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Blargh! Girl problem! Need advice plz kthx.

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Allie Cat

Polysaturated Trans Fat
Dec 1, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
So I've been kind of seeing this girl for a while now, nothing too serious because I'm not looking for serious (and it'd put kind of a downer on the other girls I see and spend time with), as I explained to her when we first met. However, she's been becoming increasingly obsessive, telling me she loves me constantly, that she would follow me around the world if I asked her to, that she'd rather have a day as my girlfriend than the rest of her life not... It's rather upsetting, to say the least. I don't want to hurt her, but it seems like no matter what I do I will... if I'd known when I met her that this would happen I wouldn't have gotten involved, but she said she was fine with the level our relationship was at that point. What should I do, oh experienced and knowledgeable people of Dimensions?


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