In England, there is a general ban on guns for the public outside of hunting and/or recreation. This all fine and good, why? Because even before the ban, Britain wasnt really a nation of gun owners and never particularly bothered with them. Any guns found today, amongst the public, are the aforementioned hunting weapons, or converted air rifles that misfire more often than not. Seeing how this is the case, the muggers choice of tool in the UK varies between small sharp objects, and big blunt ones. Failing this, they use fists and intimidation in order to subtract the desired object or money from their victim.
I feel confident that I can survive a stab wound, but his all depends on if Im lucky and nothing important gets hit. Im not so confident about getting shot in the head, the neck, the chest, the abdomen, the arm, or the leg.
So, America, how does it feel that guns are readily available to those who want them? I know its in your constitution, and Id never suggest that the right to bear arms be removed from you, but can you really feel safe knowing that almost any nut can get a gun as long as they appear mostly normal at the counter of the munitions store? Look at the school massacres, gang wars, domestic disputes. Somebody always seems to be getting shot in America. So I ask you this, does being able to acquire guns easily make you safer, or put you in even more danger?
Please try and keep left and right out of this. I want to see this discussed as a social issue and not as a political one.
I feel confident that I can survive a stab wound, but his all depends on if Im lucky and nothing important gets hit. Im not so confident about getting shot in the head, the neck, the chest, the abdomen, the arm, or the leg.
So, America, how does it feel that guns are readily available to those who want them? I know its in your constitution, and Id never suggest that the right to bear arms be removed from you, but can you really feel safe knowing that almost any nut can get a gun as long as they appear mostly normal at the counter of the munitions store? Look at the school massacres, gang wars, domestic disputes. Somebody always seems to be getting shot in America. So I ask you this, does being able to acquire guns easily make you safer, or put you in even more danger?
Please try and keep left and right out of this. I want to see this discussed as a social issue and not as a political one.