This time around, it'll be totally free and I'm going to do whatever I can to keep it free. That means I avoid two things:
1. Publicity
2. Bikinis or the equivalent
That should keep traffic manageable. I want the site to be a place where I can show that anyone is allowed to be beautiful - ANYONE. I'd be happy to do a portrait for anyone here and post it there. There are just a few caveats, provisos, and quid pro quos:
1. I don't want to do any picture that's dangerous, illegal, sick, insane, or obscene.
2. The best pics are where you're NOT looking dead-center into the camera.
3. Once I draw the pic, I own the pic I done did draw.
Whether you're an old friend, new acquaintance, or a total stranger, I'd love to take a stab and drawing you up.
If you're a hater, take it elsewhere. I'm here to have some fun, make some folks happy, and build up the SA community.
If you're a friend, well, how about u post pix plz kthxbi?