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Alice 19 - by Mollycoddles (~BBW, Intrigue, ~~WG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Intrigue, ~~WG - Faced with the facts, chubbified Laurie and Jen finally have to drop at least some of their denial

by Mollycoddles

(Click here for link to the prior installment)

“I can’t believe this!” shouted Laurie, throwing open the door to her room. “How could this have happened?! I mean, I know how it happened to you –“

She waved dismissively at her friend Jen, as the pear-shaped cheerleader waddled into the room after her. “But me!! How could I have actually gotten…gotten…”

“Fat?” finished Jen.

“Shut up! I’m not fat! I couldn’t be!” Laurie yelled again, throwing herself onto her bed.

Oh, she was so embarrassed! Despite her continuously rising weight, Laurie had kept herself in denial all year – and that denial had finally come crashing down after her embarrassment in the clothes store. There was no way that she could believe anything else now; she had definitely porked up.

She rolled over, onto her side – Laurie’s enormous breasts made it difficult and uncomfortable for her to lie on her stomach for long – and just managed to catch a glimpse of herself in the full-length mirror in the corner. Her large hooters still dominated her figure, but the rest of her was definitely more fleshy as well.

She sat upright, causing her bulbous bosom to bounce up and down. The buttons down the front of her blouse pooched severely over the swell of her colossal bust – as well she expected them to – but she was surprised to note that they seemed to strain even after the top had passed her chest. There were visible strain lines as the blouse struggled to cover her increasingly tubby tummy. The blouse wasn’t tucked into her pants.

Indeed, it didn’t quite reach her pants anymore. So she could clearly see that she had a noticeable muffin top, her soft belly and love handles spilling over the waistband, her slit of a navel deep and dark.

She stood up to examine herself further. She knew her pants were too tight. After all, she could feel them pinching her waist. She’d been able to feel that tightness for weeks now, she realized. She had, hadn’t she? But she’d ignored it, confident that she, Laurie the ultimate cheerleader, simply couldn’t have gained weight. She was the sexiest girl in school, the desire of every man, the envy of every woman. How could she have turned into this…this…this blimp without realizing it?

Silently, she turned to eye her friend. Jen, too, was definitely fat. Most of her new flab had accumulated on her wide butt, making her into an exaggerated bottom-heavy beauty, but she’d swelled up all over as well. Her flat tummy now pooched out, hanging over the waistband of her skirt. Jen’s bloated ass made it difficult for her to cram herself into pants, so she almost always wore skirts these days. Even so, her bum was so inflated that had to be careful when she moved around that she didn’t split her clothes.

“You,” said Laurie, suddenly cross, “I should have known!”

“What?” said Jen, confused.

“You did this to me, you fat bitch!” snarled Laurie. “I can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner! You and your fat ass, always snacking, always eating. You always have to have some food around, don’t you? If you weren’t such a greedy pig, then I wouldn’t be exposed to all your fatty foods and I wouldn’t be a hog now!”

“Hey!” snapped Jen, “That’s totally not fair! I, like, never made you eat anything. It’s not my fault that you’re always stuffing your face!”

“WhatEVER,” said Laurie, rolling her eyes. “I don’t care what that stupid cow Alice says about me and I don’t care what you say. What I care about is what I say, and I say I look great. And Josh agrees. He still thinks I’m dead sexy.”

Laurie’s mind wandered back to Josh. Her sexy football playing boyfriend was due to come over today. He had told her earlier on the phone that he had something really important to talk about, and Laurie was dying to know what it was. Usually when he talked like that, it meant that he was about to buy her something, like some fancy jewelry or some new clothes.

Laurie smirked. As long as she had her looks, she could twist him around her little finger. And even if she had packed on a few…okay, a lot of pounds…Josh couldn’t see past her giant tits, so she didn’t have anything to worry about. In fact, the whole reason she and Jen had gone shopping was so that she could find some sexy new lingerie for when Josh came over tonight.

The lingerie! She’d gotten so freaked out about her new discovery about her body that she’d totally forgotten about it. Josh would probably be coming over soon, and Laurie planned to surprise him…all she needed to do was put on her brand new underwear under her clothes, so that Josh could unwrap a very special present tonight.

“Look, Jen, I don’t have time for this crap, okay? I mean, okay, maybe we…we both gained a little weight…but we’ll be fine. Look, it’s not that noticeable, is it? If it was, then we would have noticed it long ago. We’ll totally drop it really quick now that winter break’s over and we’re practicing again. But, right now, I need to get ready for Josh.”

Grinning, she picked up her shopping bag off the floor and pulled out her purchase: A mega-sized lacey black bra and a pair of skimpy thong panties.

“I am gonna look so hot in this,” gushed Laurie. “Josh will buy me sooo much stuff!”

Jen nodded, but seemed less enthusiastic. She was worried about her own boyfriend, Craig, He had grown silent and withdrawn recently, and she had no idea why. Could this be the reason? Could it be that he was disgusted with her expanding size, her slowly inflating bottom? Laurie’s capacity for denial was faltering now, but Jen’s had been decimated. Her bottom was huge, huger than it had ever been before, and she was massive all over besides. This was terrible.

Jen was lost in her thoughts as Laurie retired to the bathroom to change, still chattering about her plans to seduce Josh.

She hardly had to make any effort to take off her blouse. Merely poking the straining buttons was enough to pop them out of their buttonholes, the two halves of her top almost flying apart as the buttons released. When she finished the last button, she shrugged the blouse off her shoulders and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her current bra was plain and white, a dull, utilitarian thing. At her size, it was difficult to find anything nice, which was why she was especially excited about her new purchase. Her big round boobs welled up out of her constraining brassiere like a pair of golden cantelopes packed into her underwear. Below that, her soft, flabby belly bulged over her belt and her thick thighs pulled the fabric of her slacks tight. She tried hard to ignore that.

Laurie reached behind her back and fumbled at her brassiere clasp, but her fingers couldn’t quite grasp it.

“Jennnnn,” she wailed, “Come give me a hand, huh? I can’t get this bra off.”

Jen poked her head into the bathroom. “What’s wrong?”

Laurie waved her arms behind her head, making another futile grab at her brassiere clasp. All she accomplished was to squish her big boobs into her chest as she flailed. “My bra won’t come off! I can’t reach!”

Jen bent forward to inspect the problem. Laurie’s famously straining bra had strained too much; the hooks were twisted and mangled by the weight of her gargantuan chest.

“Ohmigawd, we'll never get this bra off! Your huge fat boobs have, like, totally bent the clasp. The only way out is if you, like, were to bust out of it."

“Ha. Ha,” said Laurie sarcastically.

“Do those things ever stop?” continued Jen, “I don't think there's enough letters in the alphabet! They're totally getting bigger...just like the rest of you, Laurie!”

Jen couldn’t resist the temptation to throw in a cutting comment, especially since she had so often received them in the past from Laurie. Now that Laurie was starting to become self-conscious about her blimping size, Jen felt like she had to take the opportunity to snark at her a bit.

“Was that a fat joke, you bitch?!” snapped Laurie, “You're one to talk; you're totally bigger than I am!”

Jen fell silent for a moment, but quickly regained her composure. “I am not!”

“Are too!” Laurie leapt to her feet, her melon-heavy hooters swaying and jiggling wildly as she made a swipe at Jen. Jen dodged, but fell over backwards, landing with a loud “oof!” on her well-padded bottom.

“Owww!” she moaned, “My butt! I hurt my butt!”

“Well, that must hurt a lot,” smirked Laurie, who suddenly felt like she had the upper hand again, “since there’s so much of it.”

“Owwwww! That’s not funny!”

Laurie grimaced. “You started it, you know.”

“Ohhhhh…yeah, but I was just saying that you have huge tits…that’s a good thing..ohhh…I mean, like, you’re always bragging about them…” Jen rolled over, rubbing her pronounced and tender lobes.

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry. Now help me get this stupid brassiere off. I need to be in my sexy underwear by the time Josh gets here.”

Jen struggled to her feet, wobbling unsteadily due to her new center of gravity. Laurie turned her back to her friend, motioning behind her to the ruined clasp again.

Jen sighed quietly and squinted at the bra. And she suddenly had a good idea! “It’s, like, hard to see what I’m doing here. Why don’t you stand up straight?”

“Yeah, whatever,” said Laurie testily, but she complied. As she did so, the force of her massive tits finally overwhelmed the hefty garment and the hooks tore out from their stitching. The overly constrictive brassiere practically flung across the room as Laurie’s unbelievable knockers exploded free, bouncing and jiggling like big swollen balloons full of jello.

“Ahhh!” sighed Laurie, rubbing her bloated boobs. “That feels a lot better. See, I totally knew we could get that bra off.”

Behind Laurie’s back, Jen couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Laurie may have finally admitted that she was getting chubbier and chubbier, but she still didn’t seem to realize that her increased poundage was responsible for her exploding undergarments. In fact, she didn’t seem to realize that she’d just popped her bra; she simply thought that Jen had managed to unhook it!

"Whatever," thought Jen, "she’ll learn soon enough when she actually goes to look at that bra and finds it ruined. And people think I’m the dumb one! "

Click here for the next installment.

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