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Delightfully Delicious Delirious Delusions by BSFan (~BBW/SSBBW (Multiple), Magic)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
~BBW/SSBBW (Multiple), Magic, Stuffing, Force Feeding, ~XWG – a nostalgic send-off of several past revenge tales about fatophobic divas

[Author’s note: Alliterations are awesome. I’ve been sick all week and as a result decided to write down some of my fever induced dreams. A prize will be awarded to the first person to name all of the allusions and homages I make to other stories. Bonus points if you count all the alliterations.]

Delightfully Delicious Delirious Delusions
by BSfan

Poor James Parsons slept in his bed, if you could call what he was doing sleeping. James lay in his bed in a realm of semi-unconsciousness, his fever now peaking at 104 degrees. As James turned over for the umpteenth time the shadows surrounding him molded into humanoid home. Both were striking identical figures. If they were actually human one could call them twins. Lithe figures with long straight blonde hair, they stood over him, watching as they had been since the day of his birth.

“The chosen one is indeed severely ill. The time for our watching has come to an end.”

The one blonde looked at the other as her hand moved over James’ head. The other blonde nodded.

“Indeed. His time has come. You see to his fever. I will feed his mind with images to his liking so he may learn to unlock his true potential.”

Enough of listening to the talk of two beings not of this world. Look into the mind of our human protagonist, young James Parsons, and see what he witnessed that night in his dreams.


Jennifer Latis made her way onto the subway train with disgust. Jen had always had a certain dislike for public transportation. Deeming it below someone of her high social status, Jen had tried everything in her power to catch a ride, but no one was answering her calls. She boarded the train and quickly found her way to one of the few remaining available seats.

Clad in a white crop top t-shirt and a pair of short shorts that exquisitely highlighted her well toned body, Jen considered herself to be even better dressed than usual, and she always dressed well. Fashion conscious and not afraid to spend beyond her means, Jennifer always dressed herself in high fashion items.

This day however was also quite taxing on her mind. As the 25 year old Jennifer curled her long blonde hair around her finger she thought about her plight. Her father had just decided to end her ludicrous spending habits by canceling her credit cards and cutting off her allowance.

Today, Jennifer Latis was looking for her first job. Not sure what to do with her bachelor degree in philosophy that she had coasted to in college, Jen still wasn’t worried as she had finally decided to pursue a career in modeling.

Jen sat in the in her seat, shifting her tiny rear end, trying to get into a more comfortable position. At the next stop, Jen grimaced as an incredibly large woman stepped onto the train. Her incredibly large belly swayed and bounced as she waddled toward a seat. To Jen’s horror, the seat she was headed to was right next to her. The at least 400 pound woman prepared to position her ponderous posterior right near Jennifer.

Jennifer screamed in her own mind as the large woman, clad in an incredibly strange outfit, squeezed into the seat, pushing Jen aside and squeezing her against the bar at the end with her wide body. Jennifer felt the woman’s warm fat squeezing up against her and could take no more. Jennifer jumped from her seat as quickly as she could squeeze her way out and began to yell at the woman.

“You fat bitch! Why don’t you just stay at home eating yourself to death instead of getting in other peoples way!” Jen stomped her designer heel against the flow of the subway car for emphasis. The large woman just looked up at her.

“Young lady there is no need for you to lose your temper. I’m sorry if my large size has inconvenienced you in anyway, but there is no need for such a tone.” The large woman shifted her weight slightly in the seat. Jennifer continued her rant.

“Don’t tell me what there’s no need for! Why don’t you just lose about one thousand pounds fatty! People like you have to right to share this earth with people like me you gigantic waste of resources!

Jen was just shouting whatever came to her mind now. She was going to make sure this woman never forgot this encounter. Little did she know that this woman was about to make sure Jen would never forget it either.

“My dear, I think it’s time for you to learn some manners.” And with that comment the older woman made a brief wave with her large arm and everyone else in the subway car disappeared, transported each to their destinations never to be the wiser.

The large woman looked up at Jen ,who couldn’t move. Jen couldn’t even utter a response.

“Now my dear, I could alter everything so that you’ve always been fat, But I want you to feel what it’s like to lose your status and go from a thin model type to a woman of much larger proportions. Now the only problem is, when should I change your life? Maybe I should have you begin your fattening in high school. You could go from cheerleader to the most made fun of person in school. High school girls can be so mean as you know. Maybe I could change it in college so that you gained a good deal more than the freshman fifteen and never lost it. I could change anything and have you standing here before me today as a woman even larger than I.

“Yes, all those things are possible, but I have a better punishment. I need only change your life from a few weeks ago. A little bit of tweaking of your appetite and your metabolism should produce just the results I want.”

With that the large woman let out a sigh and watched Jen expand.

First came the melting of her washboard abs. A soft pot belly formed and poked its way outward, over her jeans, clearly exposed by her shirt. Her arms softened, filling the shirt sleeves. Her breasts grew slightly, pulling down on her bra as they sagged. Jen felt her ass widen and strain against her shorts. She felt her thighs plump and begin to touch.

“No, I want you to remember everything my dear. I want you to remember being thin and popular and I want you to remember when you lost control of your appetite and became the girl you are today. Now notice how I haven’t caused you to gain a great deal of weight. It’s just enough for you to need to buy new clothes in a bigger size. That should be a fun experience for you, buying larger clothes. I ensure you this won’t be the last time you have to do that. No, your appetite is going to take you far. It will really help you expand your horizons.”

As the curiously clothed large gypsy woman finished her spell, a double chin sprouted on Jen’s face. Her stomach grumbled.

“You sound hungry my dear. Here, I have some Yodel’s in my purse. They’re all squished and warm, but something tells me that won’t matter to a greedy little piglet like you.” The gypsy took the package of mush out of her purse and tossed it to the awaiting Jennifer.

Jen tore the package open and began scooping out the mush with her fingers and eagerly cramming it into her awaiting mouth, chocolate droppings smearing her face and staining her shirt.

“Oh look dear. You’ve gone and ruined your shirt my little piggy. No matter, you needed to buy another one anyway. I guess that career in modeling is out of the question now aye piggy?”

Jen looked up for a moment and then went back to devouring her chocolate mush. The train came to a sudden halt and Jen stumbled forward, causing a small rip in the back of her now skin tight shorts.

“I believe this is your stop piggy.”

Jen stumbled off the subway and finished the rest of her little treat. She didn’t even notice the picture taken by a shocked friend of hers using a camera phone as she boarded the same subway car that Jennifer had just left. Jen made her way to the street and threw the wrapper into a garbage can before she was reminded of her desperate need for new clothes. She soon entered a nearby K-Mart.


Jen stepped out from behind the counter at the McDonalds in the Layton Hills Mall food court and sat down to enjoy her lunch break. The seat groaned as she brought her large rear end to sit down on it it. Now 250 pounds, Jen was on the verge of needing to ask for another new uniform as the store-issue pants were stretched to near breaking. She felt the seams stretching against her mammoth rear end and her tree trunk thighs which now constantly touched. The shirt she was wearing wasn’t much better as it strained against her large spare tire which now lurched out and rested on her lap. Her breasts sagged and strained the shirt, allowing an observant customer to catch a good glimpse of flesh. It didn’t help either that she had lost two buttons. Yes, she definitely needed a new uniform.

As Jen took the first bite of her second Big Mac, she heard a voice from behind her.

“Oh my Jen! Is that really you? I heard you gained a lot of weight but wow!”

Jen only turned around briefly to see another former friend of hers. She had grown used to reactions like these when she met people she knew. She turned back to her meal without replying. She didn’t care.

She heard the rip as she took her next bite and just kept on eating.

James Parsons rolled his head and moaned in bed.


“Marcy Higgins you undress right now!” Mrs. Fink shouted at the top of her lungs.

Marcy Higgins, recently turned 18, stared at her gym teacher at the Worthington Academy for Girls with a smug look of indignation.


That was all Marcy needed to say to send the somewhat stout Mrs. Fink over the edge. Mrs. Fink quickly grabbed Marcy by her luxurious black hair.

“Now you listen here young lady. You’ve made fun of Maggie Hill because of her size for the last time. I had a nice long talk with your mother about you over our bridge game on Saturday and she gave me permission to do whatever I wanted with you. Now strip or your punishment will get much worse.” Mrs. Fink gave a good pull on Marcy’s raven mane for emphasis.

“But I’m eighteen! I’m eighteen!” Marcy cried, trying to reason with her infuriated gym teacher. Since it was a private school she knew corporeal punishment was allowed, but she vainly hoped the age ploy might gain her some margin.

“I reminded your mother of that my dear, and she told me to remind you that you can’t touch your trust fund until you’re twenty-one. She also said that if you don’t do as your told you’ll be kicked out of the house and you’ll never see that money.” Mrs. Fink let Marcy go, confident that she would do as she was told now.

Marcy slowly unbuttoned her designer jeans and pulled them off. Next came her expensive shirt, revealing exactly why Mrs. Fink had chosen this as Marcy’s punishment. In front of her entire gym class, Marcy Higgins stood there in just her underwear and an incredibly well designed body shaper. Marcy had always had a large appetite and it had finally caught up with her. She had been wearing her special friend since October and been hiding it by changing gym clothes quickly and secretly. Now she stood there in front of her entire class, her shameful secret exposed.

“There you have it everyone. Marcy Higgins’s great secret to eating what she wants and still staying in shape. She wears a girdle!” It was more than just a girdle in fact. This costly body shaper not only gave tummy control, but it also slimmed down her thighs, behind, and pushed up her breasts.

“Alright Marcy, it’s time to show everyone what you look like without your little friend.” Mrs. Higgins smirked as Marcy slid her way out of her body shaper, revealing what a miracle of modern science had kept so well hidden.

Marcy’s stomach jutted out ward and over her panties in a soft pot belly. Her thighs sprang out in all directions, beginning to touch together. As Mrs. Finch made Marcy turn around, the class was treated to a nice view of Marcy’s soft bubble butt, consuming her panties. As Marcy continued to turn her body jiggled until she was back to her starting position. Marcy’s breasts sagged in her bra, looking deflated and smaller. Mrs. Fink gave Marcy’s flabby paunch a pinch. Then she cupped a plump ass cheek in one hand and gave it a jiggle. Next she gave a little slap to each of Marcy’s thighs and watched them shake. Mrs. Fink cupped both of Marcy’s breasts and lifted them back to their former position before letting them once again droop down, defeated. She focused her attention again on Marcy’s stomach and, after giving it a poke, palmed it with her hand and gave it a hard shake.

“Come now class. Who wants to give Marcy a good poke? Or a squeeze? Feel free to jiggle a little flesh. I’m sure with all the comments she’s made about other people and their weights, she deserves it.”

A dozen catty girls eagerly made their way over to the former queen bee, eager to humiliated her further. They poked and prodded and squeezed and jiggled her soft flesh, laughing at her. Marcy began to cry as Mrs. Fink revealed the next part of her punishment.

“Okay chubs, step on the scale. Let’s see how much you weigh.”

Marcy quietly stepped onto the scale, her bubble but bouncing as she moved. Mrs. Fink gave one of the love handles that protruded over Marcy’s underwear a final pinch before beginning to move the weights on the scale. She took great enjoyment as she slowly slid each one, emphasizing how much weight Marcy had put on. She smiled as she watched Marcy’s reaction and the reaction of the crowd gathered behind her as each time the weight clicked into a new position revealed Marcy to be heavier and heavier. Finally Mrs. Fink stopped the weight as the scale balanced at 154 pounds. She gave Marcy’s ass a slap as she announced the number proudly to the rest of the class.

“Over one hundred and fifty pounds of pudge! My, my Marcy. You’re such a greedy little piggy. You’re such a sly one too, being able to hide this from us for so long. But now it’s time for the next stage of your punishment.”

“There’s more?” Marcy whined as Mrs. Fink nodded and took a seat, leading Marcy helplessly toward her. With one swift motion, she pulled Marcy’s underwear down around her ankles and bent her forward.

Marcy’s wide rear was fully exposed for the entire class’s enjoyment. Mrs. Fink pinched one of the rolls that appeared as Marcy was bent forward before giving Marcy’s ass a firm spank. She then whirled chubby Marcy around and pulled her over her knee and began spanking her bloated behind repeatedly. Marcy howled in pain as the class howled in laughter with each spank that Mrs. Fink administered on the chubby former Miss Popularity.

“This will teach you to make fun of others because of their size, especially when you’re not in tip top shape either young lady.”

Several minutes of spanking later and Mrs. Fink sat Marcy down on her soft, sore, red behind. She stepped into the hall and pulled a bag out of Maggie Aldrich’s locker and returned to the room.

“It looks like poor Maggie left her lunch behind. Since you’re always telling her how she should go on a diet, I think you should help her start one by eating this for her anyway.”

Mrs. Fink tossed the bag at Marcy who gulped. Her school had full service lunches and yet Maggie’s mom still packed her food. Marcy never missed an opportunity to make fun of Maggie for eating two lunches. Now she wished she had never made fun of Maggie in the first place.

First Marcy began nibbling at the food but a sudden appetite rush took over. Soon she was absolutely devouring Maggie’s sandwich. It was made of two thick slices of French bread filled in with roast beef, onions, mustard, ketchup, relish, and American cheese and mayonnaise. Marcy ate the sandwich as fast as she could, hoping to avoid further punishment from Mrs. Fink. She barely stopped to worry about the mess she was making as crumbs and condiments smeared her face and chest. Next came the bag of chips which was devoured in the same fashion. She chugged down the accompanying soda before letting out a loud belch. Next up was dessert.

“How cute class,“ commented Mrs Fink. “It seems Mrs. Hill couldn’t decide whether to pack her daughter pudding or chocolate cake for dessert. So she decided to pack both.”

Mrs. Fink made Marcy eat the pudding using only her fingers and then she hand personally fed the piece of cake to her, unceremoniously shoving it into Marcy’s mouth. When she was done with all the food, Marcy sat there, holding her bloated gut, a food covered mess with her underwear still down around her ankles. She let out another belch.

“Well you must really have been hungry piggy. You attacked all that food. Now, needless to say, you’re off the cheer squad. Also, after talking with your mother it’s been decided that I should supervise your lunches from now on. We’re putting you on a special diet. I’m sure you won’t mind since you were heading down this path anyway. Really Marcy, how long did you think you would keep this charade up? You would have gotten fatter and fatter and eventually that girdle wouldn’t have been able to contain it must longer. Now you get to enjoy the path of self indulgence uninhibited. There are three long months of school left, and when I’m done with you, you’ll be lucky if you’re still thinner than Maggie.” Mrs. Fink smiled as she leaned over and sunk one hand into the flesh of one of Marcy’s thighs and used the other to play with the roll of fat on Marcy’s pot belly.

“Finally, I don’t think these clothes will fit you without your body shaper, and you’re not allowed to wear such gadgets anymore. Go and waddle on down to the office and pick up some clothes from the lost and found to wear. Hurry now before you’re late for your next class.”

Mrs. Fink gave Marcy one last spank as she leaned forward to pick up her underwear. With a bit of a struggle, Marcy managed to get it over her rear and made her way out of the locker room in only her undersized underwear. The rest of the class got a good laugh as they watched the fallen queen and her ass cheeks bouncing up and down as her thighs smacked together.

Marcy could hear the oinking sounds of her classmates as she stepped into the hallway barely clothed. Then she heard the bell ring and watched as all around her classes emptied out and the subjects she once ruled over emptied into the hallway. They froze as they saw her. The examined the bloated former queen with their eyes. And they laughed. They laughed as the one they had once admired and feared was exposed as a chubby fraud.

Marcy made her way down the hall, her chubby flesh pressing against others who couldn’t resist a good poke to her soft belly. Halfway down the hall and the sea of people parted to allow everyone a great look at the chubby girl, her face still covered with food. She heard every name they threw at her: Fatty, slob, jelly-belly, jello-butt, thunder thighs, fatty boom boom latty, cow, piggy. They were all names she had so carelessly called other people.

When she finally reached the office the only clothes available to her were a pair of pink spandex shorts that her far to small, and a pink midriff baring t-shirt. With no other choice, she struggled into the clothes which now exaggerated her chubby form, as her stomach and love handles formed a large muffin top over the shorts that struggled to contain her thighs and bubble but. The shirt exposed her pot belly. Luckily that drew attention away from her small saggy breasts. Marcy headed off to her next class, dreading the rest of the day and the humiliation to follow. She still had lunch with Mrs. Fink to deal with, plus the rest of her classes.

Gym had only been first period.

James Parsons shifted his hip and his arm moved to adjust the sheet covering his fevered body


On the last day of senior classes and Northridge High School, Matt Speck ran down the hallway after poor little Tommy Mermen. Star quarterback and captain of the Northridge High football team, muscle-bond Matt made his way down the hall, looking to give out one last wedgie before graduation.

As he ran down the empty hallway, Matt tripped. It was an unusual occurrence for the gifted athlete. What was even more unusual was the pain that hit Matt in the stomach. Matt reached for his six pack abs only to feel them melt in his hands and turn into an ever expanding gut. Matt felt his muscles morph into soft fat everywhere. He felt his thighs and ass expanding at an alarming rate. All at once, his clothes tore off of him, leaving him a fat quivering mess in only a pair of oversized tighty whities that eventually filled to near breaking point again with Matt’s ever growing ass. His stomach expanded that most, pushing against his now sausage-like fingers. Matt reached for his groin in fright as he felt his penis shrink. He frantically grabbed at every part of his body, from his mammoth behind to his saggy man boobs. He began to cry.

When Matt finally made it back to his, a formerly 6 foot 3 Matt, 205 pound muscular Matt stood at a mere 5 feet 9 inches, a 350 pound obese nerd.

Then a now 6’4” Tommy Mermen walked up behind Matt. He wore a letterman’s jacket that barely contained his muscles.

He gave Matt a wedgie he would not soon forget.

At the other side of the school, Tanya Maddox sat down to eat her lunch, having just knocked Patty Marks tray to the ground. She often loved tormenting Fatty Patty, and on her last day of class, really made a show of humiliating her.

Tanya sat down at her lunch table and grabbed her carrot, only to have it turn into a Twinkie in her hand. Tanya went to toss it aside, but instead found herself greedily shoving it into her mouth. Tanya looked up at the now empty cafeteria and instead of people found her table covered by a pyramid of Twinkies. Unable to control herself, Tanya dove into the pyramid and began shoving Twinkie after Twinkie into her mouth.

Not bothered by the mess she was making as she crushed Twinkies with her body as she reached for more. Twinkies covered her clothes and body and hair. Eventually she found herself licking the Twinkies that she had squished off of the table. She was disgusted by her own actions, but couldn’t stop herself.

Then she felt the pain in her stomach and pitched onto the table again. Rolling around in the mess of destroyed Twinkies, Tanya felt her hand fill with fat as her former six pack became a ponderous gut. She grabbed at her ass as it expanded outward, ripping through her jeans revealing her thong panties that were being consumed by her cheeks. She grabbed at her once athletic thighs as they expanded beyond thunder and into tree trunk, exploding out of her jeans.

She felt everything about her formerly toned cheerleader body melt into fat. The only thing she felt shrink was her breasts which went from perky C’s to saggy barely B’s. She looked into a mirror and saw her perfect diamond face distort with fat as a doughy double chin formed and her nose widened. She looked down at her sausage-like fingers as they reached for more Twinkies which she began shoving into her mouth two at a time.

Then, clad only in her bra and granny panties, Tanya leaped from the table and stormed into the cafeteria, eating anything she could get her hands on, hotdogs, gravy, chicken, mash potatoes, biscuits, pudding, cake, it all went into her greedy mouth. She caught a glimpse of her reflection off of a metal refrigerator door and screamed at the monster before her and began to scream. But then her scream became a hungry growl and she dove back into more food.

She came up for air and looked down at her soft pot belly which she cradled in her hands as she looked down at her expanding thighs. She gave her bloated rear end a scratch before letting out another groan, not in pain from being full, but in desperate need for more food. Tanya once again found her diving back into a new pile of Twinkies against her will. The pure ecstasy from all the food overtook her inner pleas to stop. She greedily ate more and more becoming more and more accepting of her appetite.

Tanya awoke from her daydream just in time for Patricia Marks to slam her lunch tray up into her chest. Patricia laughed as she walked on by. Tanya looked at the svelte Patricia as she walked away. She scooped up some of the gravy off of her shirt with her fingers and licked her fingers clean. She remembered a time when she used to look like Patricia.

She recalled that she was popular back then. That was two years ago. But then she discovered her love of Twinkies.

What happened after that become a blur as James Parsons shifted his hot body to the other side, reveling in what felt like a cool breeze from the hall.

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