Well-Known Member
a lot of people post things here they find online that they find prejudicial and upsetting. this video from Frontline talks about the money making power of a "like" but the same is true of clicks and views. it is a good thing to keep in mind the next time you spread a fat haters blog or page by sharing it or the link and encouraging friends to comment on it. it's true that they are very nasty and prejudicial but they are that way on purpose. the more desperate they are to make money the more extreme and nasty their antics get -- like fat shaming week etc.... it's not really about you or your fat. it's but pandering to sadists. it's mainly about media prostitutes and their willingness to do absolutely anything for low grade fame or cash selling out who they really are. if you aren't familiar with how it works please take the time to watch the video to understand what is going on so that next time you itch to share or comment you'll think twice.