I'm your huckleberry
I have decided to write a quick post, which I happen to know for a fact that no one will read, as was the fate of other perfectly well-written posts [imho] about what I have learned about the size acceptance movement as part of my project for a certain posters' sage advice to a newbie.
I have learned quite a bit in my time on Dims. Part of what I have learned is deeply personal, and thus I WOULD NEVER share in such a public forum.
But other things have come to light that are very enlightening or just plain entertaining.
I have learned the power of perspective and perception - that there is a difference between the two and its a distinction that is worth noting.
I have also learned that the acceptance of one's body must come from within and cannot be dictated or influenced by an outside party, such as a loved one.
I have also learned that the "mean girls" mentality is not something that is restricted to skinny bitches in high school. It can happen in real life and without provocation.
I have learned that I really like being myself, whatever form or size that might be - oh wait, I didn't need Dims to tell me that. I needed Dims to tell me that other people are in the same boat, being controversial and contrary to some of societies' mores.
I have learned that my opinion, however small or trivial matters - and some people take joy in sharing a plethora of different opinions.
I have learned that size acceptance isn't about "fat" - its about embracing your body and being healthy in mind, body and spirit regardless of societies' strictures regarding the ideal form of beauty.
[thinly veiled sarcasm aside, lots of you out there in Dims land really helped bring these points home for me - so thanks
Well, Dims, thanks for listening and participating in my DEEPLY PERSONAL JOURNEY TOWARD SELF DISCOVERY. I think thats a good start. I am sure I will hear more from my so-called "instructor". Or really, aren't we all each others instructors in the classroom of life . . . okay, that was over the top even for me lol. Oh, and here's the bow that several people have requested in pm and rep form: :blush:
I have learned quite a bit in my time on Dims. Part of what I have learned is deeply personal, and thus I WOULD NEVER share in such a public forum.
But other things have come to light that are very enlightening or just plain entertaining.
I have learned the power of perspective and perception - that there is a difference between the two and its a distinction that is worth noting.
I have also learned that the acceptance of one's body must come from within and cannot be dictated or influenced by an outside party, such as a loved one.
I have also learned that the "mean girls" mentality is not something that is restricted to skinny bitches in high school. It can happen in real life and without provocation.
I have learned that I really like being myself, whatever form or size that might be - oh wait, I didn't need Dims to tell me that. I needed Dims to tell me that other people are in the same boat, being controversial and contrary to some of societies' mores.
I have learned that my opinion, however small or trivial matters - and some people take joy in sharing a plethora of different opinions.
I have learned that size acceptance isn't about "fat" - its about embracing your body and being healthy in mind, body and spirit regardless of societies' strictures regarding the ideal form of beauty.
[thinly veiled sarcasm aside, lots of you out there in Dims land really helped bring these points home for me - so thanks
Well, Dims, thanks for listening and participating in my DEEPLY PERSONAL JOURNEY TOWARD SELF DISCOVERY. I think thats a good start. I am sure I will hear more from my so-called "instructor". Or really, aren't we all each others instructors in the classroom of life . . . okay, that was over the top even for me lol. Oh, and here's the bow that several people have requested in pm and rep form: :blush: