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Alice 16 - by Mollycoddles(~BBW, Romance, Intrigue, Stuckage, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Romance, Intrigue, Stuckage, ~SWG -- Tyler gets his trophy girlfriend and takes her her home

Alice 16
by Mollycoddles

Click here for prior installment.

After the group was rescued, they knew they needed to split up and head off the camp grounds as the administrators would soon realize what had occured. E-mail addresses were exchanged, and soon Alice was climbing into Tyler's car.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me," Alice said as she buckled her seat belt. "As great as those other girls were, I couldn't stand another second at that place."

"Happy to do it," Tyler replied. "I can't believe your mom sent you there though; what was she thinking?"

Alice looked down with a pout and put her hand on her belly. "Oh, I know exactly why."

Tyler leaned over and touched her shoulder. "You look beautiful, Alice, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

Both of them blushed, and Alice looked the other way, with a smile.

"Wait, I got something for you." Tyler reached to the backseat and pulled out a hot pizza box. "I thought you might be a bit hungry, so I picked this up before I got over here."

Alice took the box and opened the lid, the smell of the pizza hitting her nose immediately.

"Oh my yes! Mmm, this looks delicious!" Alice immediately tore into the pizza, finishing the first slice before Tyler could even pull out of the parking lot.

After fifteen minutes of munching, Tyler quickly looked over and saw the box was empty. There was tomato sauce all over Alice face, and it was clear her belly was near-ready to burst the waistband on her shorts.

"Do you wanna change? You probably don't want to stay in that forever." Tyler offered.

"Yeah, this is kinda a tad uncomfortable," Alice responded as she tried pull the waistband of her shorts down to give her more breathing room. "But I don't have any other clothes with me, and I'm not in the mood to go home yet."

"Well, we could stop by my place; my sister's old clothes're still in her room, and she's about your size," Tyler said.

"I bet her stuff probably won't even fit, the way I'm pigging out," Alice said miserably as she tugged on her shirt, which refused to cover her bloated belly. Tyler blushed seeing this, and turned his eyes back to the road.


Tyler parked the car outside his house and walked Alice up to the door, pulled the key out from under the rug, and let Alice and himself in.

Alice saw a pleasant middle-aged woman approach the door with a smile. "Hi, Tyler! Who's this?"

Tyler began to stammer. "Oh mom...th-this is Alice. From school."

The woman looked Alice over and said, "Ooh, that's nice, Tyler. Are you a cheerleader?"

Alice was momentarily confused until she realized the similarity between her tight camp outfit and her cheerleading uniform.

"Yeah, actually," Alice said. "I haven't been in the games for awhile 'cause I hurt my leg."

"Ah, well,I guess that’s why--" Tyler's mother began before biting her tongue. She’d almost asked why Alice was just about bursting out of her outfit, but thought better of it. After all, Alice was a guest and a friend of Tyler’s. It was none of her business how big she was. "Just make yourself at home, kids. We have food in the fridge, if you haven't eaten."

"Wait Mom, are any of Megan's college clothes in her closet upstairs?" Tyler asked.

"Well, sure." Tyler's mother looked confused. "But why do you want those things?"

"C'mon, Alice, let's go." Tyler grabbed the girl's hand and led her up the stairs. Tyler's mother watched as Alice climbed the staircase, her bottom jiggling with each step, and saw the seams in the back of Alice's shorts were beginning to fray from the pressure.

"Guess that's what happens when you date a young pizza vendor,"
she thought.


In fact, Megan’s clothes DID fit Alice, much to Alice’s surprise. She’d become so used to struggling with overly tight garments that she had almost forgotten what it felt like to actually be comfortable. Megan’s old jeans fit Alice’s butt and thighs perfectly – in fact, they were rather flattering! Megan really knew how to dress, thought Alice.

Alone in Megan’s room, Alice felt like she could truly examine herself for the first time in weeks. As usual, she saw a tubby blonde with her hair done back in a ponytail. Her bright blue eyes and soft red lips gave her rounded face a pleasing, innocent look. She wasn’t bad looking, she had to admit. Yes, she was still chubby. Very chubby. Borderline fat, almost. But it didn’t seem to matter that much anymore. After meeting Heather and Amber and realizing that they were happy despite their weights – or perhaps because of their weight – Alice couldn’t get upset about a couple extra pounds. Her stay at weight camp had done her good, she decided, even if she hadn’t lost any weight.

Now, that was a question. Had she lost any weight?

She looked around the room. She knew there had to be a scale here somewhere. Every girl had a scale in her room! Alice knew that she’d only lost one pound by the time Sandra Sphincter had weighed her, but could she have lost more since then? No, that was too much to hope for. Besides, it was silly. Did she need a scale’s confirmation to make her feel good? Hadn’t she just been telling herself that she didn’t need to be thin to be happy? And didn’t Tyler like her just the way she was, flab and all?


She spied a footscale shoved halfway beneath Megan’s vanity dresser. Alice gingerly bent down and pulled it out.

This is ridiculous, she thought. I know that I’m just as fat as ever. I can see that just by looking in the mirror. But maybe…

She bit her lower lip in dread.

And ever so gently stepped on to the scale.

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she listened to the gentle WHIRR of the scale’s dial spinning around. When the noise stopped, she sighed deeply, bracing herself, and opened one eye.

Gotta do it quick, she thought, like tearing off a band aid. On three. One…two…three..

Alice looked down and saw nothing. Or rather, she saw her own voluminous cleavage. Oh, yeah, she thought. Sighing, she squeezed down her massive boobs and bent forward slightly to look at the scale.


“Oh, great! Just great!” Not only had she not lost any more weight, she’d actually GAINED back that one pound she had lost.

There was a knock on the door. “Are you okay, Alice?” asked Tyler’s voice. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah,” said Alice, sagging down upon the bed. “Come on in. Your family seems really nice. Thanks so much for letting me come over,” Alice added as Tyler came in. “I really do appreciate it. I mean, you’ve already done so much just rescuing me from that awful camp!”

“It was no problem,” said Tyler, coughing modestly. “I was happy to do it. I mean, I wouldn’t want you to blow your whole vacation in a prison camp!”

“Thanks.” Alice grinned sheepishly. Then her face fell. “But now I’m going to have to explain to my mom why I’m not there anymore! Oh, no, they’re probably going to call her and tell her I ran away! Oh, I am so dead…” Alice buried her face in her hands. “Argh! I guess I need to call her right away. Can I use your phone?”


Alice heaved herself to her feet and followed Tyler from the room. “And to top it all off,” she mumbled, “I haven’t even lost a single pound!”

“Is that a bad thing?” asked Tyler.

Alice considered this. “No,” she said. “No, I guess not.”

She dialed the phone and she heard her mom answer.“Hello, mom?”

“Hello, Alice. How’s Image Enhancement Camp?”

“Oh, it’s…great.” Alice grimaced as she lied through her teeth. She was grateful that she could do this over the phone. Her mom would have had a fit if she could see how little her daughter had changed. Alice still had the same rounded face, chunky thighs, hefty hooters, big booty, and chubby gut that had convinced her mom to send her to camp in the first place.

Tyler, watching her from across the room, couldn’t help but admire the way her clothes clung to those curves. Even though they weren’t exactly snug, they still showed off Alice’s generous figure to nice effect. Right now, Alice had her back turned to him as she stuttered to explain her disappearancxe to her mom. His eyes wandered down to take in the hefty twin globes of her pudgy ass.

“How much have you lost?” asked Alice’s mom, right to the point.

“Well…It’s not so much a matter of lost as…haven’t gained.”



Alice tried to change the subject. “I’m doing fine, otherwise,” she said, trying to sound chipper. “Mom, I need to tell you something, just so you won’t worry. See, the camp might be calling you soon and..”

“What do you mean ‘haven’t gained?’” persisted her mom.

“I mean…I haven’t gained anything more.”

“Well, I would hope not, you’re already too huge as it is! Is that the best you can do? I sent you there to lose weight, not to plateau!”

“C’mon, mom, it’s not that easy!”

“Not that easy?? I don’t care how hard it is, I sent you there to lose weight and lose weight is exactly what you’re going to do! You know how much that stupid camp cost?”

“Mom, I ran away from camp,” blurted out Alice.


“I ran away,” said Alice defiantly. “I didn’t like it. They were nasty and mean and pushed me around all day and told me what I could and couldn’t do and eat, and I’m sick of it! And I’m sick of you always telling me I’m too fat! Just lay off already!”

“Alice, you ARE too fat! How’re you ever going to do anything if you’re a fat hog? You’ll get kicked off the cheer squad! You’ll never find a boyfriend-“

“I DO have a boyfriend!”

“What? Oh, that weird kid with the messy hair? He doesn’t count, I mean a real boyfriend –“

“Shut up, mom!”

“Don’t you take that tone of voice with me, young lady!” shouted Alice’s mom, so loud that Alice nearly dropped the phone. “I’m tired of fighting with you about this! You go back and finish camp right now! I don’t want to see you in this house again as long as you’re a blimp, so you’d better drop some pounds and fast!”

She slammed the phone down, leaving Alice listening to a dial tone.

Alice crumbled to the floor, falling upon her well-padded rear and bouncing ever so slightly, and began sobbing. Tyler immediately rushed over to comfort her. She threw her arms around him and started bawling loudly.

“ Good gracious, what was that all about?” asked Tyler’s mom, coming into the room.

“Alice’s mom is upset because she…uh…thinks Alice is…too big,” whispered Tyler, as he patted Alice’s broad back.

“Too big?” Tyler’s mom looked perplexed for a moment before she realized what he was talking about. “What? That’s a ridiculous thing to have such a row about! Dear, are you okay?”

Alice sobbed. “She said I shouldn’t come home until I’m not a blimp anymore!”

“Well then, you’ll just have to stay here, you poor dear!” said Tyler’s mom. “I mean, you’re not a blimp. I…uh..your mom is….er…oh, Tyler, tell your girlfriend to go wash up for dinner.”


After that heated exchange between Alice and her mother, Tyler’s parents decided that Alice would stay at Tyler's house for the remainder of break, which Tyler readily agreed to. In contrast to Alice's mother, who usually made her daughter keep a strict checklist of what she ate around the house during long vacation (although Alice had learned to fib convincingly over the years), Tyler's family merely wanted to keep their son's prospective girlfriend happy, especially having Christmas away from home.

The house was always well-stocked with snack foods as Tyler had an unusually fast metabolism, and Alice took full advantage of what was at her fingertips. No one in the family ever saw her without food, especially when she watching lounging on the couch with Tyler.

The effects were soon obvious. Megan's clothes, bought after she had experienced her originally Freshman 15 a few years back, were just snug enough to show off her voluptuous figure when Alice first tried them on her first night there. By Christmas dinner, a few days later, they’d reached their breaking point.

"Could you pass the potatoes, Mr. Hiller?" Alice asked, still chewing the stuffing she was eating.

"Um, are you sure you're not full, sweetie?" Tyler's mom looked at Alice's belly, which was straining the button on her pants severely. She was happy to have another girl in the house, especially since Megan had decided to spend Christmas Eve at her new fiance’s home, but she worried about Alice overdoing it sometimes.

"Nuh-uh," replied Alice, who didn’t find her weight nearly as pressing without her mom hovering over her back. Tyler's dad passed her the bowl and Alice scooped another load on to her plate. Alice began digging into it, but a few spoonfuls in, she heard a ping. Suddenly, her belly spilled onto her lap, and out of the corner of her eye she could see her pants button on the floor. Alice was blushing beet red.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Tyler's dad chimed in with a smile. "Well, at least she's a fan of your cooking, dear."

Tyler's mom stood up from the table and started walking toward the kitchen. "Don't worry about it at all, Alice. Those were old pants and I’m sure that Megan wouldn’t have been able to fit back into them anyway.”

“Th-thank you, Mrs. Hiller,” stammered Alice. “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t realize what a pig I was being. It’s just that your cooking is so good..”

Mrs. Hiller smiled. She was very proud of her cooking, even though her family never seemed to appreciate it enough. Oh, sure, they ate it, but they rarely bothered to praise it… Tyler was just a skinny little thing who hardly seemed to eat enough for her liking, her husband just shoveled food without tasting it, and Megan? Before she left for college, that lazy girl was always on some new fad diet. But here was a girl who really appreciated all her hard work!

“Never you mind that, you’re our guest! I take it as a compliment that you like my cooking so much. Speaking of which , does anyone want some ice cream for dessert? Mint chocolate chip?"

Alice was immediately distracted by this enticing offer, and dove into her five-scoop bowl immediately. Tyler couldn't help but watch. She's amazing, he thought. Most definitely.


After dinner, Alice excused herself to Megan’s room. Once again, she paused to look at herself in the mirror. Was she bigger? Her stuffed tummy poked out of the gap left by the pants defeated button. Gently, she tugged at the zipper and it slid down easily, as her globular stomach poured out. With the zipper fully lowered, Alice frowned at her remerging paunch, the lower quarter covered by a stretched pair of blue cotton panties.

She really felt awful about busting Megan’s pants. She should have known better! She hadn’t been watching her waistline nearly as devoutly as she should. Sure, even if she was comfortable with her weight…that didn’t mean that she wanted to KEEP gaining.

She fell asleep wrestling with her thougts

There was a knock on the door. “It’s me, Tyler!”

Alice sucked in her gut and quickly pulled her zipper back up. “Come in!”

Tyler pushed open the door. He had another plate of ice cream in his hand. “Hey, you okay? My mom wanted to know if you’d had enough. She was worried that you cut dessert short because you were embarrassed.”

“More? Thanks, but I couldn’t. Tyler, seriously, I gain weight so easily. It’s only been a few days since I got out of weight camp and I already feel like I’m ballooning up again. I mean, these clothes used to fit and now I’m popping out of them! What am I going to do? I need to seriously lose some weight or my mom will never take me back, and instead I’m porking out and getting fatter and fatter!”

She pointed at her soft, bloated tummy that eased back and forth with her breathing.

“Shhh,” said Tyler, patting her shoulder. “You’ll be fine. I’ll help you, if you want. I’m sure we can get a few pounds off if you really want them off. It’s a shame, though. I mean, they look so good on you.”

Alice blushed. “Thanks, silly. But I wouldn’t worry. The way my metabolism works, I’m sure I’ll gain them back in no time. I just need to drop them for now, so that my mom lets me back into the house and, at the rate I’m going, I wouldn’t even be able to FIT into the house even if my mom does let me in! And I don’t want to mooch off your family forever.”

She sank down heavily on the bed. Tyler sat next to her and tried to comfort her.

“There, there, it’s okay. We’ll deal with your mom soon enough. Now do you want this ice cream or not?”

“No, no thanks. Well…” Alice eyes it hungrily. She was still a bit puckish to be honest. “Sure, what the heck. I guess I’ll start the diet in the morning, eh?” She grinned. Man, was that an old excuse. She spooned the some ice cream into her mouth.

“Mmmm,” murmured Alice, scooping some more ice cream into her mouth. She knew she shouldn’t but she just couldn’t help herself…Alice could almost feel the rich, creamy ice cream making her fatter, settling on her hips and butt. “That’s good stuff! Really good!” She quickly scarfed down the rest of the ice cream, only pausing when she hit the bottom of the bowl.

“That’s such good ice cream, thanks, Tyler,” said Alice, smiling as she felt the delicious coldness of the ice cream in the pit of her full tummy. “I don’t suppose there’s anymore downstairs?”

“Well, yes, there is, actually.”

“Great!” Alice leapt to her feet and pounded out the door. Yes, that was good ice cream! She hadn’t noticed at dinner, but now…wow! Tyler’s parents had retired to their room (she could hear their television through the master bedroom door as she waddled past), so she didn’t need to be embarrassed by her appetite for once.

Alice opened the freezer and peered inside. “Aha!” she said to herself. “There’s that carton of ice cream!” She snatched the carton out of the freezer and pulled a new spoon from the silverware drawer. She briefly considered finding a bowl, but then thought better of it.

“Screw it!” she thought. “I’ll just eat it from the carton. Less dirty dishes that way!”

She jammed the spoon into the hard ice cream and pulled out her first spoonful. And then her second. And her third. Heavenly! Before she knew what she was doing, she’d finished the whole carton.

“Oooo,” moaned Alice, clutching her stuffed stomach as it pressed against the waistband of her pants. Even without the button, they were starting to feel confining! She quickly looked around her and – finding that she was alone – surreptitiously pulled down her zipper. Her belly, even rounder than it had been right after dinner, swelled out like a balloon.

“Oh great, I’m getting so fat!” groaned Alice. She rubbed one hand along her big, corpulent gut, pausing briefly to poke at her deep, dark belly button. She felt stuffed after that snack, but her belly made a quiet little gurgling noise.

“What the?” she thought in surprise. “”I can’t still be hungry!” She realized there was a ring of melted mint ice cream around her mouth and she eagerly licked her lips to get that last bit of tastiness. It was good. “That’s got to be a digestive gurgle…right?”

It gurgled again. No, she realized in awe, that was most definitely a hunger gurgle. Was there anything else around here to eat?

She pulled open the refrigerator door and bent over to look inside. That was difficult, since her belly was so full that it twinged slightly as she bent over. She pied the leftovers from Christmas dinner. Just what she needed! Tyler’s mom had made so much that there would be no way to finish it all before it went bad. So they wouldn’t mind if she helped herself to a little.

The first bowl she grabbed contained – appropriately enough – stuffing. Alice stuck her spoon in and shoveled it into her mouth. That was good stuffing! Her cheeks bulging, Alice continued to eat and eat. Her swollen tummy filled out more and more, sliding out of her unzippered pants.

“Mmmmm,” Alice moaned, squeezing her eyes shut. “That’s sooo good!” she sputtered through a mouthful of stuffing. “But, mmm, I’m so full now I couldn’t possibly eat another bite.”

Holding the Tupperware bowl full of stuffing in one hand, Alice cradled her tubby gut with her other. It looked like she’d swallowed a bowling ball – and it was so heavy that it felt that way too. She released her hold on her potbelly as it grumbled again, and renewed her focus on the stuffing, throwing the rest of the bowl into her mouth. Her abdomen expanded bigger as she swallowed.

She staggered back to the fridge and grabbed a handful of Tupperware boxes before trudging over to the kitchen table. She was so bloated now that she just wanted to sit and eat. She pulled the lid off the first box and grabbed some yams with her hand. No need for a fork now! She stuffed them in her mouth, smearing them all over her face. The next box had some corn. Delicious! And string beans! And turkey!

“Mmmmm.” Alice didn’t want to do anything but eat and eat. She was so hungry, but she paused in shock when she felt a slight twitch at her crotch. She looked down in surprise to see that she’d popped a thread in the crotch of her pants.

“Whatever,” she thought. “I’ve already ruined these pants, so who cares?” She crammed a roll into her mouth and chewed it deliberately as she felt another POP! Another thread in her pants let go as her growing gut put increasing pressure on the by now too-tight trousers. Stitches right below the open zipper were popping as Alice continued to eat, stuffing food into her mouth with wild abandon.

Alice was briefly distracted from her meal by a series of loud pops that indicated the seat of her pants was breaking, but she only stopped for a second. Before she knew it, she was back to eating.

“Mmmm, I’m sooo hungry!” she groaned between bites. She wondered for a second why Tyler hadn’t followed her downstairs, but then decided that she’d prefer to gorge in privacy anyway. She crammed half a baked potato into her mouth as her bloated body continued to swell. What difference did it make? Whether she ate or not, Alice just couldn’t stop ballooning so she might as well enjoy the process. Her stomach blew up in front of her like an inflatable pool toy, pulling the seams of her pants apart.

Finally, finally, Alice pried open the last container with her pudgy fingers. She was finally sated, and she’d grown absolutely huge in the process. She was almost dizzy as she looked at the last of the peach pie she was so full.

Alice felt her thighs touch the arm rests of the chair, and her full butt cheeks press against the backrest. She struggled to stand up but she was hopelessly wedged in, and becoming more tightly wedged by the second.

“Ooooo,” she moaned through puffy lips. “Help me, I’m stuck!” Despite herself, she couldn’t help but stuff a sliver of peach pie into her mouth. She knew it wouldn’t help things…but she just couldn’t help herself! She couldn’t stop eating…

She shoved another slice of peach pie into her mouth and madly chewed it. The chair began to buckle under her weight as her clothes ripped and tore. Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Alice even swore her cotton panties were beginning to unravel from the strain

Just one more bite…that was all that was left of the pie…but Alice felt so stuffed that she was sure she would explode if she even thought about eating another bite…

But still, it looked so tasty…

”What the heck, who cares at his pointll,” mumbled Alice and jammed the last slice into her mouth. And then exploded. Kaboom!!

Alice awoke with a start. She was still up in Megan’s room, where she’d gone right after dinner. She rubbed her eyes and looked down at herself; her chubby tummy rolled over the waistband of her snug pants, but when she grabbed a handful of adipose and pushed it aside she could she the hole left by her burst button. She sighed. So it had all been a dream, thank goodness!

She again resolved to diet. She only hoped that she could stick to it.

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