I just wanna introduce myself I am Missy just call me that some call me metal. metalhead haha. Whats in that name hehe check out my website hehe i have a impressive metal collection. I am starting to learn bout size acceptance . To help battle my own inner demons.I have been having trouble for years with low low self esteem i feel i aint as attractive as thin girls are. I feel left out of society cause of this. I am not pro or anti weight loss surgery so I will declare that I have been to a seminar for myself but I talked it over to my doctor right now i am so unstable with depression that if something bad were to happen from it i couldnt' accept it so i decided to start taking byetta shots which comes somehow from gila monster venom so far a 20 lb weight loss from it in just a months time. I was in weight watchers but it got expensive it was either they get my money Dubya for the gas prices. I needed a way of transport. I live with my mom and brother. I am thestic satanist I believe in a satru norse paganism and combine it with Laveyian satanism. I got my own system as with everything. I am just here and willing to learn self improvement so while i am losing weight for my health reasons cause of pcos. and diabetes. i do wanna learn to accept and love myself now so i can then. I have a therapist through mental health thats find an dandy but would love friends and outside support if that makes sense.I ain't a good typer and sometimes my grammar stinks. I hope I am understandable. I have many pets I am a animal lover my therapist told me reason I have such a deep rooted love and devotion for animals is i have yet to be hurt by one . hehe all though couple weeks ago my tarantula bit me but she was upset cause of the heat wave I am okay as you can imagine someone my syze and thick skinned wouldn't get much impact from a low toxic tarantula. I have a emperor scorpion too . 4 cats. 2 rats. and a ferret. I devote my entire life to animals. and their preservation i just wich i sould learn to dot he same kinda thing for myself and love towards myself as i do them . Sometimes i am the worst one for fat jokes. cause thats all i been taught. I got some stuff off the web to help bigmamma welllness stuff . I am going to do that stuff to help and joined NAAFA yahoo group and stuff. Hope I will be accepted here. Thats all I look fore in life is acceptance and approval not just from others but i wanna get it from myself to someday.
enough of me .other things i like besides metal . i love movies, mostly horror. anything on forensics. cooking, cooking books, and appliances. and the sims . i am a big sims freak. love building little houses for them and making stories outta them.
enough of me .other things i like besides metal . i love movies, mostly horror. anything on forensics. cooking, cooking books, and appliances. and the sims . i am a big sims freak. love building little houses for them and making stories outta them.