As I am sure you are all by now plainly aware, I love me the fatties.
So, I got this problem, see? My problem is every time I bring some sexy porker back to my swingin' bachelor pad to play hide-the-roll-of-quarters, she always ends up EATING IN MY BED.
It's like this. We have our fun, I skip off the the loo to freshen up, and when I get back there's a BUCKET OF CHICKEN ON HER LAP. Where did it come from? I don't know. From between her fat rolls? Probably. All I know is by the time she waddles out my sheets are a battlefield of grease stains and breaded crumbs.
Now, I know what you're going to say. "Doesn't she clean up after herself?" No. She can't. She can't clean up after herself because she's too fat. They all are. ALL FAT GIRLS ARE LIKE THIS.
Which brings me to my question: is this not irresponsible? If you are going to smuggle a bucket of chicken between your rolls into a gentleman's bed, should you not also smuggle in a petite cleaning woman who will leave the bed as you found it?
Oh, and before you reply, the answer is yes.
So, I got this problem, see? My problem is every time I bring some sexy porker back to my swingin' bachelor pad to play hide-the-roll-of-quarters, she always ends up EATING IN MY BED.
It's like this. We have our fun, I skip off the the loo to freshen up, and when I get back there's a BUCKET OF CHICKEN ON HER LAP. Where did it come from? I don't know. From between her fat rolls? Probably. All I know is by the time she waddles out my sheets are a battlefield of grease stains and breaded crumbs.
Now, I know what you're going to say. "Doesn't she clean up after herself?" No. She can't. She can't clean up after herself because she's too fat. They all are. ALL FAT GIRLS ARE LIKE THIS.
Which brings me to my question: is this not irresponsible? If you are going to smuggle a bucket of chicken between your rolls into a gentleman's bed, should you not also smuggle in a petite cleaning woman who will leave the bed as you found it?
Oh, and before you reply, the answer is yes.