I hope this is the right place to put this thread since it seems like an issue that transcends body size or shape. I'm wondering what everyone's take is on age differences between people interested in one another. For me personally, I of course am attracted to women close to my own age (I'm in my early twenties) but I also often find that I'm attracted to more mature women right up into their 40's and 50's. Obviously a romantic relationship between 2 people from different age groups is not generally thought to conform to societal norms so I guess my question is; should that matter? If 2 people are consenting adults who have a connection then does it really matter how old they are? Along that line of thinking, in a community like this one which exists to be accepting and supportive is it easier to have this sort of relationship? I'd be very interested to know the experiences of those who have dated or are dating outside of their "age group". What are the challenges, benefits etc?