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Alien Abduction (v. 1) - by Neogenevieve15 (~BBW, Sci-fi, force feeding, ~~WG)

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Feb 11, 2007
~BBW, Sci-fi, force feeding, ~~WG - Hallie isn't a comet, but seems headed for space. Stay tuned

Alien Abduction (v1) - Parts 1 & 2
by Neogenevieve15

Hallie is walking home from her first day of classes at the university. She is a petite girl with shoulder length brown hair in a ponytail, C-cup boobs, and wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt. As she is walking, a saucer-like object hovers over her. A beam of light shoots down from the saucer and hits Hallie. She notices it and tries to run, but an overwhelming feeling comes over her, and her world becomes black.

Groggily, Hallie comes to. She blinks her eyes open and sees that she has been strapped down to a chair. She struggles against her binds, but they are on her tight. The door in front of her opens and in enters a greenish creature with an oval-like head, two arms with human-like hands, and human-like legs. She struggles some more.

“Specimen collected. Now, to take measurements,” the alien says in a robotic accent.

“Specimen is small Earthling. Too skinny. Too short. Fix measurements.”

“Wait, wait, what are you? Where am I? Please, let me go,” Hallie cries desperately

“Specimen denied release. Specimen is needed,” the alien says.

“Needed for what? Let me go!" she wails.

“Specimen loud. Fix specimen volume.” The alien presses a button and a metal strip covers her mouth.

“Specimen, hungry? If specimen hungry, specimen will be fed.”

Hallie was confused now. She didn’t know what type of test this alien was going to put her under. Her stomach rumbles. She was hungry. If she followed along, maybe, he will release her. Hallie nods her head since she couldn’t say it.

The alien presses another button and the metal strip on her mouth goes away. Her chair rotates to be in front of a table full of food.

"Specimen will be fed.”

Mechanical arms attached to her chair reaches for the first thing on the table which was a cupcake. The mechanical hand brings it up to her mouth. She takes a bite into the food. She tries to pull away to chew the food, but the hand follows her. She has no choice but to swallow fast while taking another bite of the food in the hand. She had two cupcakes like that until she got full. The hands reach for more food before the hands came back to her mouth. She says, “Please, no more. I am full.”

“Specimen too small. Fixing measurements,” the alien says

“But, I am full.”

“Specimen must eat,” the alien presses another button.

When the food came in front of her mouth again, Hallie presses her mouth tight, but another hand comes up and pulls her jaw down. The hand forces her to bite into her third cupcake. When that bite of cupcake was in her mouth, the hand forces her mouth open again and force more cupcake into her mouth. She tries to get away, but she is strapped down tight. She has no choice again but to chew a bit and swallow.

For the next 9 hours, the hands were consistent in feeding her. She had no rest. Food after food shoveled into her mouth. She was given milk shakes or smoothies to keep her hydrated. By midnight, the table was empty and the hands stopped operating. Hallie could barely move because of how much she ate. She aches from how much she ate. Her belly looked like a beach ball. She wanted to rub her stomach, but she was still strapped down. Her jeans looked strained from her gut. The button on her jeans had popped off long ago. She looks to have gained 30 pounds from the feeding. She wants to cry her 125lb body was gone.

“Specimen still too small. Specimen will rest. Specimen will be fed again in 8 hours.”

She didn’t want to sleep, but all of that feeding made her tired, so she fell asleep.

(Continued in post 3 of this thread)

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