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Bored to Tears….In Your Uniform (BBW, XWG, Magic)

Dimensions Magazine

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Jake (JMJ2)

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
New York
Hey all. Hope you're all ok.

Just posting this story that was on my Deviant Art page a few months ago. Feel free to check out my page for more stories. jake27 User Profile | DeviantArt

Hope you enjoy.

Jake (JMJ)

Bored to Tears….In Your Uniform

By Jake (JMJ)

“And that’s pretty much the gist of it. You clock in, watch the monitors and that’s that. Nothing more to it.”

Dan Capper stood back from the wall and smiled. He was showing around his potential new hire, Madison Davids around the facility.

The warehouse contained a hodgepodge of goods that Dan had let small retailers use to ensure that they could keep up with supply and demand. Charging at such a low price allowed him to expand to other storage units, making him the biggest non-name brand storage facility in the tri-state area.

“Sounds pretty simple. There has to be a catch though, you’re willing to pay someone $31.50 to sit on their rears for 10 hours a day basically doing nothing. What gives?”

Madison was no idiot. She had just finished graduate school that past June and now that it was September, was trying to pick up some extra cash as she looked for schools to intern at. It had been tough sledding and she was not trying to be broke before she actually got a real job.

Dan’s face grew pale as he shuffled his feet nervously. The large, usually happy go lucky man was no longer happy; he looked downright despondent. He rubbed his stubble and sighed.

“Yeah, about that. Now, I don’t believe in this, so you have to understand that first.”

She looked at him confused, unsure of where this was going.

“The past few people in your position, well, let’s just say that by the time they quit they needed to use the unloading dock to leave, if you catch my drift.”

Madison was puzzled at first but then got what he was saying.

“Ah, they got fat working here. I see. Well, I’m sure being bored for all hours will do that to people with lack of discipline. I on the other hand have…”

He cut her off.

“No. I don’t mean it like that. I mean they claimed the place was haunted. Like there is a ghost or some creatures in here or something.”

Madison at first couldn’t comprehend what she had just heard.

“There’s no way he just said ghosts, right” she asked herself.

When she looked at his face however, it was obvious that he was still serious. This only caused her to laugh, almost a defense mechanism to hearing something so outlandish.

“Ha-ha-ha, ghosts? Like Casper?”

Dan did not smile.

“It sounds dumb, I know. But they weren’t very descriptive of what happened. They just said it was the creatures fault they had blown up and gotten fat.”

“I’m sure they’re just using that as an excuse for why they put on a few pounds.”

She smiled at her soon to be boss, but again, he was not amused.

“The last guy who worked here went from my size to easily 500 pounds in a year. The girl before that made it 6 months and nearly doubled in size. I do not think that’s “just a few pounds”, he said matter of factly.

Madison bit her tongue and decided to play along. It was an easy job and she did not want to offend her boss, even if he did seem a bit crazy talking about ghosts. Better to just play along and get paid.

“Fair enough. I’ll take the risk though. I use my Peloton, I’ll be ok.”

She extended her hand and let him shake it. He just nodded.

“Alright, I’ll go get the paper work and the legal documents stating I’m not liable if anything happens to you like it did the others.”

He trudged back to his office to get the documents, Madison following closely behind, doing her best to restrain herself from laughing in his face again.


“This uniform is pretty hideous. I look like a rejected UPS driver.”

Madison frowned as she looked at herself in the mirror. The brown shirt was very baggy, hiding her C cup breasts and flat but untoned stomach. Her toned thighs were hidden inside of the roomy brown slacks, showing off none of the muscle definition she had built up by using her exercise bike. Madison was a trim 5’3, weight barely over 100 pounds. Some of her muscle tone was due to exercise; some of it was due to her being thin. Either way, she thought she looked good.

“Oh well, it’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone in the middle of the fall at 11pm on a Saturday night”, she muttered.

Her shifts were all at night, with weekends being different hours than during the week, which she knew would mess with her sleep schedule and daily habits, but the money was good enough and she really needed to start paying back her loans. She really did not have much of a choice.”

“Just suck it up Madison, you did this all through your senior year of college, you just tough it out for 12 months or however long it takes to get a teaching gig and you’ll have some extra cash and some of the loans up to date.”

With the pep talk finished, Madison grabbed her car keys and headed off for her first night of work.


A yawn emerged out of the brown-haired woman’s face as she glanced over at the alarm clock on the desk. It read 1:18 am, meaning she was only an hour and a half into her shift.

“I need coffee.”

She looked back at the six monitors, seeing that the warehouse was secure inside and no one was around outside or on the roof. Satisfied that she could leave for a minute or two, Madison got out of her plush chair, exited the makeshift office, and headed to the workers breakroom.

The breakroom was also a very sparsely filled room, containing a small sink, a miniscule table with two folding chairs, a vending machine, a knock off Keurig coffee maker, and a filtered spout near the sink for water. It wasn’t exactly the most welcoming sight to see at 1 in the morning. It got worse when she opened the fridge to see that the only options to put in her coffee were half and half and whole milk. She begrudgingly grabbed the whole milk and put it on the counter.

“Whatever” she thought as she headed to the coffee maker.

As she waited for the device to prepare her coffee, something out of the corner of her eye made her turn around. Sitting on the table rested a box of donuts from Dunkin, something she was sure had not been there when she walked in. Her mind flashed to thoughts of the “creatures” but she shook it off as being overtired. She had been working odd hours this first week, so it was only natural that she missed it.

“Get a grip, Madison. That box was definitely there when you walked in. It’s not as if a creature or a ghost brought it for you. Someone probably had it earlier in the day. Yeah, that’s it.”

Madison poured some milk into her Styrofoam cup and giggled to herself as she left the breakroom, realizing how silly it was to think that anything supernatural had caused the donuts to materialize.

The hours dragged on as Madison found herself returning to the breakroom two more times to get coffee, each time the sight of the donuts got her to laugh more and more. If this was the “ghost’s” big move, it was going to be disappointed.

“I’m not going to eat this, ghost. You can try all you want, but I’ll stay away,” she said out loud, half joking and half seriously.

She resumed pouring her milk into the coffee and then retreated to her chair. She figured that her little outburst would be therapeutic and cause her to relax. And, for the rest of the shift, it did.


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