If u like big chubby bunny movies (and yes, the belly is big and animated too^^) then click on the youtube link .
This movie was made with an opensource/free software called "blender" and you can download the whole movie for free . Of course it's not a long one, but those 10 minutes are worthwhile!
HD video streaming version. Like youtube, but longer loading :>.
Download page, where u can get the Hi Def version with 5.1 sound and 1920x1080 resolution^^.
The open-source software which was used to make this movie.
Have fun everyone esp. for our FFA &
nice weekend,
Michael - the fluffy cuddly bunny^^
This movie was made with an opensource/free software called "blender" and you can download the whole movie for free . Of course it's not a long one, but those 10 minutes are worthwhile!
HD video streaming version. Like youtube, but longer loading :>.
Download page, where u can get the Hi Def version with 5.1 sound and 1920x1080 resolution^^.
The open-source software which was used to make this movie.
Have fun everyone esp. for our FFA &
nice weekend,
Michael - the fluffy cuddly bunny^^