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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
After three weeks of waiting, calling, waiting some more...

HP has had my laptop for what seems like forever, as I turned it on about a month ago...and it had officially died. Kaput. The End.

They took their time and finally decided that my laptop was a lost cause, and informed me that I could visit Best Buy and choose a new laptop.

Yes, free laptop. Woot! Then again, I still had to buy Antivirus software, Spy sweeper, and all the other things that the Geeks at BB told me that I just HAD to have. Not to mention, they also "Optimized" it for me...whatever that means.

Needless to say, because my laptop sucked, I shelled out around $300 for my new and "free" laptop.

Screw you, Hewlett Packard. Screw you.

In other news, I missed everyone SO much! I hadn't forgotten about you. :) And I'm very excited to be back.

*hugs everyone*

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