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Bill "O'Really?" and faux Fox News on healthcare

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
at least someone is noticing the complete falsehoods being spread by Fox news. here Bill O'Reilly is caught with his pants down. He swears up and down to a member of congress that no correspondent at Fox News had ever lied to the American public in trying to lead them to believe that they would be imprisoned if they did't participate in the new healthcare program. oh really Bill? he needed to watch this video? maybe he had forgotten actually taking part in such misrepresentations himself with his colleagues? how contemptuous he must be of the American public's intellect and memory to tell such a bald face lie just to try to make a member of congress who had actually seen the bill look bad!

in the New Republic: http://www.tnr.com/blog/jonathan-chait/fox-news-its-very-finest

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