The chances that your son's academic career and life will get burned by a false rape / sexual harrasment or similar claim just went up through the roof.
"Many school disciplinary systems give accused people a firm presumption of innocence, requiring clear-and-convincing evidence of guilt for formal discipline. There is generally no exception for people accused of sexual harassment, who are thus entitled to the same due-process protections as everyone else.
In an April 4 Dear Colleague letter reminding schools that sexual violence can constitute sexual harassment in violation of federal law, the Education Departments Office for Civil Rights (OCR) called this well-established presumption of innocence into question. It claimed that schools cannot use a clear-and-convincing standard of proof typical in school disciplinary procedures for sexual harassment cases: A schools grievance procedures must use the preponderance of the evidence standard to resolve complaints of sex discrimination. See Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence Background, Summary and Fast Facts. Preponderance of the evidence means that if a school thinks there is as little as a 51 per chance that the accused is guilty, the accused must still be disciplined."
Yale and Stanford have already lowered standards of proof, see below.
I have no sons. I don't live in the USA.
Do you?
"Many school disciplinary systems give accused people a firm presumption of innocence, requiring clear-and-convincing evidence of guilt for formal discipline. There is generally no exception for people accused of sexual harassment, who are thus entitled to the same due-process protections as everyone else.
In an April 4 Dear Colleague letter reminding schools that sexual violence can constitute sexual harassment in violation of federal law, the Education Departments Office for Civil Rights (OCR) called this well-established presumption of innocence into question. It claimed that schools cannot use a clear-and-convincing standard of proof typical in school disciplinary procedures for sexual harassment cases: A schools grievance procedures must use the preponderance of the evidence standard to resolve complaints of sex discrimination. See Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence Background, Summary and Fast Facts. Preponderance of the evidence means that if a school thinks there is as little as a 51 per chance that the accused is guilty, the accused must still be disciplined."
Yale and Stanford have already lowered standards of proof, see below.
I have no sons. I don't live in the USA.
Do you?