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An F.A. Exploration: Question and Answer....

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2006
, male
Fat admiration

I find myself ruminating on the subject matter about my preferences and identity as I grow more in life. I am curious to know what impact or changes have F.As. made good and bad in life? I've asked myself am I true F.A.? I tell others I admire fat on the human body and I support those with it and without it. I also admire the human spirit and the voice of it's expression. I defend my preference and those included in it. I am no different than any other person around. I bleed the same red blood as the person next to me does. So then what makes me unique to be an F.A. and a non F.A at the same time? I suppose one could say it is my choice. By that I mean I can choose to love someone who is fat and also I can choose to love someone who is not. In my life I have left the door open on both ends of that matter. For me what I choose to admire the most is the human spirit in another being. I believe it is what passion and compassion compels me to seek.

So then what is it inside of me that attracts me to those who have fat then? Is it my heart and soul telling me I'll find what I'm looking there? Or is it my natural instinct and sexual drive that assures me that I will have the most pleasure and satisfaction from such a being with curves? Perhaps it might be a mixture of both instinct and spirituality that guides me toward this action. The act of choosing to prefer a human spirit sculpted and encased in fat represents my hearts imagination of beauty and true happiness. I dare not suggest that the human spirit defines what it's cell(body) of flesh and bone looks and forms to one's eye. Rather I think and feel what I seek is the human spirit that is enhanced and expressed by what most call fat. I call it beauty because to me its one of the many good things that composes a person and the spirit they have within. My heart feels that my content and ardor lay with one whose beauty is in quality and quantity of both body and soul.

The combination of leaving my mind open and following a heart’s yearn for happiness yields to my spirit’s quest for truth; The truth of what I am and what I will come to be will lead me to find my essence or origin. So far my quest, my life, I have discovered that ever since I was born 23 years ago that I am a man who loves women. Further more in that amount of time I have also discovered from very early on that I love not only women, but Fat women. In discovering that part of the whole truth of who I am, I have come to be a man of appreciation or admiration of fat.

It is my decision that I accept and embrace this discovered part of myself. It is my hope that I will uncover the questions and answers that I have about this unique fondness of fat women. I write these notions and feelings as a human being first. Secondly, I compose and present them identifying myself as what most call in this time period a Fat Admirer or F.A. I leave this part of my writings knowing that it’s mostly (not all but mostly) for me rather than the reader.(Consider what’s above mostly internal dialogue with myself….) It helps me to learn more about myself when I write/type my thoughts down.

I’d like to open this up for discussion of and for the people who identify themselves as F.A.s or F.F.A.s What are your thoughts and feelings about your identity as an F.A. ? What are your experiences?

Also I’d like to pose a few questions off and on similar levels for those under the admiration of F.A.s / F.F.A.s

Have you ever wanted to know what makes an F.A. tick? When and how he/she came to have feelings of fat admiration? How long have F.As been around for or how far back in recorded history can we see F.A.s?? What do you believe are the factors or experiences in determining what makes a person admire fat?? Is it a combination of both?? Is human nature or nurturing responsible for one's sensitive attraction and/or fascination of fat? Is there a shared compositional link or definable patterns and/or causes that we can ascribe to F.A.s of the past and present company? What experiences might one expect with an F.A. s? What experiences do you suppose an F.A. has with others?

I invite you all to share your views and feelings on exploring the subject of F.A.s / F.F.A. s


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