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Cakes and Innocence - by Caloriequest (~BBWs,Eating,Feederism,S&M,Lesbian sex,~XWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2005
~BBW (multiple), Eating, Feederism, S&M, Lesbian Sex, ~XWG - A sheltered young lady grows while her mother travels the world

By Caloriequest

[The first part of this classic lay in the Dimensions archives for seversal years. Eventually it was consigned to the Discard Forum for possible adoption. It was there that Mikael spotted it as a story for which he had a complete copy - and we now are happy to present it in fully restored form. We do not, however, have any idea as to the original author. Thanks Mikael! - Observer

eta: we subsequently identified the author, see posts 10 and 14 below]

Part One - Laying a foundation

Six months is a long time to while away, especially when you're on your own.

This is the situation that Linda found herself facing when Jean, her mother was gadding off around the world with her latest boyfriend. Linda's father had died when she was too young to remember. Her mother had mourned his loss for years, but eventually she started to see other men again. More came and went as did the years, until finally she met Roy. They dated for a few years, and then decided to get engaged.

She started to see Roy when Linda was about 17, and things had just progressed from there. The surprise trip around the world was a kind of engagement present to themselves. They had been looking forward to this for some time.

Linda was old enough to live in the house on her own of course at the age of 21, but her mother and her aunt decided that she shouldn't - it was too long a time to be living on her own in a large empty house. They made arrangements for her to spend the six months with her aunt Julie down in Cornwall, where she ran a small business making cakes and fancies for corporate entertainment companies.

Julie was a kind and loving sort of woman, and she and Linda had always got on okay. Julie was in her middle forties, but had a good complexion and young looks for her age. She was also quite large and soft. She was a definite pear shape and weighed around 280lbs on a 5'9" frame. She didn't seem too worried about her extra weight, and so Linda never thought anything of it either.

Linda was extremely naive - she always had been. Now at the age of 21 she had no street sense and was always made the butt of jokes by some of her friends. She trusted people implicitly, and never had any reason to doubt anyone. It was a rather blissful state to be in - not stupid, but just unaware of the more unpleasant things in life. Her mother had always been somewhat overprotective of her, and had insisted that she went to an all girl school when she was younger. She had never really spoken to many boys, and certainly had never been out on a date.

Her mother had always made sure she always had some distraction to keep her mind from wandering, or to stop her from any thoughts about her sexuality. This wasn't out of malice, or jealousy, just an overly active concern about her daughter's well being.

Linda was a tallish girl, she was 5'8 with long red hair, a clear complexion and beautiful watery green eyes. She was really quite stunning, but always dressed rather dowdy - her mother's influence.

She was not slim and waif-like, but solid and thick thighed like her mother. She had no worries or hang-ups about her body or appearance. She did like her food, and especially her aunt's!

It was the beginning of a long hot summer when Linda arrived at her aunt's place in Cornwall. Julie lived in a small cottage near Ponsangath. Nearby was a small cove with a lovely sandy beach. This was always a nice quiet area, and was off the tourist track. It was almost like Julie's own private beach.

Linda loved to soak up the sun on the beach. She would often grab a book and go down and sit on the beach all day. The sea was a bit chilly, but occasionally she would go for a paddle at the water's edge.

Linda came down the stairs fresh from her morning wash. She was already in her bikini; book in one hand and a selection of snacks in the other.

"Off to the beach already my dear?" smiled Julie.

"Yes, isn't it just a beautiful day again today - I want to make the most of it in case the weather changes and starts to rain." Linda moved over to the kitchen breakfast bar where Julie was preparing some cake mix. "What's that one going to be?"

Julie was putting some dollops of mix into a cake tin, "This is called 'cut and come' cake"

"Why is it called that?" Linda asked incredulously.

"Because you cut it, eat it, and then come again for some more!" chuckled Julie. "Here, do you want to lick out the bowl? My mother used to let me lick the bowl when she was cooking, here have a try"

She offered a wooden spoon to Linda; it was full of rich brown cake mix, with bits of fruit dotted all over it.

Linda put it in to her mouth. "Hmm this is gorgeous, can I have some more?"

Julie pushed the bowl over to Linda - still with about half the mix in it, "Have as much as you want, but don't make yourself ill"

Linda scooped every last morsel out of the bowl and looked up at Julie, "Wow that was superb. Can I taste the other cake mixes that you do - I mean not now, but when you do them?"

"I'll give you a call when I do the next one if you like."

"That would be great - I can't wait."

"You go to the beach, and I'll give you a call when it's lunchtime - oh, and don't snack too much on those chocolate bars or you will not have room for your lunch!"

Julie watched as Linda walked down to the beach in her bikini and thought, 'If she keeps this up, she'll be several sizes bigger when her mother returns... I wonder....'

Three weeks passed in much the same way. Linda would taste the various mixes, and then sunbathe on the beach.

Julie noticed that the bikini was fitting more snugly than before, and that Linda's thighs were rubbing at the top. There was also a definite soft bulge forming at the waistband.

Julie began to prepare "special" mixes for Linda. She was becoming more interested in her niece's development, and wondered if she could contribute more to her continued expansion. Over the next few weeks, increased amounts of margarine, lard, and sugar were finding their way into the mixes. These mixes were never baked into actual cakes, but stored exclusively for "fattening" Linda.

Linda came in to the kitchen, once more in her favorite bikini. As she walked toward the bar, Julie noticed the rippling and wobbling of new fat on Linda's thighs. When she sat at the bar eating the first bowl of mix of the day, her stomach was developing a roll of fat that was about an inch and a half proud of the waistband.

"Instead of those snack bars, I've made you some cake mix - you might as well take the whole bowl down to the beach, and when you come back for lunch, I'll give you another for the afternoon." Julie offered a covered bowl - twice the normal size to Linda.

"Oh wow! Thanks. Is this the 'Lardy cake' you made the other day?"

"That's right; I thought a bigger one would keep you going until lunch"

Linda watched as Julie walked down the beach path. There was a lot of wobbly movement around her ass. She was getting wider as well. 'That bikini is going to burst at this rate - ooh you little plump darling! Auntie is going to see you get nice and fat' she thought to herself.

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