A partial rewrite of a story I posted on SoFurry a few years back.
BBW, XWG, Romance, Magic - Melissa is forced to deal with the results of some poorly-thought-out life choices.
Melissa frowned as she rubbed a hand over her thin midriff, trying without success to decipher what was happening to her. Up until very recently her life had been perfect, she'd been rich, tall, slender, athletic and beautiful. And she still was actually, except that she struggled to appreciate it now, sick as she was. And she was really sick, continually short of breath, always hungry yet unable to eat much, nearly incontinent, and almost constantly suffering stomach ache. Finally unable to put it off any longer, she got out the lamp. It was an old brass lamp in the mould of the one in the tales of Aladdin. And that's pretty much what it was, oh not the one Aladdin himself had owned, but very similar. She hesitated a moment, then rubbed it.
Immediately, the genie emerged from the lamp. It was not a distinct figure in the way many movies portrayed genies, but rather a vaguely human-shaped head and torso about the size of that of an action man figurine, made of blue smoke. Nor did it have a real voice, instead the words appeared directly in her head, What is thy bidding my mistress?
"I want to know what's wrong with me," Melissa replied.
In what way do you think there is something wrong with you? the genie asked.
"Well let's see," Melissa replied sarcastically, "I'm forever out of breath, always hungry, yet can't seem to eat more than a few mouthfuls at a time, I seem to need the toilet every five minutes, and have almost constant stomach-ache, that enough for you?"
There was a moment's silence, then the genie came back, There is new life within you.
"What?" Melissa asked, confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"
There is new life within you, the genie repeated. Do you not understands this concept?
New life, Melissa puzzled over the idea for a moment or two, then realised what was being implied. "You mean, you mean I'm pregnant?!"
That is another way of putting it perhaps, the genie replied.
Pregnant? Melissa though back, had she every had unprotected sex? No, stupid question, the number of parties she'd been to it was pretty much certain at some point. But still... "Okay, I'm pregnant," she accepted, "But why the complications?"
You wished, did you not, to remain at a weight of one hundred and twenty five pounds, forever, the genie asked.
"I did, yes," Melissa replied, slightly puzzled. "But wh-oh gods!" Realisation finally dawned, if she was pregnant, but staying at the same total weight then of course the growing baby was going to be affecting her in other ways, how could she have been so dumb as to not realise it earlier!
You realise now your ill, the genie said, more a statement than a question.
"Only too well," Melissa replied, "But how do I deal with it?"
There are but two ways, the genie replied. Either continue on as you are.
"Which would kill me," Melissa guessed.
It would, the genie confirmed. Or you can wish for our covenant to have never existed.
"I can't just wish for an end to the deal?" asked Melissa .
Such covenants are not, alas, temporal in that way, the genie replied, They only exist or do not.
"So I'd go back to being a fat girl?" Melissa asked, her mouth twisting in distaste.
You would, the genie confirmed. Fat, and more than fat.
"What?" Melissa asked, "what d'you mean by that?"
If our covenant had never existed you would not have stayed at a weight of one hundred and ninety eight pounds, the genie replied. You would now be, significantly larger.
"How much larger?" Melissa asked suspiciously. One ninety-eight had been bad enough, more would be worse.
Your weight would by now have risen to three hundred and thirty five pounds, the genie replied.
"What, that's ridiculous," Melissa snapped. "I'd never have got anything like that big."
You ate to ease your sorrow, the genie replied. Even when your greatest sorrow was caused by too much eating, you just ate more.
Melissa steamed at the thought, but was unable to make a response as she knew only too well that it was true, or at least had been true. But even so... "So either I keep this thing in me until it kills me, or I kiss good-bye to ever being thin again?"
A difficult choice, the genie said.
"And you can't just get this thing out of me," Melissa asked.
I cannot kill, the genie replied somehow managing to sound reproachful Not even of life as weak as this.
Looking away, Melissa said, "I need some time to think about this."
I can wait, the genie responded, and then went silent, while at the same time the indistinct smoky figure returned to the lamp.
Melissa moved to sit on the edge of her bed, and put her head in her hands. Three hundred and thirty-five pounds, it sounded astounding, impossible even, until you did the maths. She'd found the lamp in a garage sale when she was thirteen, just a couple of weeks after her birthday in fact. She'd been a porky hundred and ninety eight pounds then she remembered, struggling to stay under the dreaded two hundred pound line. From there to three hundred and thirty five was a jump of a hundred and thirty seven. It sounded like a lot, but over the ten years since she'd discovered the lamp was more than just an odd antique. one-thirty-seven divided by ten was under fourteen pounds a year, or only just over a pound a month. One the one hand, the gain was startlingly large, but on the other, it was entirely believable, even conservative.
Of course, she could maybe get an abortion, but not in state, as that would require the consent of at least one of her parents, and she knew they'd never agree, not for this.
As she sat there, Melissa realised there were a few other things she'd really like to know. Grabbing the lamp again, and giving it a rub, she asked, "Okay, I have a few more questions."
Indeed, the Genie said, What did you wish to ask?
"Firstly, how far along am I?" Melissa asked. "One month? Two?"
You have been pregnant for a little under three months, the genie replied.
"So just over six months to go..." Melissa said, more to herself than to the genie. "Who's the father?"
Right now, the father is James Carter, the genie replied. Afterwards, it will be someone else.
"Is there any way for me to choose who it might be?" Melissa asked.
Do you have an individual in mind? the genie asked.
"Yes, Brad." When the genie didn't respond, she added, "Bradley James Pitman, he's a linebacker with an eye for larger women."
An interesting choice, the genie said. Seeming to pause a moment, it then added, But one that would have a significant effect on your weight.
"What do you mean by that?" Melissa asked.
The man does indeed have an eye for larger women, the genie replied. And the larger the better.
"So how big would I be then?" Melissa asked.
Three hundred and eighty three pounds, the genie replied.
"Three eighty three?!" Melissa exclaimed, "Almost fifty pounds heavier?!"
Indeed, the genie replied.
"I..." Melissa was dumbfounded. As tears began to gather in her eyes, she managed to stammer "I-I need to think about this."
As you desire, the genie replied, then disappeared again, leaving Melissa alone, and now quietly sobbing to herself.
BBW, XWG, Romance, Magic - Melissa is forced to deal with the results of some poorly-thought-out life choices.
A New Deal
by MattII
Chapter 1by MattII
Melissa frowned as she rubbed a hand over her thin midriff, trying without success to decipher what was happening to her. Up until very recently her life had been perfect, she'd been rich, tall, slender, athletic and beautiful. And she still was actually, except that she struggled to appreciate it now, sick as she was. And she was really sick, continually short of breath, always hungry yet unable to eat much, nearly incontinent, and almost constantly suffering stomach ache. Finally unable to put it off any longer, she got out the lamp. It was an old brass lamp in the mould of the one in the tales of Aladdin. And that's pretty much what it was, oh not the one Aladdin himself had owned, but very similar. She hesitated a moment, then rubbed it.
Immediately, the genie emerged from the lamp. It was not a distinct figure in the way many movies portrayed genies, but rather a vaguely human-shaped head and torso about the size of that of an action man figurine, made of blue smoke. Nor did it have a real voice, instead the words appeared directly in her head, What is thy bidding my mistress?
"I want to know what's wrong with me," Melissa replied.
In what way do you think there is something wrong with you? the genie asked.
"Well let's see," Melissa replied sarcastically, "I'm forever out of breath, always hungry, yet can't seem to eat more than a few mouthfuls at a time, I seem to need the toilet every five minutes, and have almost constant stomach-ache, that enough for you?"
There was a moment's silence, then the genie came back, There is new life within you.
"What?" Melissa asked, confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"
There is new life within you, the genie repeated. Do you not understands this concept?
New life, Melissa puzzled over the idea for a moment or two, then realised what was being implied. "You mean, you mean I'm pregnant?!"
That is another way of putting it perhaps, the genie replied.
Pregnant? Melissa though back, had she every had unprotected sex? No, stupid question, the number of parties she'd been to it was pretty much certain at some point. But still... "Okay, I'm pregnant," she accepted, "But why the complications?"
You wished, did you not, to remain at a weight of one hundred and twenty five pounds, forever, the genie asked.
"I did, yes," Melissa replied, slightly puzzled. "But wh-oh gods!" Realisation finally dawned, if she was pregnant, but staying at the same total weight then of course the growing baby was going to be affecting her in other ways, how could she have been so dumb as to not realise it earlier!
You realise now your ill, the genie said, more a statement than a question.
"Only too well," Melissa replied, "But how do I deal with it?"
There are but two ways, the genie replied. Either continue on as you are.
"Which would kill me," Melissa guessed.
It would, the genie confirmed. Or you can wish for our covenant to have never existed.
"I can't just wish for an end to the deal?" asked Melissa .
Such covenants are not, alas, temporal in that way, the genie replied, They only exist or do not.
"So I'd go back to being a fat girl?" Melissa asked, her mouth twisting in distaste.
You would, the genie confirmed. Fat, and more than fat.
"What?" Melissa asked, "what d'you mean by that?"
If our covenant had never existed you would not have stayed at a weight of one hundred and ninety eight pounds, the genie replied. You would now be, significantly larger.
"How much larger?" Melissa asked suspiciously. One ninety-eight had been bad enough, more would be worse.
Your weight would by now have risen to three hundred and thirty five pounds, the genie replied.
"What, that's ridiculous," Melissa snapped. "I'd never have got anything like that big."
You ate to ease your sorrow, the genie replied. Even when your greatest sorrow was caused by too much eating, you just ate more.
Melissa steamed at the thought, but was unable to make a response as she knew only too well that it was true, or at least had been true. But even so... "So either I keep this thing in me until it kills me, or I kiss good-bye to ever being thin again?"
A difficult choice, the genie said.
"And you can't just get this thing out of me," Melissa asked.
I cannot kill, the genie replied somehow managing to sound reproachful Not even of life as weak as this.
Looking away, Melissa said, "I need some time to think about this."
I can wait, the genie responded, and then went silent, while at the same time the indistinct smoky figure returned to the lamp.
Melissa moved to sit on the edge of her bed, and put her head in her hands. Three hundred and thirty-five pounds, it sounded astounding, impossible even, until you did the maths. She'd found the lamp in a garage sale when she was thirteen, just a couple of weeks after her birthday in fact. She'd been a porky hundred and ninety eight pounds then she remembered, struggling to stay under the dreaded two hundred pound line. From there to three hundred and thirty five was a jump of a hundred and thirty seven. It sounded like a lot, but over the ten years since she'd discovered the lamp was more than just an odd antique. one-thirty-seven divided by ten was under fourteen pounds a year, or only just over a pound a month. One the one hand, the gain was startlingly large, but on the other, it was entirely believable, even conservative.
Of course, she could maybe get an abortion, but not in state, as that would require the consent of at least one of her parents, and she knew they'd never agree, not for this.
As she sat there, Melissa realised there were a few other things she'd really like to know. Grabbing the lamp again, and giving it a rub, she asked, "Okay, I have a few more questions."
Indeed, the Genie said, What did you wish to ask?
"Firstly, how far along am I?" Melissa asked. "One month? Two?"
You have been pregnant for a little under three months, the genie replied.
"So just over six months to go..." Melissa said, more to herself than to the genie. "Who's the father?"
Right now, the father is James Carter, the genie replied. Afterwards, it will be someone else.
"Is there any way for me to choose who it might be?" Melissa asked.
Do you have an individual in mind? the genie asked.
"Yes, Brad." When the genie didn't respond, she added, "Bradley James Pitman, he's a linebacker with an eye for larger women."
An interesting choice, the genie said. Seeming to pause a moment, it then added, But one that would have a significant effect on your weight.
"What do you mean by that?" Melissa asked.
The man does indeed have an eye for larger women, the genie replied. And the larger the better.
"So how big would I be then?" Melissa asked.
Three hundred and eighty three pounds, the genie replied.
"Three eighty three?!" Melissa exclaimed, "Almost fifty pounds heavier?!"
Indeed, the genie replied.
"I..." Melissa was dumbfounded. As tears began to gather in her eyes, she managed to stammer "I-I need to think about this."
As you desire, the genie replied, then disappeared again, leaving Melissa alone, and now quietly sobbing to herself.
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