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Going Down in Size 4 - by Vader7476 (~BBW (mult), Eating, Introspection, ~SWG,~SWL)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (mult), Eating, Introspection, ~SWG,~SWL -

Going Down in Size - Part 4
by Vader7476

(For the prior installment of this story, click here)​

Chapter Four

Amanda was in her room, wrestling with the epiphany Nikki had triggered – comparing her to the old Shannon , aware of her own pilgrimage but not of the changes in her former friend’s life. Rebecca similarly was distant from her friend Shannon, adjusting to the realities of her own family.

And so Shannon lay asleep on her bed alone, wrappers and boxes thrown about and empty, dealing alone with what had happened. It was only a few hours after her mother’s tirade, but she had finished all the food and fell asleep still in tears over what had happened. Unbeknownst to her, her parents were talking about her downstairs.

Her father had heard his wife shouting earlier, and determined that, although it might be painful, he needed to confront her. It was alright for him to have tyo live with the consequences of old decisions, but they should not be allowed to impact his daughter.
He bided his time for a couple of hours, having learned over the years that giving Carol space and letting her cool down for a bit was always best in this type of situation. Eventually they sat in the kitchen, lit by candle light alone. This darkened the already dark room. The steel appliances seemed to have vanished amongst the shadows, as had the hardwood floor. It’s as if the cabinets and countertops were floating with the chairs, and going through space. At least this was the view one would find clearly visible from outside the large cascading windows. Expensive woods gave the room a very traditional yet elegant look while adding character and warmth. The atmosphere was this reason John Andersson liked this room the best.

“Is everything alright Carol?”he asked, knowing better.

“Why would you ask that?”

“Last I checked, it wasn’t normal to yell at your only daughter after she just came home from being away.”

John took a sip of coffee and braced himself.

“You…you heard that?”

“She’s our daughter. You shouldn’t keep quarrels like that a secret between us. What’s going on?” he inquired, giving her a chance to relate what he already knew.

His wife turned away, suddenly becoming reclusive and withdrawn. She was clearly a little shaken up over what had happened - and ashamed that her husband and most loyal friend and supporter knew..

“She’s gained a lot of weight…”

“And?” he let the inflection of his voice show that he wasn’t going to back away.

“I…I yelled at her.” It was clear she wasn’t very proud of what she had done.


“She just shouldn’t be that heavy, not for a girl her age! It’s not healthy. I don’t know what happened at my mother’s place.”

“Is that what this is about? You and your mother again?”

“My mother has nothing to do with this!” Carol shouted. The reference seemed obscure, even irrelevant, but her husband knew exactly what her mind was flashing back to. He’d been dealing with this for years – and to keep peace had finally resigned himself to letting Carol have her beliefs as they applied to her – even though he did not share them. But he was not going to let his wife's obsession impact Shannon ’s life too!

“It does connect! And you’re letting it get in the way of you and YOUR daughter - OUR daughter! I’m not going to sit here and let you do it!”

John had hoped not to let this get this far, but it was too late. They were into the old argument, and this time he was standing his ground.

“John, the girl is far too big. I’m not going to sit back and watch her ruin her perfect figure like my mother let me!”

“Yes, I remember a time when you weren’t the thinnest girl on the block.” John downed the last of his coffee swiftly and almost venomously, slamming the mug on the table. “And I married you anyway. When are you going to stop blaming your mother for your weight 20 odd years ago?”

Carol gritted her teeth as he continued.

"And that goes for your small chest too. There never was any way your mother could have caused that. Carol, your Mothrer wasn't to blame for you being yourself - and you can't be to Shannon what you seem to think your mother failed to be to you - a controller.”

"If she'd not been so permissive I wouldn't have gotten so fat
She started to tear up. “I…I just don’t want Shannon to become obese and blame me for it.”

Her husband hugged her. He’d resolved long ago to love her at any size – even though she was far less physically by fifty pounds than the woman who’d caught his eye. She had never been able to grasp or believe his professions of his true feelings about her decisions regarding her own weight. She’d been made to see her size as a symbol of failure and lack of self-control, become convinced her mother had been an enabler, and been convinced by her peers that she needed to change In order to prove her worth as a woman.

“She’s not you! What’s more important: your daughter’s weight or her love?” He kissed Carol on the cheek.

His wife already had realized the transference of her own guilt feelings that she’d projected onto her daughter. She had been trying to rationalize it as having be for “her own good” but knew that wasn’t the truth.

“I’m such a horrible parent,” Carol started crying.

“No, you’re not. If you want her to lose weight to be more healthy that’s understandable, but if it’s not her desire, don’t push the issue. She’s a big girl now; she can make her own choices. We, as parents, aren’t here to tell her what to do, but to pick her up if we must as she stumbles down the path she’s chosen.”

“My family doesn’t deserve me. You’re far too good.”

“Nonsense, Carol. Now why don’t you go up there and apologize?”

Carol knew he was right – she’d totally blown it with Shannon, who did have a right to be her own person. But she wasn’t wholly ready. And of course she didn’t yet see entirely that the harm wasn’t just the one incident - she had been projecting for years and was responsible indirectly for Shannon ’s having turned on Amanda and her high school chums..

They kissed. “I love you John. I’ll let her sleep…I don’t want to wake her, but in the morning I’ll apologize and back off.”


The clear night sky was filled with brilliant stars that night, and the moon was shining perhaps more brightly than usual. Slowly and surely it faded; drowned out by the morning blaze of the sun. Through Shannon ’s window it glowed, brightening everything. Shannon slowly began to awake from her slumber as the warm radiance touched her. She quickly realized she wasn’t alone.

“What do you want?” Shannon asked groggily, with an over-obvious hint of exasperation.

Her mother was sitting beside her bed in her pink house coat. Shannon didn’t know how long she had been there like that, but it seemed as if it had been a while.

“I want to apologize for last night.” her mom began simply.

Shannon’s face was still partially buried under her pink and purple covers as her mother spoke. Her mom’s words started to wake her up and make her more aware of her surroundings. She was still upset about what had happened..

“I…I overreacted. Shannon …I’ve never really told you why your grandmother and I don’t get along. It was a long time ago, way before you were born. I used to be a big girl, and was teased. I used to blame her for it, for feeding me, and for not making me lose weight. I just…I didn’t want that to happen to you, which is why I’ve always tried to get you to exercise. I didn’t know how to handle you gaining weight all of a sudden. I know it doesn’t make what I did right…but please forgive me.”

It wasn’t the whole story, but it was more than she’d ever shared before. Shannon’s mom was suddenly crying and hugging her daughter, more for her own comfort than for Shannon ’s.

“Please don’t hate me, I’m sooo sorry Shannon , I’m such a bad mom.”

They had never had a very good relationship, but Shannon was astonished at the apology. It struck a chord and she seemed more understanding toward her mother now. With a little reluctance she said, “Its OK, Mom, I forgive you.”

Shannon then hugged her blonde mother.

They stopped hugging.

“I do want to make something clear though. I’m not going to kick you out of school or anything, but I would like you to lose some weight. If you don’t want to, that’s your choice, but I think it’s too much on your frame and not very healthy. Regardless of your decision, I want you to know that I’ll support you and that I love you.”

She kissed her daughter. “I’ve missed you so much. Now get dressed and come downstairs, I’ve nearly finished making your favorite breakfast.”

And with that, Shannon ’s mother left the room and went downstairs.
Shannon sat up in her bed, stretching her arms and twisting her back. She looked around and noticed all of the empty boxes and wrappers. She couldn’t help but feel guilty. It’s not as though she hadn’t been eating a lot already, but that was the first time she’d really pigged out alone. Before there was always Rebecca or Brad along with her, but this time it was different. She felt fat. She could feel her small stomach starting to touch her legs as she bent forward. She felt her bra and panties digging into her flab, starting to disappear. She felt fat, and no one was saying otherwise. She didn’t have the same comfort as before.

She wished desperately to see Rebecca’s fat ass pushing the limits of her pants, or Brad’s gut hanging over his belt. At the same time part of her wanted to be thin again. She needed someone to tell her it was okay, that she still looked good. Every time she tried to tell herself she wasn’t that big, or it was all curves…that number kept coming up. 176, like a bad dream, it wouldn’t leave her psyche.

She had dreamed last night, most likely a result of her binge on Sugar. She recalled the nightmare

Everything was blackened out. There was no setting, just her. She lay naked, on her stomach eating from a trough. She was massive. Her legs and arms couldn’t touch the ground, only her huge breasts and large stomach. Rolls upon rolls of flab kept moving to their own beat, a rhythm set by her chubby, multiple chinned face eating like a pig. She constantly ate what was in there, never growing less hungry, always more. Her creamy flesh grew and grew, as she continued to eat. She heard a voice, distant but familiar. It grew louder, closer, and clearer.

It was Brad. “What happened to you? You used to be beautiful, not some pig.” As he said that, he started to shake his head and disappear, floating away into the abyss.

Shannon continued to eat. She heard another voice. This time, a fatter Rebecca emerged from the darkness. She took some food from the trough, and her butt ballooned a little more. “You better be careful Shannon , or you’re gonna get fat.”

She took another bite as she filled out a bit more. “I mean, you’re my friend, but your boobs have gotten too big. And yeah, there is such a thing as too big.” Rebecca’s clothes ripped as she took another bite. She too disappeared.

“My boobs are huge and beautiful, you’re just jealous.” Shannon managed to say between bites. The sound of giggling quickly grew louder.

“Beautiful? You can’t even lift them anymore!” Jennifer giggled. She was as thin as ever, with her blonde hair in its usual pony tail.

“Boy, how the mighty have fallen.” Mary laughed. She looked the same as she had months ago as well, curly hair, blue eyes, and very toned. Both girls started laughing and jiggling Shannon .

“You know,” Jennifer said, “We used to look up to your beautiful thin physique and large breasts…but now” She started giggling again as she went to Shannon ’s back, trailing her finger along the way.

“How long has it been since you’ve had a man?” Mary said devilishly as she strutted up to Shannon ’s front with her hands on her hips. The breast was too large for her to lift (It dwarfed her in size), but she managed to wriggle the nipple out from under the many pounds of fat that were Shannon ’s breasts. She flicked the left nipple and started sucking and trying to massage the expanse of the breast.

Meanwhile, Jennifer had made way to Shannon ’s covered pussy lips. It had taken some work, but she managed to push the fat out of the way in order to plunge her fingers into it. Both of their pleasurable moans echoed endlessly. Louder and more frequently they let out their built up tensions and titillations. Harder and harder Mary sucked on Shannon ’s nipple. It had grown fat, like the rest of her. Her aureole had stretched significantly, buried mostly under the adipose. Mary couldn’t judge the size of it, but the nipple itself wasn’t much longer than her own, however, it was much plumper and had grown even larger as Shannon became aroused.

Jennifer had switched from her fingers to her mouth, as she licked out Shannon . Her tongue exploring Shannon ’s inside feverishly, as she slowly kneaded her fat ass, or what she could reach of it. Shannon wanted to eat more, but the pleasure was a new experience. It had been so long since Brad left her, which was the last time she felt this sort of pleasure, but at the same time she wanted nothing more than to eat. She left out a soft moan. “Harder,” Shannon slowly and softly said.

Mary looked up as she said it, and hungrily complied. She swirled her tongue around the fat nipple, sucking at it as hard as she could. Suddenly, she felt something warm enter her mouth. It trickled in at first, but soon increased in pressure. She released the nipple from her mouth and watched a brown liquid coming out of the nipple. She took another sip of the creamy milk. “You’re so fat you’re lactating chocolate milk!” Mary laughed at the absurdity.

“Please…don’t stop. The pressure is too much, it’s building too fast! They’re so heavy, I need release!” Shannon was practically begging.

Mary looked at her with cruel eyes. “No.”

Shannon looked at her with shock and confusion.

“I’m not drinking that, and becoming a fat unwanted blob like you.” Mary laughed, her icy eyes penetrating Shannon ’s heart like a dagger.

Jennifer was finding a similar problem. The scrawny blonde had made Shannon moist, but the chocolate milk was leaking out from her pussy. “It’s like that back here too Mary! Ugh, I’m not getting huge for your bitchy ass.”

They had brought Shannon to the brink of climax, and had stopped.

“No, please wait…I’ll do anything!” She struggled with all her might, but couldn’t move. Her arms and legs were too large for her to move, and her nipples and clit too far away to touch. She was helpless. The more she frantically tried to do something, anything to alleviate the tension, the more she jiggled and the more it turned into pain.

“Awww,” Jennifer said scornfully. “Looks like huge tits Shannon is too fat to move or even pleasure herself. Too bad!” Her giggling turned to maniacal laughter. Mary soon joined in.

“What a disgusting pig!” They continued their taunts and torment as they laughed. Slowly but surely they faded away, as did the sexual tension that had built up. Shannon ’s tears streamed down her face. All she had left to comfort her was food, and she dove in with renewed vigor.

“And I thought I was fat.” Shannon looked up, surprised at what she saw. There stood a brunette with a beauty mark under her left eye.

“Amanda?” Shannon couldn’t believe it. It was Amanda…but she was far larger than she remembered. She had to be at least 300 pounds! Her belly apron hung lower than her waist, and her breasts rested on the sides of it. She was very large, and her white clothes were far too tight.

“You’ve gotten fat!” Amanda laughed. “What was it that you said to me? Oh yes, ‘Don’t you think you’ve had enough food for this year? You’ve totally gotten huge. You keep eating like that, and we’ll have to widen the doorways to roll your fat ass out of the house.’”

She continued, “Well, I guess for the moment I’d have to change year to century, and doorways…hell, cranes couldn’t lift or roll you! Who’d have thought that I could say that after becoming twice the size I was when you last saw me! Oh, this is rich!”

Shannon couldn’t say anything. There was nothing to say.

“You’re not my daughter.” A thin blonde said walking in front of Shannon . It was her mother.

“Amanda, let’s make you thin!” And with a snap of her fingers, Amanda was slim. Her face was defined, she had a waist, and she was petite!

“Thanks Mrs. Andersson…I mean, mom!” Angela said. The two hugged.

“Bye tubby, have fun feeding your tits, they’re all that matter, right?”
Both Amanda and Shannon ’s mom started laughing, and then disappeared..
And with that the dream ended, with Shannon alone, eating, and getting fatter.

She put her feet on the floor; it was rather cold and sent a chill up her spine. Even after the reconciliation with her mom Shannon remembered the dream from last night.

“Am I on a path to really fulfilling that,“ she wondered.

“No. I’ll never get that big.” Shannon tried to reassure herself.
She stood up and started to waddle to the bathroom. She noticed her panties and bra were uncomfortable, even painful. She tried to pull her panties off, and it took more effort than she would have liked. It had left faint marks on her skin.

“I bet my butt’s almost as big as Rebecca’s.” Her bra was easier to get off, and that wasn’t a good thing. As she started shifting in it, the stitching just couldn’t hold up and finally popped off. As she waddled closer to the bathroom, she noticed that her thighs were touching, and she could feel her ass swaying from side to side. After every little detail, she kept seeing 176. Could her mother have lied last night? Sure, her boobs and butt were bigger, and okay, so she had a small tummy, but she wasn’t that fat…was she?

She pulled out the scale again and stood on it. She pushed her breasts out of the way. “Oooh! My tummy’s too big for me to see the numbers!”

She forced herself to bend over and look at the scale. 177.

“I’ve gained another pound! Probably from all the candy!”

Shannon really was that fat. She had tried to deny it for so long, she had tried to downplay it for so long, she had tried to forget about it for so long…but she couldn’t any longer. She explored herself in the tub. Every roll, every crevice, every inch of flab, everything was closely examined as she washed and shaved.

The tub was deep, and the water had become clouded due to the soap and was topped with bubbles. They hid her lower portions, but she knew she was big no matter how much she tried to hide. As she got out and drained the tub, she took a towel from the rack. It had trouble fitting around her. She noticed it took longer to dry, as water tended to find shelter where the fat would ooze and fold over, forming small rolls.

Shannon wasn’t as fat as she thought, or as she made it seem, but being thin her whole life contrasted her plumper form quite a bit. She was being far too hard on herself. It didn’t help that she was raised like that. She was hard and demanding as lead cheerleader, as her mother was on her weight. Her lifestyle had just slipped by her, without her noticing. It was a bit scary for her, but at the same time she sort of liked it. That didn’t help matters, and scared her even more.

Sure, no one at school had teased her about her weight, and Brad even seemed to like it. But what did she really think and believe? Would Brad find her gross if she got bigger, like in her dream? Did that matter?

She looked in the bathroom mirror as she dried her hair. Her face was a bit softer, and some fat had accumulated under her chin, but she was still pretty. Unfortunately, that’s about as far as her mirror went. She saw the beginnings of her cleavage, but it had been like that for years. Shannon walked out of the bathroom and looked at the large mirror over her huge bureau.

It allowed her to see much more of herself. Her boobs were huge.

“No wonder I couldn’t get my shirt off the other night.” She couldn’t believe how massive they were. But…were they too big? It was obvious she gained weight the most in her chest. She seemed a little out of proportion. They could be seen from the back, and covered most of her front. She liked her boobs, a lot, but without a bra they made her lower back hurt a little.

“I’m way too big to not have a bra,” she acknowledged. Shannon arched her back and pushed her lower back, which helped. She lifted them, realizing how much heavier they had gotten. She looked at her small gut, pinched it, and poked it.

She had to admit, it wasn’t as bad as she had thought…but she didn’t want it to get any bigger. If it were up to her, she’d cut it off, but having it wasn’t really that> bad. As she turned around and tried to get a good look at her butt, she caught a glimpse of her profile.

“Does my butt really stick out that far!” She ran her hands down to confirm that the mirror wasn’t playing tricks on her, and even shook a little to see what she looked like. “I still look good, especially for a fat girl. But…I don’t want to get any bigger!”

Shannon fumbled through her clothes to find something comfortable to wear around the house today. Most of her undergarments pinched her, and most of her outer-wear was a bit tight. She pulled out the only thing she had that was loose, a pair of Brad’s sweatpants and one of his shirts. She pulled the sweats over her legs rather easily. They even had a little breathing room around her butt. The grey sweats fit very nicely.

“Well, he doesn’t have that big of a lower half anyway…well, except where it counts.” Shannon grinned. She still felt like a little girl when thinking about her boyfriend; full of admiration, wonder, and awe. She took the white shirt he had given her. Even though it was washed, it still smelt like him. She recalled him giving them both to her because they didn’t fit him well anymore. Little did she know that he had noticed her increasingly tight wardrobe.

She easily put it on, and it had hung down to the top of her thighs. It was a little snug around her boobs, but she had expected that. In any event, it was much looser than the rest of her tops. She was just glad to be comfortable again. Still, the newfound comfort of her clothes didn’t overcome the sadness she felt knowing that only a large man’s clothes fit her well at the moment.

She slowly waddled out of her room and jiggled down the large stairs.

“Geez.” She gasped. “Have these stairs always been this big?” She soon reached the bottom. “Alright, me without a bra…not a good idea.”

Her breasts were still swaying slightly and she was a little out of breath. “I can’t believe I’m so out of shape.”

She had never really realized how much heavier her footsteps were, and with each realization she kept seeing the number “177” pop up in her head on a scale, and then whiz past. All of the recent drama and situations by now had twisted her psyche into believing she was much heavier than she was, into thinking she had pains she didn’t have, into considering herself ugly and huge. It was a mind over matter situation, and no one was there to reaffirm her right mind.

(Click here for next installment)

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