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Bulimic No More by Portly Robust

Dimensions Magazine

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The Enforcers

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2005
Reposted with permission by Portly Robust

Bulimic No More


Portly Robust

As a bulimic I would gorge myself and then go throw it all up. It seemed too be the only way for me to control my weight. I am 5’11" and weighed almost 175 pounds. I have been athletic all my life and have a body to prove it. That in it self is the main reason I became a bulimic. I hadn’t planed on doing those things, it just kind of happened. As I mentioned, I have a large strong body and I just seemed to continue to gain weight. My thighs are large and packed with muscle. My calves are big fat balls of muscle. My arms are stronger than most guys’ I know are and I have a set of hips for sure. I do however like the size of my breasts even though they get bigger as I gain weight. If I end up loosing 10 or 15 pounds they do not seem to get smaller. They are now a GG cup. My measurements during my bulimic days were 36-24-38, and now they are 48-44-40. Now you must be wondering why the big change and hence my story.

As I said, I weighed 175 pounds and thought I was getting fat. I tried all kinds of diets and was always so hungry while I was on them that I all but wanted to die. On one of my last diets, a water diet, I got so hungry that I broke down and went to the All You Can Eat places and ate. And ate. And ate, until I was so gorged that I hurt. My whole body felt like I had stuffed it clear full and that it was ready to burst. I felt fat from my toes to my head. I sat back in the booth and let all the food settle in my body. The minor pain I felt had gone away long ago and I really considered going back to the hot tables for even more food. The thought didn’t last long and I found myself eating more and more. This force-feeding continued for almost 3 hours. By the time I decided to stop, my body had been packed so full of food that my belly had expanded quite noticeably. That’s when I really felt fat. I went home, undressed, and looked at myself in the mirror. I paid no attention to my large legs and arms but my belly was huge, gorged full from top to bottom. I felt like a blimp, but I felt good inside. Real good! I didn’t eat for two days, and by that time I had noticed that my bra didn’t fit any longer. I bought a 36-E cup to replace it.

Days later I weighed myself and found that I had picked up almost 10 pounds. I quickly went back on another water diet. Well, as you might guess it didn’t last long. Again I became so hungry that I had to go eat. And again I went to the All You Can Eat place and began to gorge myself. I ate continuously for over three hours. I just shoveled it in, swallowing everything I could, whole. When I took a break to go to the bathroom to pee, I saw myself in the mirror. I was huge, especially my belly. I thought I have to get rid of all the food or I will end up gaining 25 pounds. So I went into a stall and began to throw up into the toilet. Time after time I heaved into the toilet until nothing came up. I felt horrible and dirty. I washed up a little and went back out into the restaurant. I thought everyone was looking at me and felt as though they all knew what I had just done. I left quickly and went home.

A day later I weighed my self and found that I had lost 2 pounds. I didn’t feel hungry and had lost 2 pounds. This is great, or so I thought. This is when it all started. For the next three months I would gorge myself, at home, and then throw it all up. During this time I found that I could eat more and more throwing it all up and not gain a pound. At the end of the three months I weighed myself and found my weight at 155 pounds. Looking in the mirror it seemed like I looked good, but others were constantly asking me if I was OK. Had I lost weight from a fever or something? This made me look a little closer at my body and it did seen as though I looked sick. I decided that I had to stop the binge-purge cycle.

I tried to eat normally for a while and always had the urge to purge, but didn’t. Finally on the tenth day of trying to eat normally I was so hungry I went to my favorite restaurant. I ate and ate and ate for the longest time paying no attention to what I was really doing to my self. All the bingeing and purging had stretched my stomach out so large inside of me that I was able to fill it so full with out any pain at all. I had eaten so much that my belly had stretched to the point that it would not grow any larger and every bite I took was forcing the food down deeper into my system packing it so full that I could actually see that it had expanded. I just didn’t care any more and ended up eating for almost five hours.

When I left the restaurant I could hardly stand up. My belly was so stuffed and sticking out so far I all but looked pregnant. I felt great all over and two days later found that I had gained 22 pounds. I had given myself a goal weight of 175 to 180 and for my height I decided that I would look great. My breasts were back up to a 38-E and growing. Big titts is what a guy wants, isn’t it? The guys I dated loved my body, and I finally became comfortable with my size. Large or small people liked me, so BIG it is.

I now gorge myself every other day, and I’m beginning to love the feeling of my belly swelling larger and larger as I stuff food into it. It grows so big and round, I think that if I swallow another bite it would burst. It’s so full and hard to the touch after one of my feeding frenzies that it looks like it may pop. And I am sure putting on the pounds, especially my titts. They’re huge!

I really like it when my new boyfriend feeds me. We will go to the restaurant and he stuffs my body full to the bursting point. We then go home and have sex. He loves to have me sit on his hard dick with my huge fat belly facing him. My mammoth breasts flapping around as he pumps me full of hot cumm. One evening we stayed in and he brought over a feeding pump. This thing pumps liquids and pureed foods into my belly so fast that I blow up like a balloon in no time. It fills me completely. The only thing is, I have to swallow this big fat tube. It is uncomfortable and makes it a little hard to breathe, but the results are great. He can turn on the damn thing, with me holding the tube so it does not fly out of my mouth, and my belly grows so large so fast I can hardly believe it. I then pull the tube out of my throat and wait about half an hour before I go for it again. Swallowing the tube the second time is easier, and when he turns the pump on this time I can really feel my entire belly swelling larger, even my lower abdomen gets big. These are the times when I get the biggest and the heaviest. Starting out at around 178 pounds before the force feeding and ending up at over 205 blew my mind. I had been stuffed full with about 26 pounds of food and held it in my huge round belly.

No more throwing up. Just eating, and eating, and eating!


Email: [email protected]

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