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Flip of a Coin - by IrishBard (~BBW (Multiple), Magic, ~XWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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womble/leprechaun hybrid!
Nov 22, 2007
~BBW (Multiple), Magic, ~XWG - A magic coin causes weight gain and other life changes when it is flipped.

Flip of a Coin
by IrishBard

[Author's Note: And now, for a bit of life philosophy

I have often based my decisions on the flip of a coin, like of people, and I have been either happy or unhappy with my results. It got me thinking, what would have happened if the life changing event had happened before I had flipped the coin and I was being dragged back through to a parralel dimension and... it gets a bit complicated.

Here are a few short stories with no real significance]

The Nickel story

“Oh darn it!”

Nat had stubbed her toe again. She limped over onto the bench that she had ran into, feeling her huge rear take up half of it, and took off her shoes to see what the damage was. A busted nail, she moaned, not another one! Her feet were rapidly becoming injury hotspots, her painted toenails were chipped and she moaned about how rough her toes were.

“Oi, move your fat ass, bitch!” a passing runner yelled out at her, Nat hastily got up, allowing for the runner to pause and sit down.

“Next time, watch what you eat and take some exercise, fat ass!” the runner snarled.

Nat just got up and moved on; It was bad enough that her art degree was going badly, than her clumsiness had lost her the only job she had, and that she was lacking money, without people yelling at her because of her size. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her body, it was hers, she could treat it how she wanted, but when people yelled at her, it just reminded her of how she didn’t suit it.

Most of her family, and all of her girlfriends, carried their weight on either their breasts or their ass, or both sometimes, and she fell into the ass category. Her huge ponderous thighs brushed whenever she walked, her huge buttocks rocked from side to side, and her wide hips made it difficult to get through doors. It was all those little niggling things of being a 200lb diva with a 3’ pair of hips that make her life a chore.

Of course, she had Carl, her reliable, if slightly nerdy, boyfriend who was doing his physics degree, to rely on. Carl was a nice guy, compassionate, practical and always willing to help. However, they hadn’t slept together as often as they once did ever since her butt got big. Nat felt dreadful.

As she shuffled along she spotted something on the ground and picked it up. It was a small, unassuming, green box. She opened it, to find a small note and a nickel. She took out the nickel and the note. Maybe she could save it with a bit more to byy… something ... although she didn't know what. She looked at the note.

flip me and spare change

“What on earth?!” she said, flipping the coin absentmindedly.

To her utter amazement, she felt her body change. Her butt fat was being pushed up, as though she was squeezing from the bottom of a tooth paste tube. Similarly to her amazement, it seemed to be going to two places, her belly and her breasts, the latter taking more. She had always had small breast, not much more than an A cup, but now they were quickly becoming D’s and growing fast. She looked down, to see if her clothes were ready to be obliterated yet they seemed to be molding around her newly changing figure. Within seconds the changes had slowed and stopped, and Nat was left to stare at her new figure with astonishment.

Her hips were now a mere 2’ across, her former paunch had now become a suitable pot belly, her breasts had changed from small A cup sling shots to massive FF cup rocket launchers. She felt about herself, surely it was an illusion, surely stuff like this didn’t happen. Some how, she felt that it didn’t matter, but she wanted to make sure, just to know that it wasn’t going to disappear within seconds. It was all real, solid, and sensitive flesh.

Nat smiled to herself, maybe she might be able to get that job back. She knew her boss was a massive pervert, so maybe she’d bend over to give him a better view. Or maybe, her art lecturer might offer her a chance to actually model for her photographs. Or maybe, just maybe, Carl might decide to give her more than just a “good night, Nat,” before he turned out the light.

The Dime story

“Ok, girls, see you tomorrow,”

Tabi waved good bye to her cheerleading friends and waltzed over to the carpark, where her daddy was picking her up from college again. She smiled ear to ear, her cherry lipstick remaining smooth all over, and her wavy shoulder length blonde hair bouncing as she skipped over to the car park. Tabi was the perfect student, a tee-totalling virgin, and really popular with all the important guys and girls.

As she walked, she passed the Goth crowd, who were sitting under the tree in the warm summer sun. They had always confused Tabi, as they seemed to be depressed all the time, even on a wonderful sunny day like this. She didn’t bother with it, she was too busy having her perfect life…

Tabi knew that this was a lie. One of the biggest lies of her life, and the darkest and most emotionally scarring, a lie that she hated with all her heart. She was dominated and controlled by her father, who wanted her to be a dream American citizen, since he was running for Congress again for the fifth term.

“Clean Clive” was hardworking, honest, generous, patriotic and supported by a loving family, from his wife Sharon, who baked a spectacular pie each dinner, to his daughter Tabi, who was an A-grade student, to his son Junior, who could be a little scamp some times. Or so everyone believed.

“Clean Clive” was actually a control freak of epic proportions. Everything had to be absolutely perfect, all the time, to avoid any kind of gossip amongst the neighborhood. If not, then he will beat the crap out of anyone who misbehaved. Tabi came back one day with smoke on her clothes, which had only coe from associating with kids who were taking some drags, but her father beat her within an inch of her life. Sharon came in late with her pie, and Clive almost landed her in hospital with the vicious assault that he launched on her. Junior lost a baseball game and got shut in his room for an entire day without food. Even now, Tabi’s wrists under the sweat bands were covered in cut marks from where she had slit her own wrists in self loathing and despair, but then hadn't had the courage to complete the job. .

Tabi looked down, her toe had just nudged something. it was a small, unassuming, green box. She opened it, to find a small note and a dime. She took out the dime and the note.

"Somebody must have left it here, I should return it," was her initial thought. Then she looked at the note.

flip me and spare change

“Oh no, I’m late!” Tabi looked down at her watch as her heart missed a beat over how her dad might beat her up this time. Without thinking, she flipped the coin.

She felt it come instantly. She looked down as her cheerleading uniform began to strain as her body began to grow. Her flat abs became doughy and pudgy, her perky breasts growing larger, her bubble butt began to wobble. She wanted to scream, she didn’t need this, she was going to die when her father found out, but as she tyried to cry out she began to notice her uniform turning black. Her cheerleading top became a large but tight slipknot t-shirt, her miniskirt became a knee length black dress with purple lace around the hem. Her wrist bands became black leather, studded with spikes, and she even felt her eye make up become thicker and her lipstick change from pink to black and her blond hair slowly grow black.

“Oh no, dad is going to…” she said, but stopped, because new memories were beginning to flash into her mind. Three years ago, in this altered reality, her mother had had enough of her father's bullying nature, and publicly shamed him by placing pictures of him beating up her and Tabi and Junior at a public dinner with the senator and members of the media. She then filed a divorce, and took the swine for every cent he had.

Her Dad was now a homeless waste of space, whilst mum was a successful career woman, who didn’t mind if her daughter or her son behaved in anti-social manner, as long as they were happy and out of trouble getting decent grsades. She quickly pulled off her wrist band, checking to see if there were any cuts. There were none, her milky skin was as soft and as smooth as her boyfriend Victor's smile.

Tabitha the Goth walked over to the tree where her friends were sitting, middle fingering the occasional cat calls of “Hippo!” Yes she was big, a full 250lbs, but she was happy and content with her life. She might look depressed, but underneath, she was glad to be alive.

“You doing anything tonight?!” Victor said, hugging her, his faint Russian accent hinting at something more than just sleeping.

“I’ll bring a condom!” Tabitha replied.

The Quarter story

“And another thing, Nigel, you get your limey butt into that office and do that work, or you're fired, you hear me?!”

Marisa slammed the phone shut and sat in the park, munching her salad. As a fiery business woman, Marisa knew how to be harsh to people, and controlling, and demanding, and ruthless, and vindictive, when she wanted to be. She didn’t get where she was, CEO of Growmore industries, a firm that produced the most powerful fertilizers on the planet, by being nice.

If she was nice, she would allow people to walk all over her, and she didn’t want that, no, not at all! All of her teenage years she had spent being a easy push over slob, and she didn’t want to go back there, thank you! Maybe she was being too easy on Nigel, maybe she should promote his rival Gray in order to get him moving. She had known Nigel for so long, but he was beginning to slip. He just needed the right persuading in order to get his ass in gear!

She returned back to her salad. She didn't really need it, but she wanted to keep her figure and had drilled herself not to eat anything fattening. She wanted to be CEO, and she wouldn't let herself slip, not now, not ever! She had worked too hard for this, given up good boyfriends, including Nigel, cut her long hair to chin length, in order to get to this position. If she took one tiny slip, it would all crash down upon her! She needed to be the image of perfection, otherwise she would only fail, thats what she had taught herself, and failure was not an option!

She got up off the park bench, throwing the rest of the salad away, went to pick up her hand back and her eyes caught something. it was a small, unassuming, green box. She opened it, to find a small note and a quarter. She took out the quarter and the note. Somebody must have left it here, careless fools that they were. She looked at the note.

flip me and spare change

"Who puts out this garbage!" she seethed, flipping the coin out of frustration.

She looked down and screamed. Her flat stomach was now slowly creeping out from underneath her business suit, which was beginning to strain already, due to its "Figure hugging" design. Her hips were pushed at the sides of her trousers, whilst her legs made the trousers seem like sausage skins. Her small B cup bra was being pushed and pleaded with to move against dominating D-cup breasts. Within seconds her suit was in tatters on the street curb, leaving only her naked fat body left. it contined to grow, her formerly pointy fingers becoming fat sausages, and even her toes becoming chubbier.

"Help me someone!" she shreiked, but then something strange happened, she felt an overwhelming sense of calm fall over her. She should have been terrified, a meeting in five minutes and she was 350lbs, looking like she had never seen a gym, but she was suddenly filled with this air of peace and serenity. Along with that came her new clothes, a baggy, tye-dye dress and a self knitted flowery scarf, along with a sixties head band over her waist length wavy hair, which was now dyed maroon.

Someone, help me this instant, I've been turned into a Huge hippy, and I demand to be changed back! her mind shreiked to say, but the words that came out of her lips were "wow, trippy."

She looked around, just in time to see Nigel, dressed in a strange suit, looking like Austin Powers, only made worse by the fact that he was balding slightly.

"Hey baby, hows it hanging?" he said in his charming British accent... Wait a moment, she thought, she had always hated his accent! but now she remembered, it felt strangely comforting.

Nigel, Cut the Act and tell me what on earth is happening!!

"Hi babe, yeah, everything's groove, you know. Fancy going back to work, We've got a few more customers, all asking for roses. Love is in the air, I suppose."

What are you babbling about you moron, What roses, what customers, and since when were you my equal!

"Yeah, that sounds cool," she replied, finding herself feel more confident in what she was saying now, the niggling uncool self slowly dying away.

"Yeah, maybe later, we could meet up with Gray and Melanie and go out for a pint before we call it a night. Mum can watch the rug rsts."

What, You and Gray are Friends?! Melanie's still with Gray?! We're togetherI have kids?! the voice inside was nothing more than a fading murmur.

"Baby, you know how to make a deal." Nigel hugged her and kissed her on the lips, before the two walked off to the small florists "Growmore", managed by a lovely pair of students, Natalie, a good-hearted black girl who was doing an art degree, and Tabitha, a cheery Goth girl who was doing a music scholarship, and owned by Nigel, a British born salesman, and Marisa, his wonderfully nice wife and business partner.

The end

[or is it? Where did these boxes come from? Who or what created them? Are there more out there? I don't know, maybe there are more, and stronger coins out to flip? But that is for another time, another story, posibly by another author.]

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