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Another community loss

Dimensions Magazine

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chocolate desire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
Renee Bradley Biran,
It is with a heavy heart that I am sharing the news of the passing of one of our own. Parrothead FA AKA Dave passed away unexpectedly last Friday.He was a member of the BBW world for many years and met his lovely wife Redhottie through Dimension Magazine when it was in print. He was a kind and loving husband as well as stepfather and grandfather. As well as suffering his loss Redhottie also lost her Mom yesterday whom had been ill for a few short months. I ask that you please pray or send positive vibes her way as she struggles to come to grips with her loss. Also if any of you can help with funeral cost or other things that come with loosing a loved one, a friend and I have set up a page at http://www.gofundme.com/d1ybxc. Or if any fellas has not had a chance to see Dave's great hand at photography I urge you to join www.redhotphatgirlz.com or visit the clip4sale store. Every penny counts and it would take a huge burden off of the family. If you have any questions please contact me Thank you very much.

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