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Fate Wins Out - By Matt L. (~BBW, Magic, ~MWG)

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Matt L.

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
~BBW, Magic, ~MWG - a vain coquette is magically returned to her alternate destiny

Fate Wins Out
by Matt L.

Tammy Primwell’s lean figure looked exceptional beautiful in the peach colored mini dress that accented her womanly curves. Her delicate features outlined by her lengthy red mane.

It was a no-brainer that she was hired at this certain dress boutique located deep in the heart of the mall. Tammy’s appearance was the perfect match for the apparel on stock.

Bubbly to some degree but annoyingly high maintenance, Tammy had just turned away a pair of overly well nourished young females looking to buy gowns for the prom.

“They had no business shopping here”, Tammy told her co-worker, Jean Macnualty, “I advised them that a plus size dress shop would adequately agree with their figures.”

Jean, a slim brunette, dressed in a red turtle neck and burgundy skirt, modestly agreed, “Yeah, you’re probably right. I doubt we have anything available in their size.”

Jean then excused herself to wait on another customer, giving Tammy ample opportunity to check on her appearance in one of the vast mirrors situated in the shop.

She tapped her flat tummy and complimented herself with an amorous smile.

Tammy’s concentration was surprisingly broken by the sound of Jean’s pleasant voice, “She’s right over there.”

Tammy swayed her slim figure away from the mirror and recognized a friendly face walking toward her.

An amusing smile brought dimples into Tammy’s cheeks as she recognized her old friend, Randy Gimbal.

Randy was agreeable in looks, though a bit scrawny, with sandy brown hair and clothed in a striped T-shirt and khaki slacks. Tammy had known Randy ever since high school and was her very first crush. However, in the chaos brought on through the progression of Tammy’s popularity within the elitist social circle and peer pressure, she rarely mingled with Randy anymore. Sort of an adult nerd, Randy wasn’t the cool type of guy that most chicks sought for romance. However, Randy was diligently respectable, a studious college student and worked part time as a junior league grounds keeper at the local high school.

Tammy rested her hands over her hips, fluttering her eyes as Randy reached her, “Haven’t seen you in a while, what’s up!”

Randy eyes zeroed in on Tammy’s scrumptious figure then drifted unto her sweet face. This wasn’t the same Tammy he knew from Ulysses S. Grant High School.

“You told me if I was ever in the mall to drop by and say hello”, Randy conveyed while blushing.

Thoroughly bathed in perkiness, Tammy elated smiled, “When was that?”

“May 1st when I ran into you at the movies. You were with a date and_.”

Tammy impishly giggled, “Spare me the history lesson, I understand. You have some memory.”

Tammy was impressed that Randy remembered their previous encounter but the pitfalls of her own popularity had discarded Randy unto the heap of old acquaintances rather than contemporary friends.

“It’s very nice that you dropped by to say hello”, Tammy told Randy, her stance flaunting her curvaceous figure. “How’s college and life in general?”

Randy happily buzzed about his studies, top grades and that sort of rigmarole. Tammy courteously nodded while listening to Randy rave about his DVD collection and designing web sites.

Randy still associated with the same small group of friends, no big surprise, and that he enjoyed laboring in the dirt and dust at their former high school. A despicable trade in Tammy’s mode of thinking but she didn’t let on she thought that way.

“Can’t believe I’m working at the same school we went too, Mr. Jenkin’s a different sort of guy when you work for him.”

Tammy chuckled, “That old fossil still there? What is? 150?”

“Yeah, that old rascal still knows his maintenance work, when he’s not drinking or sleeping it off in the shed.”

“That’s all very interesting”, Tammy nonchalantly replied, “But I have to get back to work.”

Randy heard Tammy’s comment, it just didn’t register, “How have you been?”

Among Tammy’s most beloved topics was discussing herself, thus she favored the skinny young man.

“Everything is peachy! Besides working here, I’m taking an online course in fashion design, took a cruise with my friends_.”

On and on Tammy blathered about her popularity and success, concluding with, “And I’m dating more than ever, seeing the best quality of guys.”

“That’s good for you”, Randy’s voice cracking under pressure. Randy was still hopelessly smitten with Tammy but what chance did he have with her now.

Randy took a step back, smiling though his eyes shifting away, “You’ve done well since high school, you’re almost a different girl.”

Regaining his nerve, Randy fondly focused his vision unto Tammy’s delicate face, “I couldn’t picture you hanging out in the cafeteria or persuading me to hand over my ice cream.”

“All for the better”, Tammy pompously hummed, “I’d hate too keep you away from your day.”

Randy understood what Tammy meant.

“Yeah, well nice to see you, I’m going to Best Buy and then grab some lunch”, Randy tensely remarked.

Tammy did feel a tinge ashamed about her dismissive attitude toward Randy and melodiously chirped, “Stop by to visit again!”

Randy awkwardly smiled and made his exit.

Jean advanced toward Tammy with a whimsical grin and mockingly inquired, “You’ve been holding out on me or what? Is that a new boyfriend?”

Tammy rolled her eyes, “Someone I used to know years ago in high school.”

Jean laughed, “You make it sound like high school was eons ago, you’re only 23!”

Tammy hesitated, then guardedly admitted, “It might as well been eons, I wasn’t the same woman then.”

“What? Were you a geek or something?”, Jean giggled.

Tammy flexed her eyebrows, “I feel very uncomfortable telling you this, please keep it a secret.”

“I love secrets!”, Jean enthusiastically warbled, “I promise it’ll stay between us.”

Tammy looked around, only a few customers shuffling around the store.

Holding her breath, Tammy then grunted, “I used to be fat.”

Jean’s eyes grew wide and she chimed, “A little bit chubby were you.”

Tammy dropped her chin and swiped her hand over her smooth tummy.
“It‘s beyond embarrassing, Jean. I was more than a little chubby.”

Jean coolly responded, “And that guy, I suppose you and him were an item?”

Tammy straighten her posture and briefly glanced over her reflection before telling Jean, “Back then, Randy was the only guy who would give me the time of day. So yeah, I mean, we were never an official item but I liked him.”

Jean smiled like a vicious minx, replying with an acid tongue, “How sweet. I surmise there’s a romantic rendezvous after work!”

Tammy swung her face toward Jean, knowing full well the snide comment was in jest, she still needed to set her co-worker straight.

“That was years ago, I was much different then. Randy, despite his numerous qualities, isn’t my type.”

“So Tammy was tubby“, Jean beamed a wide smile.

“Like I said“, Tammy nervously sighed, “Let‘s keep it our secret.”

Tammy momentarily left the scene to wait on a customer, within a few minutes she ventured back to Jean and resumed the conversation.

“You’re curious on how I managed to lose the weight”, Tammy conveyed to Jean who was folding T-shirts.

Jean remained silent as Tammy revealed the details.

“It wasn’t easy, I routinely ate junk food and sweets, I was especially fond of chocolate.”

Tammy’s voice took on a syrupy tone as she mused over her high school years, spending most of her free time in the cafeteria where she appeased her voracious appetite. She blissfully recalled how Randy was always there for her, a steady companion who wasn’t as superficial as the other guys. However, motivated by the popularity ascribed too the much more physically fit chicks, Tammy began to diet and work out. And by senior year she had slimmed down.

“Chocolate is my weakness, bars or shakes, I mean, I could never get enough”, Tammy confided to Jean.

Jean nodded, though she couldn’t masquerade her cynical grin.

Tammy belligerently grimaced, “What’s up with the weird smile?”

Jean was extraordinarily blunt, “Now that you mentioned it, I can kind of tell you used to be a fatty.”

“I beg your pardon!”, Tammy screeched.

Jean didn’t seem at all disturbed with voicing her opinion, casually addressing Tammy like it wasn’t such a secret. “Nothing personnel, Tammy. You just give off this vibe like you’re a tubby gal whose temporarily slender.”

Tammy cantankerously responded, “I’ve kept the weight off for over five years, I’m not going to get fat again.”

Jean gestured with her hands over her hips, gliding them further and further away, “Soon enough you’ll be out of place working here, I suggest filling out an application at the Dairy Queen.”

Tammy didn’t bother to reply and stormed away.

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