Well-Known Member
I saw a new doctor lately because i couldn't get into my regular doctor. I was in there because i had a bladder and urinary tract infection and this makes the second in a 3 month time span so she said we need to get to the bottom of why you are having so many and she looked at me and said and i quote " A person in your shape does not need to be dealing with this as it could get bad" and all the while she was sneering at me. So me being with the attitude that i never take that kind of talk from a health care worker said WHAT do you mean by being in my kind of shape? She sat there sputtering and moving her arms as to make the shape of a fat person and i said just say it I AM FAT! She onto my last nerve! And then i said ya know it is to my understanding that thin women can have frequent uti/bladder infections as well. And i said are you trying to imply because i am fat that it is causing me to have these infections.And she sputtered more and said " well no but" and i said no buts! I just got up and left. I couldn't take her anymore.
Good grief. I know what gave me the infections it is Frequent hot tub baths.. That i found out after i went to my regular doctor. LOL!
Good grief. I know what gave me the infections it is Frequent hot tub baths.. That i found out after i went to my regular doctor. LOL!