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Amber I - by Mollycoddles (]~BBW, Eating, Lesbianism. Stuckage ~MWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Lesbianism. Stuckage ~MWG - Some girls start eating in college and just have no desire to stop

Amber I
by Mollycoddles

(Editor’s note: Portions of this multi-part story eventually intersect directly with the plotlines of the Heather and Alice serials by the same author. As a result all three series are being posted on a concurrent basis so that they will converge together. However, Amber technically began first.)

Part 1 – College days

Hi, my name is Amber and this is my story. I used to be a cheerleader back in high school - can you believe that? Yeah, I used to be tiny- slender waisted and stick legs but no boobs and a totally flat ass.

It wasn’t that I didn’t eat; it was just that I had plenty of practice and physical activity to burn off all the calories. Once I started college, though, things were different. Food was available in unlimited quantity and I enjoyed taking full advantage of it. I really didn’t care – in fact I enjoyed feeling stuffed 24/7.

Well, you can guess what happened. I put on the freshman 15 in like a month. Before I knew it, I had hooters that strained my best bras to bursting and a big round booty to rival Jennifer Lopez. Soon I was eating all the time, even when I wasn’t in the cafeteria. And fifteen pounds a month became routine.It still didn’t bother me for some reason.

By the time I got home for summer vacation, I was huge. I was still eating non stop and I couldn’t control myself. Sometimes, I literally thought I would keep eating until i exploded. My mother wasn’t happy about that at all! She frowned every time she saw me but it wasn’t until I’d been home for a week that she finally said anything. We were eating dinner and I was dressed in a button down shirt - formerly baggy- pulled tight around my new knockers and a pair of spandex gym shorts.

“Amber, I need to talk to you.”

“Mmmm...good food. Why? (Burp) What’s wrong?”

“It’s about your weight...How much do you weigh now?”

I wiped sauce off my face. “Don’t know. 160 lbs.”

“You do not weigh 160, Amber. I can tell from here that you’ve gotten much fatter than that. Let’s go weigh you right now, okay, tubby?”

I was mad. All I wanted to do was finish my food. I knew I was well over 200 but didn’t want to be told an exact number. Or more precisely didn't want my mother to know the exact number. I stuffed some more spaghetti in my mouth and said “later Mother.”

Gulp. Swallow. Eventually I tried I tried to stand up. My big, bloated belly made me lurch forward. Oof.

“Amber, you’ve become a disgusting pig! Look at that huge belly!”

I smiled, screening out her cries.

“Oink oink. Yeah, my gut is big, fat, round. My ass fills my spandex shorts, straining them to their limits. Stitches ready to burst. My stomach protrudes before me. Bigger, bigger. Every bite makes it grow bigger. Fat rolls overflow my pants, hanging over my waistband. The button is obscured; my pants are sooooo tight. Won’t they pop soon?”

I like making fun of my body- I know its huge.

She cries, “Look at this gut!”

She grabbed my tummy and jiggled it.

“Yep, it’s huge. I am such a blimp. Get used to it.” I think. A smile spreads across my fat face as I remembered the last time anyone said that.
My mother just stood there – I'm not playing her game and she dosn't know what to do. My mind was elsewhere, with siomerone else.


“Look at this gut!” giggles Sally.

At school, my lover Sally loves to feed me.

Sally is tiny, she’s a thin little girl, unlike me, but she’s got the most massive tits. She must wear a size double E. Every time I see her bouncing down the hall, I expect to see her big bloated boobs bust through her sports bra. She can eat lots, too, but she has a fast metabolism so she stays thin, at least relative to me.. I think that she’s disappointed that she can’t gain weight so she compensates by watching me get fatter.

I turn in front of the mirror in my dorm room for her. My butt is huge, packed tightly into these jeans so that the stitches are ready to snap.

“I really shouldn’t eat anymore,” I pout in mock concern, “Look at how fat I’ve already gotten.”

“Yes,” she says, offering me another chocolate eclair“ but if you keep eating you’ll get even fatter.”


My mom did try restricting my food, and succeeds to some degree, but I've already porked out for part of summer break. Now I returned to my Dorm. There I have some clothes in storage. I get them out and tery ourtting them on - hoping they still won't fit

I'm not disappointed. I giggle and look down at my front. My tender belly is poking out between my too-tight jeans and my riding-up shirt. My deep belly-button is exposed. The button on my jeans looks ready to pop, quivering with my every movement. Usually, I have to button my jeans over my belly, letting my fat rolls hang loose, but since my mom put me on that stupid diet for two months I've started to waste way. I hope that Sally can feed me enough that I gain back all that delicious weight soon!

“And I'll be fatter...” I dream

I moan softly at the idea, arching my back. My swollen stomach bulges out, forcing my shirt up even more. Soon, my whole gut is exposed, my shirt bunched up just below my bloated breasts.

“And fatter...”


I remember an incident before going home for summer break. Sally had entered the room at a time like this. She knows my reveries wll.

“And fatter...” she echoed

“Ohhh,” I say, “but if I’m THAT fat, how will you be able to handle me? I’ll be huge! Can you believe that I used to be a petite little cheerleader?”

“Put it on.”


“Put on your cheerleading outfit.”

“Oh, but you know that I’ll NEVER fit into it. I’ve gotten much too fat!”

“Please?” Sally pouts, leaning forward, her quivering tits bulging out the front of her V-neck sweater. I just can’t resist that sight.

My cheerleading outfit is impossibly tight. My panties are stretched to busting over my thunder thighs, pulled so high that they’re almost a thong on my growing body. My skirt is held together by safety pins, and my sweater is struggling to contain my mammoth melons. I had to struggle to stuff them into my old bra, and now they are ready to explode out of it. My nipples can be easily seen through the tight material. I’m so buxom now that the front almost looks like a v-neck, and I’m literally swelling out of the top! I’m too big to pull the sweater all the way down to connect to the skirt, so my paunch hangs out.

“Now put on the spandex pants!” cried Sally eagerly.

Sally loves it when I tried to wear my old cheerleading clothes, but she should knows I can't fit into them anymore.

“There’s no way I’ll ever get my fat ass into those spandex pants!” I exclaim.

She wants me to try anyway so I start to pull them up, over my jiggly thighs. It’s a struggle, the spandex stretches and stretches until it is almost transparent. I can hear stitches popping. When I am done, it is stretched to the limit over my expanding waistline.

“Do you like me when I’m this fat?” I ask.

“Not as much as I’d love you if you were fatter!” laughs Sally, jumping up and down. She’s so excited that her titanic tits are bouncing like crazy. I can’t help but hope those big pale boobs come flying out of her shirt...

I bend over, smiling, to pull off the spandex pants but then I hear a loud RIIIP! Oh, no! I totally blew out my panties!

“You naughty, naughty girl!” squealed Sally. “You’ve gotten so fat that you busted your panties open! How embarrassing!”

I turned bright red, bending back to see the torn seat of my panties.

“Now step on the scale, Amber! I want to see exactly how fat you’ve gotten, how fat I’ve made you!”

I stepped on the scale, knowing what was coming, and lovinging every moment of it. I bent over to take a look, but didn’t see anything past my enormous belly. Boy, it’s gotten so big, I thought, Ever since I came to college and met Sally, I’ve been eating nonstop and it’s finally showing.

“I can’t see the scale,” I said.

“230,” Sally read. “230! That’s soooo much higher than your old weight!”

The high number turns me on but it also make me hungry. My stomach growls.

Sally sighs, “Hungry, already? Honestly, Amber, your eating is out of control. I’ve never seen an 18 year old girl gain so much weight in such a short period of time. You’ve got to cut back!”

I smile, promise to cut back. Not likely! It’s only going to be bigger and bigger for me, fatter and fatter...

* * * * * * *

My Mom never did find out for sure that I was somewhere over 230 the summer of my Freshman year, though I'm sure she suspected it. After trying to get me to diet she finally understands (I hope) that its not a problem for me and I’m not going to change. She reluctantly gives up and now I'm returning to school to face Sally.

“I can’t do it, Sally. I tried to cut back over the summer, my mother even tried to put me on this diet. But I realized that I couldn’t stop eating. It’s all I want to do anymore and I keep getting fatter and fatter everyday. I don’t think I can stop eating ever, Sally! Say, you don’t have anything around here I could snack on do you?”

I rub my large, hungry belly, recallling an earlier incident.

While I was waddling down the hall one day, I overheard two boys talking about my weight gain. When I hear people talk about how round I’ve gotten, it made me so wet that I couldn't stand it. I had to find Sally so that she can satisfy me...feed me again!

“There’s Amber,” said one boy. “She used to be so hot, but she’s turned into a fat pig! She’s such a cow. All she does is stuff her chunky face all day long.”

“I know, it’s a wonder she doesn’t explode!”

They apparently think I can’t hear, or might be hurt by their rude remarks. They don’t understand. I want to be fat - as fat as can be.

Suddenly, I jumped out at them.

“Watch out, boys!” I call, shoving my bloated belly at them; the pressure against the jeans waist is so intense it’s ready to burst open.

“She’s gonna blow!” I hold my tummy to push it back. “I don’t know if I can hold it much longer!”

The boys ran off, embarrassed. While I was laughing, I heard Sally come up behind me.

“That’s not funny, Amber! What were you doing there?”

“Those boys were talking about how fat I’ve gotten.”

“That’s not right,” said Sally, “Only I should get to talk about that. Now what did the doctor say?”

My mom had made me visit the doctor to talk about my weight gain.

“She said ‘Stop getting fatter, fat ass!’”

“Are you going to follow her advice?” asked Sally as she ushered me into her dorm room.

“Pfft! Not likely! You got any food around here?”

Sally looks at me, smiles, rubs my huge tummy. “Oh, look how fat you are, Amber! It’s so sexy! You must be the fattest girl on campus”

“I will be soon,” I said, proudly, “Look at how big I’ve gotten! My jeans are sooo tight they’re cutting of my circulation!” I raised my shirt to show her, but I didn’t need to: my tubby belly had already made it ride up. My jeans waistband was cutting into my stomach so deeply that my belly hung over it, the folds of flab covering the strained button.

“Here,” said Sally, “Let me unbutton that for you! You’re way too fat to wear such tight stuff! Now suck in that chubby gut of yours.”

“I am sucking in!” I protested, “I’m so fat now that even when I suck in my clothes are too tight.”

I know I’m a balloon – but this balloon has no intention of deflating.

“Do you have any more food? I’m starving! Ohhhhh, I’m so hungry I think I’m going to faint!”

Sally pulled out a bag of cookies and a package of fig newtons..She likes me being fat and I enjoy it. Nothing else seems to matter,

“Ohhhh,” I moaned, “That feels sooo good! I just want to eat everything you bring me. I’m so hungry. Stuff me!”

Sally poured out the cookies and offers to get me some milk I devour both.

“Oooo more! Feed me!”

“Oh, you are such a pig, Amber!”

“Mmm, so hungry! I need you to fill my big fat belly for me, fill it all the way up, until it’s huge and hard and tight and round.”

We kept it up for an hour. Finally I said “Oof. I couldn’t eat another bite. I mean it. I’ll burst.”

My huge, gorged paunch rose like a mountain. It was huge, but so is everything else: My butt had become too wide to fit through narrow doors. I could hardly fit behind desks in school anymore with all that junk in the trunk. My breasts weree enormous, straining the cups on my DD bra, cutting into my fleshy shoulders. My ballooning boobs were almost overflowing the inadequate cups. Whenever I moved, my jeans and bra creak, you could hear the stitches straining to keep together. I bent over, stretching the seat of my too-tight jeans.

Sally groaned when I aimed my plump butt at her.

“I can see the white stitches in your seat!” she cried, “Your jeans are ready to bust open and it makes me so hot!”

I wiggle my ass and shake my titanic tits. They jiggle like a pair of jumbo water balloons.

“I’m absolutely stuffed,” I gasped. “I’ve got to go home and rest before I eat again. I’ve got to stop eating before I pop!”

Sally smiled, patting my rounded stomach. “Better not go out the front door. The RA might see you and you know that she doesn’t approve of you.”

“What? Is she homophobic?”

“No, she just thinks you’re too fat.”

I laughed, shaking my enormous, spherical gut. “There’s no such thing. I’ll go out the window, then.”

“Ha!” said Sally, “Right, like that’s ever going to happen.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Hey, no offense Amber but I don’t think there’s any way that you’re going to squeeze that massive bum through that tiny little window.”

“A lot you know! Hey, I got this rump into those tight little panties AND into that cheerleading outfit. A window should be a piece o’ cake.”

I lumbered over to the window, puffing, and pull it open. I leaned forward, careful not to catch my bulging hooters in the opening. I shoved myself through.

“Oof!” I groaned, struggling. “Sally, I think I’m stuck. You were right. I’m too fat to get through this window!”

I pushed but my huge gut was wedged tightly into the window frame. I started kicking frantically, and I heard the last stiches in my pants surrender. POW POW POW! Now my ass was totally exposed, covered by nothing but those stretched, tissue -thin panties that are wedging into my butt.

“Keep pushing!” I called. Sally shoved me with all her might, her hands sinking into the flabby flesh of my wide rump. She presses her body against mine and I can feel her bloated mams against my rear.

She shoved me harder and I lurch forward, my monster melons surging from their constrained confines.

“Sally, stop! My tits just burst out of my bra!”

“It’s no good, Amber! You’re just too freaking fat! I’ll go get help.”

“No! Sally, I’m stuck here in my underwear! At least get something to cover my big fat ass before you leave!”

“I don’t think I have anything big enough to hide that ass!” says Sally.

“Ohhh, Sally, don’t say that! You’re making me all wet again and that’s the last thing we need right now!”

“Okay, here, this is the biggest pair of pants we’ve got around here. It’s that pair you bought last week, remember?”

“Those?!? Sally, you know those are too small. I purposely bought them a size too small.”

“Sorry, Amber, but that’s all I have, unless you’d rather have everyone catch you here busting out of those panties.”

“Fine,” I grumbled, shaking my massive booty at her, “pull them on.”

Sally started tugging them up, but it was hard work. They barely passed my thighs, the legs were so tight around my chunky legs that I bet I could tear the seams by just flexing. Then the seat didn't want to stretch over my wide butt. I could hear Sally grunting with the exertion as she tried desperately to pull them over.

(For the next chapter in this series, click here

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