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Alice 14 - by Mollycoddles (~BBW, Romance, Intrigue)

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Oct 9, 2005
BBW, Romance, Intrigue -- An instructor's lesson plan backfires

Alice 14
by Mollycoddles

Click here for prior installment

"This is ridiculous," thought Alice. She’d been at this stupid weight loss camp for two days and it was worse than anything she’d expected. First, she wasn’t allowed to eat anything. She hadn’t realized how accustomed she’d become to between meal snacking until she was deprived of it. It didn’t help matters that the actual meals themselves were so meager that they could hardly sustain a child let alone a growing teenage girl. Then there were the uniforms…

The camp commandant had all the inmates lined up for inspection. Alice didn’t like this at all. Even though Alice cared little for fashion, even she thought the camp uniforms were way too frumpy. Worse, they weren’t even the right size. The sport shorts were too short, barely covering her thick thighs, and the waistband dug into her pudgy tummy. Her tender rounded gut spilled slightly out of the snug white T-shirt, which stretched perilously across her bountiful bust. A frown crossed Alice’s pretty rounded face as she struggled to adjust her constraining clothes and get just a tad more comfortable.

Things were just as bad for the other girls. Heather’s outfit strained to hide her chubby middle and hefty jugs but it didn’t come close to obscuring her massive ass. Heather’s plump butt cheeks were crammed so tightly into the shorts that she had difficulty walking. Whenever she moved, her shorts would edge their way downward, wedging into her crack and exposing the top of her panties. Below, one could easily make out the imprints of her underwear through the over-stretched fabric. Heather constantly had to reach behind herself and yank her shorts out from between her blubbery buns.

“This is ridiculous,” she muttered to Alice. “You’d think they would have measured us before they gave us uniforms. I don’t think I’ll be able to do any exercises in theses stupid things. If I even move too quickly, I’ll bust the seat wide open.”

If Alice and Heather were having some problems with their uniforms, it was nothing compared to the troubles that Amber was facing. By far the biggest girl in camp, Amber would have presented a unique challenge to even a sympathetic fashion designer. And, believe me, whoever designed these outfits had no sympathy for a larger girl.

Amber’s blimped bod was bursting out all over. Her T-shirt barely covered her enormous watermelon-sized tits let alone her gigantic, jiggling belly. Her flabby stomach was entirely bare as her shirt stretched across her voluminous bosom as a tight roll. Amber’s bloated gut hung over her crotch, nearly obscuring the front of the too-small shorts. In back, the shorts were hiked up way too far on account of her chunky rear.

Amber’s monumental backside ate up all the fabric of her shorts. There were already cracks forming in the side and rear seams, warning that those shorts wouldn’t hold up under that kind of pressure for very long. Amber’s bulky trunk-like legs were completely exposed through the broken seams.

Sandra strode briskly up and down the line, peering at the line of chunky girls through narrowed eyes. Sandra didn’t look like she’d ever had to worry about her weight – she was lean and muscular and flawless. Alice felt all the worse knowing she was being judged by someone like that.

“Disgusting,” clucked Sandra under her breath. “The whole lot of you. Just a bunch of fat, greedy pigs, that’s what you all are. I can hardly stand to look at you. You!” She pointed at Alice. “What’s your name?”

“A-A-Alice,” stammered Alice. She felt herself going red.

"Oh no," she thought," please let that be the end of it. Please don’t let her embarrass me in front of everyone. "

“Alice, eh?” Sandra laughed. “Oh, I’ve heard of you, piggy. Your boyfriend was here yesterday trying to bust you out. Isn’t that a laugh?”

Alice’s heart skipped a beat. “Boyfriend?” she murmered to herself. Who could that be? Was Sandra just making fun of her? Or could it be?… Had Tyler come to help?

“Well, Alice, why don’t you come over here so that we can all get a good look at you? And see what this boyfriend of yours finds so appealing?”

Reluctantly, Alice stepped forward. She was painfully aware of the ill-fitting uniform, which felt like it was getting smaller by the minute. She considered trying to suruptitiously pull the rear out of her ass crack – since it was starting to itch and ride up – but decided against it. She knew all about people like Sandra. She would use any sign of discomfort, any acknowledgement of tightness, as a victory to be paraded in front of everyone. Just like Jen and Laurie, thought Alice darkly.

“You’re a chunky one, aren’t you?” said Sandra slowly as if she was considering this carefully.

Alice laughed nervously. “Um..yeah…I suppose..”

“Yeah, look at you. I’d even say you’re kinda fat, wouldn’t you?”

“Um…well…I guess..”

“Those shorts look kinda tight on you. Yes, you really are a little Miss Chubbybuns. That’s what I’m calling you from now on. Okay, Chubbybuns?”

Alice grimaced. “Er…”

Sandra glowered menacingly at Alice. “Do you have a problem with that?” She poked a finger into Alice’s hefty chest, almost pushing her off balance. Alice waved her flabby arms about as she stumbled backwards, her corpulent body wobbling. Sandra laughed harshly.

“Get back in line, Chubbybuns. Let’s see who else we have here. You!” She aimed her finger at Heather, standing just to Alice’s right. “Stand forward!”

Heather muttered under her breath but did as she was told. Sandra walked around the bottom-heavy girl, stroking her chin and cooing to herself in amusement. When she was done, she stood before Heather and fixed her with a steely glare. Heather didn’t wilt under Sandra’s gaze, but returned it, her green eyes flashing with contempt.

“Well, well, looks like we’ve got a fighter here. What’s your name, tubby?”

“Heather. Did my boyfriend come by yesterday too?”

Sandra ground her teeth. “You’ve got a mouth on you. Good to see you use it for something besides eating. But from the size of that ass, it looks like you don’t use it for that very often.” She slapped Heather hard across her buttocks, causing Heather to squeak in surprise and grab her bouncy booty in surprise. The slap and Heather’s sudden movement proved too much for the overstrained shorts, and when she turned back to the crowd, Alice noticed that the rear stitching over her butt crack had finally started to fray, revealing just a glimmer of her teal panties beneath.

“With a fat ass like that, you need a special name,” mused Sandra, “I’ll call you Blubberbutt. Now get back in line, Blubberbutt!”

“I’ve got a name for you, too,” mumbled Heather as she returned to her place next to Alice, still rubbing her tender bum.

“Are you okay, Heather?” whispered Alice as Sandra turned her attention to the next girl in line.

“I’m fine,” snapped Heather. “I just got spanked by the bitch queen of the universe, but otherwise I’m marv –oh!” Heather’s attention was suddenly distracted when the next girl in line answered Sandra’s call to step forward. Both Alice and Heather had forgotten that the next girl was Amber.

You could literally hear jaws drop as Amber lumbered forward. She was as big as a whale. She was so fat that she made even the biggest of the other girls look puny in comparison. With every movement, you could hear threads tearing all over her over tight outfit. Could it be possible? It almost looked as if Amber was even bigger than she’d been when she first came here.

“Holy-!” began Sandra in absolute shock before regaining her composure. “You are friggin’ enormous! You could paint the words “Goodyear” on your belly and you wouldn’t be able to tell you from the blimp! Looks like that uniform isn’t the right size, eh, blimpo?”

Amber grinned. “Yes, these clothes are too baggy. I prefer something a little tighter. Especially around the belly.”

The line of girls gasped at Amber’s comment. Amber merely grinned, her three- no, four – chins wobbling. Sandra turned crimson, sputtering in fury at Amber’s impudence.

“You think you’re funny, blimp?”

“Yes,” said Amber, taking a deep breath and stretching to her full height and width. Everyone suddenly realized that, although Sandra was definitely muscular, Amber was at least three times as big as she was. As she inhaled, she seemed to balloon to an even greater size, inflating like a giant beach ball. Her splitting shirt began to ride up even more, revealing the very bottom of her globular hooters and threatening to snap back up to her neck. Her shorts, already tearing at the seams, started to rip further, exposing her drum tight underwear, which, itself, looked like it would start breaking if Amber kept going.

And she did. She was taking the deepest breath that Alice had ever seen a girl take, and she was growing so big that it almost seemed that she wouldn’t stop until she popped. Maybe the other girls had the same thought because the line stepped back nervously as Amber reached her full bloated size. Sandra looked powerless and tiny next to this monstrous zeppelin. Her point made, Amber slowly began to exhale, shrinking back down, her clothes groaning in mild relief.

Sandra was not amused; in fact, she was furious. She pulled out her whistle and blew shrilly into it, the piercing noise causing many of the girls to clap their hands to their ears.

“For that little display of disgusting..uh..fatness, you all have to run fifty laps around the field!” barked Sandra. “And that’s just to start! Then we’ll see who’s laughing! Go!”


Lap running was hard for everyone, but especially for Amber. While most of the girls loped gently down the track, guts jiggling, breasts bouncing, Amber could only waddle slowly. She was by far the biggest girl in camp, so huge that she even seemed to have difficulty walking sometimes let alone jogging.

”A little help here, girls?” said Amber, waving her fleshy arms helplessly as Alice and Heather approached. Amber was sitting on her massive bottom, leaning against a tree.

Alice and Heather looked at each other dubiously but dutifully set to work, trying their best to lift this enormous behemoth off the ground.

“You know,” said Heather, “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but Amber, I’ve never seen anyone as big as you. I think you’re almost as tall lying down as you are standing up.”

“Taller, actually,” said Amber wistfully. “Or I was, at least.”

“Don’t you ever worry about… you know?” asked Alice. “I mean, it looks like it’s even getting hard for you to, um, walk. Maybe you should cut down a little?”

Amber just laughed. “Hard to walk? Isn’t that the whole point of this?”

Throughout the day, she could barely do any of the exercises. Everything that required her to lay or sit down was a joke – once she plopped down, she simply couldn’t get back up without help. And the best part was that Amber was really in no hurry to get up. And that just made Sandra more and more furious with her.


The last straw came a week later. Everyone was feeling under the weather. Who wouldn’t after a full week of starvation and constant exercise? Alice especially hated being woken before dawn , at 5 a.m., everyday to go out running. Before dawn was her sleeping time! On this particular day, Alice found herself being shaken awake out of a particularly nice dream.

“No,” she mumbled, waving her hands. “Don’t wanna. Sleepy.”

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” said Heather groggily. She, too had only just woken up and she couldn’t help yawning as she struggled to rouse Alice. After a few minutes, Alice finally gave up resisting and pulled herself up.

“Bleh,” she said, rubbing her eyes. It wasn’t even light out yet. “What time is it?”

Heather squinted at the glowing face of her wrist watch. “4 a.m.”

“4 a.m.? This is even earlier than usual! We don’t have to be lined up for another hour.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. But I heard Sandra blow the stupid wake-up bugle, so she must want us up.”

“You’re kidding!”

“No,” said Amber’s voice from her bunk. “I heard it, too. Help me up, will you, girls? Then let’s go see what’s up.” Amber waved her flabby arms for assistance.

“Here we go again,” sighed Heather and grabbed ahold of one arm. Alice grabbed her other, and the two girls struggled to pull her upright. It was hard work. Odd, thought Alice. Both she and Heather, and most of the other girls at camp, seemed to have lost a little weight this week. Alice, being naturally chubby, hadn’t seen much progress. Her clothes still fit her way too tightly, and her pudgy tummy still bounced and jiggled with every exercise they did, but she had noticed that her legs didn’t seem to rub together when she walked anymore.

Heather, however, was naturally skinny and had only gained her weight through hard work. Deprived of her snacks, she’d already slimmed noticeably. Her tummy was slightly flatter and her hefty boobs had shrunk just a tad, so that they didn’t test her shirt as they had before. Her butt weight, though, hadn’t changed at all, and she still had to yank her knickers out from between her plump buns every few minutes.

The only girl who hadn’t slimmed at all was Amber. She seemed even bigger than ever. Idly, Alice wondered if it were somehow possible that Amber was absorbing all the fat that other girls were losing. But no, that would be ridiculous.

With a mighty heave, Alice and Heather finally got their titanic roommate to her feet. Amber nearly stumbled and fell flat on her massive paunch but didn’t.

“Alright, then, let’s see what this is all about,” she said, waddling toward the door.

“Um,” began Alice. “Shouldn’t you put some pants on first?” Amber had slept in nothing but her top and some old panties, both stretching to bursting around her wide girth. Amber looked down to the best of her ability. Her multiple chins made it hard to look down, but, even if she could, her jumbo chest and monstrous rotund belly blocked any view of her lower body. Grinning, Amber shrugged her shoulders.

“As far as I know, I might have pants on already. Let’s go. Oof. Oh, bother.” Amber had tried to waddle through the doorway but found that she was now actually too wide to fit. Her hips brushed against either side as she tried to pass through.

“What’s wrong?” asked Heather. “C’mon, hurry up! Sandra will blow her top if we’re late.” Heather was in no mood for delays this early in the morning.

“Just a sec,” said Amber, shifting her weight slightly. She tried again. Amber’s bulk was only slightly too big for the door. This time she actually started to get through before she found she couldn’t go any further. Her thunder thighs were wedged in tightly.

“What’s wrong now?” groaned Heather behind her.

“I’m stuck, that’s what’s wrong!” said Amber. She squirmed but it was true. She’d actually outgrown the door!

“You’re stuck? How can that be? You fit through this morning! Jeez, what’s with you, Amber? It’s like you’re blowing up more everyday!”

Amber only smiled coyly. “A little help, girls?” she said sweetly.

“That should be your catchphrase,” said Heather. “Alright, Alice, on three, let’s push.” They heaved their shoulders into Amber’s soft, doughy backside and pushed with all their might. Amber popped out of the door and out of the room.

“That wasn’t so hard,” said Alice brightly. She always tried to be positive. But she couldn’t help but worry. If Amber had managed to outgrow the door in a week, who knew how big should would be before the end of camp? Alice dreaded to think what they’d have to do if Amber expanded to the point that they wouldn’t even be able to shove her through the door. What would they do then? Knock down a wall? Leave her to sleep outside? She shook her head. They’d worry about that later. Right now, they had other problems.

As they approached the main cabin, Alice saw plump, groggy girls stumbling toward it from all directions. So Sandra did blow the wake-up bugle, thought Alice, I guess Heather and Amber didn’t just imagine it.

Inside, Sandra had everyone line up as usual. She glared at our heroes as they plodded in, but saved an especially venomous stare for Amber, with her enormous size and her flimsy underwear. Amber’s underwear was so tightly stretched that it left very little to the imagination. The outlines of her public hair could be seen through the front of the stretched fabric and her ass crack was clearly visible through the tissue-thin material in back. Amber lumbered into the cabin, this time taking special care to turn sideways so she could maneauver through the door.

Inside, Alice noticed a strange smell. It wasn’t that it was unfamiliar, it was just something she hadn’t expected to smell here. I t smelled like..food! Was that hamburger? Steak? Uncontrollably, she felt her empty tummy start to gurgle. Embarrassed, she looked around, hoping that no one had heard her stomach. But the other girls were too busy listening to their own stomachs. Soon the room was filled with the growling, burbling noise of pudgy tummies too long denied a decent meal.

Sandra’s face broke out in a nasty grin. “I can see..er, hear that you girls are all hungry, eh?” She marched down the line, sneering. Great, thought Alice, a new way to torture us! It would be just like her to bring in a feast just to make us smell it.

Sandra stopped in front of Alice and jabbed her suddenly in her tubby abdomen. “Like you need any more food. Right, Chubbybuns? But you might get some tonight by the looks of it. I’ve got a special treat for you this morning. In fact, it was so exciting that I decided to give it to you early, instead of waiting till 5. It’s time for…weigh in!”

Several girls groaned but Sandra put up her hand for silence.

“Now, now! I know that weigh-in isn’t fun, so I thought I’d make it into a game. And who ever wins gets this nice reward.”

Sandra clapped her hands curtly and her toadies suddenly wheeled in the source of the good smell – a vertible feast! Alice’s mouth started to water as she saw it; everything she’d been denied this week. It wasn’t just burger. It was burgers AND steak AND fries AND vegetables AND cake AND pudding AND..well, just everything.

“That’s right,” said Sandra. “The winner gets this delicious feast.”

“What, all of it?” blurted out Heather. “There’s way too much for one person-“

“Yes, exactly,” said Sandra nastily. “The winner is the girl who’s lost the least amount of weight.”

The girls looked at each other, confused. “Don’t you mean most weight?”

“No, I mean least. The girl that’s lost the least weight has to eat this feast. That’s right. HAS to eat it. ALL of it.”

“Sounds more like a punishment than a reward,” muttered Heather.

Sandra laughed. “Exactly. Line up!” The girls began to line up as another toadie brought out a scale. Some cast worried looks at the feast, which didn’t seem quite so inviting anymore. Only Amber was still staring with a look of pure excitement on her rounded face.

One by one, the girls were weighed with a camp counselor shouting out each girl’s weight. When Heather stepped on the scale, he called out “180!” Heather winced; she’d actually dropped twenty odd pounds since she’d started camp. At the very least, she thought, I won’t have to eat all that.

Alice was next. Bracing herself, she closed her eyes and stepped on the scale. She felt the scale depress under her feet and imagined the needle spinning round and round. As a new arrival, she knew that she couldn’t have lost that much weight…but still…

“174!” called out the counselor.

Alice shrugged as she stepped off the scale. She’d lost one pound. Normally, she’d be overjoyed but now she didn’t care. It was too much effort for too little pay-off. Besides that, she knew she was naturally chunky and she couldn’t fool herself into believing she’d be able to keep this blubber off once she was out of here. Besides that, she didn’t think being a little heavy was as bad as she once did. After all, Tyler even seemed to find her attractive that way. Wonder what he’s up to, anyway….

Alice’s thoughts were interrupted as Amber pushed past her to take her turn.

“Me! Me next!” she huffed, already out of breath from this quick burst of movement. The counselor looked up from the scale and blanched as he took in Amber’s elephantine form, expanding and contracting with each mighty breath.

“I don’t think…I don’t,” he turned to Sandra for help. “She’s too big! Jesus, look at her! She’ll break the scale!”

“Let her on,” said Sandra coolly.

“Yesyes,” said Amber excited. “Let me on!”

The counselor shrugged. “Go ahead,” he said dubiously. Amber stepped forward, her round blubbery gut pushing the counselor out of the way. Her giant stomach was so big and blubbery that it not only prevented her from seeing the scale but the counselor had trouble as well. He had to lift her beach-ball sized gut to see the numbers.

“What does it say?” asked Amber breathily. “Tell me! Tell me!”

“It’s still going,” mumbled the counselor. “It’s gone all the way around…this scale only goes up to 200 pounds, I don’t have any idea how much you weigh!”

“Awww,” said Sandra with mock concern. “The poor piggy doesn’t know how much she weighs.” She patted Amber on her vast, jiggly belly. “How sad. Looks like you’ve been eating too much, Amber. That’s what causes this sort of thing. Oh, I know how much you must love to eat. That’s probably what you like to do all day, isn’t it? Just eat and eat and eat. But now look what all that eating has done to you. You’ve gotten so big and round and fat that you don’t even know how much you weigh anymore.”

She grabbed Amber’s bloated middle and gave it a quick jiggle. After she released it, it continued to wobble for a good minute. “Poor poor little blimp. Well, we’ve got something to make you feel all better, don’t we? Because it looks like you’ve won our little contest. You get to eat the feast!”

Amber’s eyes lit up. “Really? I do?”

“Yes, piggy,” said Sandra smoothly. “All of it. Every last bite. I don’t want to see a single morsel on that table when you’re done. I want everything to be in your big, fat belly, do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Good, I – wait a minute, why are you so enthusiastic? You do know that this is a punish-“

“Let’s start right now!” cried Amber, plopping her huge rear into a chair that creaked beneath her. She dove right it, grabbing burgers and cramming them into her mouth, an entire patty at a time. Sandra could only stare. Obviously, she hadn’t expected this!

“Glop! Gulp! More!” said Amber. With in minutes she had devoured everything within arm’s reach. She waved her fat arms helplessly.

“More!” she cried. “C’mon! Get that food over here!”

Still stunned, Sandra motioned for her toadies to move additional plates closer to Amber.

Amber continued stuffing her face. She ate like a horse! Alice couldn’t help but feel a little sad to see all that delicious food disappear, but she wasn’t surprised. If there was any girl in this camp who could finish that feast without busting a gut, it would be Amber!

“More,” said Amber. “Hungry.” They laid another setting in front of her, a nice piping pizza this time, and Amber dove in with gusto. She was eating like a girl possessed. Alice had never seen anyone eat so much in one sitting ever. Did Amber eat like this all the time? No wonder she’d grown so huge.

“More,” called Amer huskily. She was a mess, her face splattered with food, crumbs down her gigantic bosom, stains on her shirt.

“Jeez, I think she’s going to make it!” whispered Heather. “That would be awesome! I’d like to see the look on that bitch Sandra’s face when Amber finishes the last bite!”

“How are you feeling, Amber?” asked Alice with concern. “Are you feeling full? Do you feel like you have to stop?”

“Stop? No way! I’m just getting started!”

Alice looked at Amber’s girth and bit her lip. Amber was obviously way beyond gorged. Even someone of Amber’s size, who could no doubt hold huge quantities of food, had her limits – and Amber looked like she was fast approaching them. Her belly stretched out in front of her so far that Amber was unable to reach even partway around it with her pudgy, stubby arms. It was so full, so tight, so fully-packed, that it looked like she an inflated balloon ready to bust. Sweat was pouring down her face as she finished the last plate, and her cheeks and forehead were flushed red

“Done,” she said with a gasp and passed out. The assembled girls cheered. Sandra gnashed her teeth.

“Stupid back-firing plans,” she seethed.


For days, Amber lay on her bunk, too gorged to move. The doctor had pronounced her too full to do anything and so even Sandra had laid off. They’d simply dumped her back in her bed and left her to sleep off the effects of her incredible binge. It didn’t seem possible, but now Amber was even bigger than when she’d first come to camp. Heather complained about sleeping above her, because she could feel Amber’s massive belly lifting up her mattress slightly.

That problem was solved in the middle of the first night when Alice and Heather both woke at the sound of a loud crash. At first, Alice had a ridiculous thought – maybe Amber had inhaled too deeply in her sleep and literally burst apart at the seams? She turned her head and breathed a sigh of relief to see that Amber’s giant, bloated body was still intact. Instead, her increased poundage had finally over loaded the flimsy bulk, which had splintered beneath her and dropped her onto the floor. Amber continued to snore, too drunk and stuffed to even wake up at that. Alice noted that, even lying on the floor, the top of Amber’s paunch still grazed the top bunk.

The next morning, Heather surveyed the carnage with a critical eye.

“Great,” she said. “You think it was impossible getting that fatso out of bed in the morning? Now we’re going to have to lift her fat ass off the floor every morning!” She shook her head solemnly before exploding into a giggle fit.

“I love Amber and everything, but she’s seriously huge. Is it just me or is she getting bigger every day?”

“I was wondering the same thing, actually.”

“But how is that possible? I mean, we’re all eating the same gruel. I don’t see how we haven’t been able to lose any weight on this nasty stuff, but I’m even more confused by how she manages to actually gain weight on it!”

“That’s because she’s not eating it.”

Alice and Heather spun around to see a strange girl sitting at the foot of Amber’s bunk. She was a small redhead, almost scrawny, with an enormous, top-heavy rack packed into an overmatched croptop. She grinned like a cat.

“Who’re you?” demanded Heather. “And how did you get in here?”

“I’m Sally, Amber’s girlfriend,” said the girl. “And I get here by sneaking in through the woods. That fence around camp doesn’t go all the way around, you know. There’s a missing section about a mile out in the forest. You should tell your boyfriend that.”

“Boyfriend?” said Alice.

“Yes, there’s that skinny guy with messy hair who keeps skulking around-“

“Tyler!” yelped Alice.

“Yes, whatever. And then there’s a fat girl and some jock, too.”

“Shelly and Justin!” cried Heather.

“Yes, those three have been trying to get in here for the last week. It’s pretty funny. They think all they have to do is pretend to be pizza delivery boys or something and they’ll get in. Like that ruse ever worked.”

“Well, why don’t you tell them there’s an opening in the fence?” snapped Heather.

Sally shrugged. “Well, I thought they’d like to discover it for themselves. It’s been so much fun to watch them. Besides, it wouldn’t due to have them busting you out. Don’t you girls want to lose weight here?”

“NO!” shouted Alice and Heather in unison.

Sally smiled. “Girls after my own heart. Well, I guess I’ll tell them. But first, be a sweety and tell Amber when she wakes up that I’m leaving her this bag of candy.” She held up a plastic bag. “I know I usually sneak by with food while you two are asleep and she’s awake, but I thought we’d have some variety this time and do it the other way around. She thinks the world of you two. Which one of you is Heather? You, right?”

She pointed at Heather. “The red hair, yes. Hmm, you do have a nice butt. And you must be Alice. I see why Amber likes you so much. Love those lovehandles. Anyway, I must be going. But I’ll be sure to give Justin and Tyler your regards and let them know the way in.” She stood up, her massive tits quaking in her little croptop.

”Oh, before I go, either of you two want some candy?”

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