woman, a formerly-fat beautiful woman, wanting me to feed her a fattening dessert. I cut off a large bite and placed it to her inviting lips. She closed her eyes and slowly chewed the brownie.

''I can't explain why I just asked you to do that, but it just seemed like we both needed it'' she smiled.

Need it? She had no idea how long I'd wanted that...or maybe she did. I placed bite after bite into her mouth, neither of us stopping until my dessert was gone. She sat back in her chair and placed her hand on her swollen belly.

''That was wonderful, thank you, but, you know if I keep eating like this, I will get fat...again'' she said with a troubled look on her face. ''You don't know how long I've been starving myself, it feels so good to let myself go, to eat without guilt''.

"There's nothing wrong with overindulging once in a while" I said as I wiped chocolate from her lips".

"Well, I agree, but my problem is that I don't know when to stop over indulging" she replied.

I looked into her eyes and told her that I was really attracted to her and that I hoped she would go out with me again. She replied with a smile "only if you feed me again like you did tonight".

That seemed to be a sure thing.

Then she surprised me by asking if I would mind taking her to the Ice Cream House, that she was 'in the mood' for some good Chunky Chips (or was it Chunky Hips?). I didn't even hesitate. We jumped in the car and drove straight over. She ordered a huge triple cone, I got a double. Not only did she eat hers, but finished mine as well.

"I must have a hollow leg this evening" she said. "I sure don't want to see the scales tomorrow!"

Maybe she didn't, but I sure did.

Needless to say, we really hit it off. We began spending a lot of time together and grew quite close. Sex, well that's a little personal for this story. Let's just say that she would enjoy it as much as she did the ice cream cone.

One date lead to another and in no time, we were going steady. Going steady wasn't the only thing that going steady...Amanda's weight was going steadily up. At the end of our fourth month together, Amanda was up to 189 pounds. She was still wearing the same clothes, but they were very, very tight.

One night Amanda started crying for no obvious reason. "What's the matter? I asked.

"Can't you see?” she cried.

"See what? " I replied.

"Just look at me, I'm reverting back to what I used to be, a fat pig"!

I wiped the tears from eyes and kissed her cheek and said, "You're not a fat pig, not now, not ever. Don't put yourself down. Your beauty is not dictated by the size of your body. I love you, and will always love you, no matter how fat you are, or think you are."

She looked me in the eyes and was suddenly very still. "Do you really mean that? You would still love me if I were fat? Are you crazy, who would want a fat wife?

"A fat wife?" I stammered.

Amanda's face turned beet red.

"I'm so sorry, I guess I got caught up in my…in my fantasy, please forget what I just said…I’m sorry", she whispered.

"And what would that fantasy be?" I asked.

"Please don't ask, I can't, I....".

"Something is bothering you Amanda, please tell me what is it? Is it me?"

She sat quietly for several moments then said "Yes, it is you, but not in a bad way. Before you came into my life, I thought I was happy. I was as thin as I had been since I was in junior high. Then you came along and suddenly I was even happier. I found that I could be myself with you. I could eat the way I wanted to and not feel guilty. I gain weight and you are turned on by it. I honestly loved being fat, the feel of my body pushing against my clothes, the softness of my flesh, the jiggle and bounce when I moved. Being able to eat anything I want and as much I want. My dream was to walk down the aisle in a tight white gown in all of my fat glory with a man that adored me for who I was, a fat girl who loved being that way. I guess I was hoping that man would be you".

I smiled and said, "I am. From the moment I met you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You were the girl I had dreamed of finding, beautiful both inside and out. Then to find out that you loved to eat and started gaining, you can't imagine how excited I was. We've only dated for a few months, but I know you are the one I want to spend my life with."

I looked into her tearing brown eyes and said "Amanda, will you be my wife"?

Without any hesitation she smiled and said, "Yes, yes I will".

Then she started crying. "Would you let me wear that tight white gown"?

"I wouldn't have it any other way" I replied.

(End Chapter 1 - anyone want more?)

[Tease! you know everyone does! - Editor]

[Continued in Post 3]

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