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Is Fat the new step in evolution?

Dimensions Magazine

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A half full kinda girl
Mar 2, 2007
, Definetly female!
I have to write a 10 min persuasive speech for my communications class. After much debate I decided to do it on the conspiracy of the diet industry.

Now this has been a theory of mine for a while, that the diet, medical, and food industries are working together to make money off of America's obession with trying to be thin. I also beleive that they plant the need to be thin seed and perpetuate the cycle through fad diets, health scares, and pills that will inevitably make you gain more weight back once you go off the diet and cause you to put more money into a new way to lose the mysterious returning pounds. I didn't expect to find so many books and articles supporting my beliefs however.

In one of the books I am getting information from, I will get back to you later with her name, but the author goes on to say that she believes it is perfectly natural that the world is getting heavier. She believes that it is not just an after effect of the society but our body's natural progression. I can't even begin to tell you how much this made me smile. Another book, Opposing Viewpoints had an interesting article about how doctors had no real way to prove that obesity was the causation for the many health conditions that it is pinned to, and that the same person with diabetes may have still got it had they been 100 lbs lighter. When I get more of my research together I will fill you all in, but as a BBW, and FA, and someone who has actively tried to gain weight before, some of my findings intruiged me. I think the biggest set back for me as far as being my ideal size, probably between 380 and 400lbs one day is the health issues, as it is with many. I enjoy being active and would never want my mobility comprimised but the fear of cancer, diabetes, not having children, ect always rings in my mind. I have noticed that my weight can throw my hormones off when it fluctuates but my doctor assures me that it's just "because I'm obese," as a matter of fact that is her answer for everything from a toothache to a sinus infection. If what some of the authors are saying is true than ppl like many of us here at dimensions may become the majority and accept it. I know when I was a little girl I used to dream of being fat, by the time I was fat and in middle school I thought I was crazy for wanting it. Perhaps these urges are in more people than we think and they are just shaking them off.

Any thoughts, I thought it would be an interesting topic for discussion but then again I'm going off of 4 hours of sleep from last night. Not to mention it's already bedtime again lol. Ahh the life of a college student.


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